
Fasting Teenagers

August 15, 2008 | | 6,529 Views

Fasting Teenagers Face Many Pressures Fasting teenagers may have parental support or opposition. Fasting teenagers younger than 18 years of age need to request your guardian to fast. Some parents support teenagers on short juice fasts and others radically... 


Recent Comments:

  • Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (161)
    • Ariella: Hey! im 14 weight: 120 lbs i want to try a juice or water fast for at least 5 days! if you wish to support me please drop an email :) i will be happy to encourage u in a fast as well! Thanks u
    • Nikki: thanx 4 your support mr. kim! i was on day 2 when i wrote that & starting over every day at midnight. i’d do awesome all day long, just distilled water maybe half a cup of fresh veggie juice. then 4 or 5 o’clock would roll around & i’d be jonesin for a snack like...
  • Discover Juice Fasting (44)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Vanessa I recommend a juice fast using an extractor. Try the sugar scrub using white sugar rubbed gently on the face. It will open the pores and remove the dead skin. After the fast stop eating fried food or any processed oils and sugars and your skin will heal.
    • Vanessa: Tom, I desperately needed to find your site. I am so excited to start my first fast. I have a juicer and love it, but am ready to take it to the next level. I take a multi-vitamin and a low dose antibiotic for my acne. Are these safe to take while fasting. I’m hoping after adopting...
  • Fasting Club Jan 2009 (69)
    • jen: got a little hungry drank my hot tea my cold isn’t as bad as i thought it would be, going home is going to be a challenge but ill just go to bed early. one more rich soymilk shake tonight if im hungry but tomarow I’ll switch to pure processes fruits and veggies. check in with us...
    • jen: ok day two, so last night I had a fruit shake with strawberries, grapes, blueberries and soymilk, I had the same this morning. I didn’t run because I’m feeling really sick (separate issue my husband gave me a severe cold) but I’m trying not to eat so that my body can focus...
    • rachel: jen, i admire your endeavors. i’m sure you’ll be very successful. i would like to impress upon you, however, that a one small, raw veggie salad before your breakfast would do wonders for the elimination process. during your fast you will be cleansings and depositing much...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Mark, You will feel weaker in the gym and have to push more but the cuts will come and muscle gain if you and press through. Yes spirulina is good but you need a few tablespoons if you want a protein boost. There are some high end whey supplements that are nominally mucus-forming...
    • jen: rhet how long is your fast? and what motivated you to start and when are you going to be done, how long will you wait before you do another one….
    • jen: hello, I am a new vegetarian who has been battling my weight my entire life, I have decided to get myself under control and just be thin already, I’m training for a 1/2 marathon in April but I need to rid myself of my old relationship with food, clear my head and focus on how to...
    • Jessica: I have competitions usually at the end of the week, usually fridays. but my season is just about over and I have championships at the end of this week coming up. so maybe I should wait till after so that I can perform at my best.
    • Rhet: Jessica, You bet fasting will affect your performance–at least, water fasting will. I’ve found that even juice fasting slows me down. I also have to watch out for strange bowel activity, especially at first. It’s not so important if you’re just training, but are you...
    • Jessica: Hi I’ve been thinking of fasting for a while. I always feel backed up inside and irregular. But I am a runner and was wondering if fasting would affect my performance?
    • Rhet: Hey Nikki, glad the “sleights̶ 1; were useful, I was feeling a little embarrassed about having shared all that. But boy, they really have helped me socially. Last night I had “wine” with friends at a concert (once friends have emptied one or 2, they are happy to let...
    • Nikki: rhet, thanks so much for your “sleight of hand” post you are a genius! my boyfriend seems to think i’m going to die from fasting. he keeps cooking all my favorite foods & insisting that i just try a little something. i think your ideas will help me immensely! thanx...
  • Fasting & Excessive Weight Loss (6)
    • Doug: Hi Henley, I have a question for you. I’m 6′2″ tall and my ideal weight has always been between 210-215. Over the past few months I have gained weight. I now weigh 237 lbs and look and feel horrible. Almost all of my clothes don’t fit. I started a low carb diet 6...
  • Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (190)
    • Teresa: I am on day 15 of a water fast and have lost only 18lbs. The past 2 days I have not had any weight loss. I am 5′9 and started at 186. Should I be doing something different? I do try to walk every day but I get out of breath easily. Any suggestions to speed up weight loss?
  • Toxic Diet Jokes (2)
    • jen: ok ok i wont do any of that oh my gosh

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Quote From the Books

If a butterfly could talk of its experience of changing from a crawling insect into a multi-colored, graceful, flying creation, it would most likely be saying the words I felt in my heart. My healing through the 40 days of juice fasting gave back what drugs took away. Thanks for your support Tom. You were a good friend when I needed one. — Carl Wineberg

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