
Fasting Teenagers

April 22, 2008 | 1,950 views

Fasting Teenagers Face Many Pressures Fasting teenagers may have parental support or opposition. Fasting teenagers younger than 18 years of age need to request your guardian to fast. Some parents support teenagers on short juice fasts and others radically... 


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  • Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day (257)
    • Sylvia: Hello everyone. I have benn off my fast for about a week and it seems that i gained half the weight back.Its upsetting when i felt so good and it terrifies me that i do the fsting AND then immediately i gain it back. I am going to start again today and keep the watermelon in. I just need...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Pastor, Be careful of those dreams as those foods that become obsessions about 12 hours after breaking a fast. That is the blow it point. Usually the first day after about 4 hours then these emotions my discipline very hard and the dreams of food become a reality. The longer the...
    • Pastor: Thank you for the prompt reply Tom. I guess now i am wondering how long after i eat any of what you mentioned will i be able to really have a meal? I am making every effort to avoid any agony. What kind of salad would you recomend? MAN! I CAN’T WAIT TO EAT FOOOOOOOD. Last night i...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Pastor, You can break a fast when you want but I would not continue the salt treatment for extended periods. You can break a fast on fruit, a fruit shake, or even a salad. I prefer breaking a water fast with any fresh juice.
    • Pastor: Hi there Mr. Tom. I am on my 4th day doing the Master Clense. I am drinking 32oz of non iodized salt daily. I am 5feet seven and now 156 pounds. I do not mind the weight loss but am fasting for the resetting of my system (detox). would it be a good idea to eat on the sith day? What should...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Ona, No that is not preachy that is brutal honesty. Thanks for sharing that. Many people have issues with food but they never discuss it but honesty is the only path to healing. Tom
    • Jess: Hi Ona Im glad to hear from you! Im proud to hear that you are winning with negative thoughts about about. That is something I am still working on right now. ALot harder than I thought it would be. I know what you mean by “me” as seperate from my “body”..I miss that...
    • Ona: Hi Tom, Hi All, Well, it turns out part of the problem was that my scale had gone wonky. When it showed that I gained 30 pounds overnight, I finally got suspicious. (grin) Still, I’m with you, Jess. Scale or no scale, the 30 pounds shook me up enough to cut back to eating almost...
    • ann: this is a water fast and they totally do support me i just want to know how much weight im going to lose cause i dont want to lose too much…while on the water fast its self-motivated btw
    • Jess: Hi Tom I havent gotten to that one yet…the Eating in Freedom. I am going to start another juice fast today. I will make sure to read that tonight. I feel during this fast I will be going in with a different perspective and focusing on deeper issues. Thanks so much Jess :)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Ann Is this a juice of a water fast. It it part of a church group or is this self motivated. If you have no health or self esteem issues you can safely fast. You can contol weightloss buy drinking more juice. The more you drink the less you lose. Are your parents supporting you....
  • Fasting Teenagers (17)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Mary, That is encouraging. If you send in a testimony and a pic I will gladly post it. One thing that is for sure fasting keeps you young.
    • mary: hello, I am an x model. and have been on several fasts in my day. I just wish I would have had Toms wisdom throughout them. most of my friends in the industry fasted on diet pepsi before a shoot. it was a joke, its horrible for your body and leaves you shaky and grouchy. I fasted on carrot...
  • Juice Fasting Testimony-Healed: Sinus Allergies, Migraines, Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Back Pain, Food Addiction  (3)
    • Jess: Hi Julia I am glad to hear this motivates you! I had NO idea how good I would feel doing this for myslef. And that is what exactly hapened to me I felt like my old self again. I went through a depression as well. I did juice and water but had both of them daily. I do wish you best of...

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Quote From the Books

This is the information I have been searching for. So clear, so commons sense, I wonder why I missed it. When I was younger, I was an athlete, but now…. 20 years later, oh no. But, you gave me new vision and inspiration. Second day of my juice fast and my wife is loves the recipe book. I would recommend these books to anyone how needs a life overhaul. — Juan Callion

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