Mistletoe Anti-Cancer

Mistletoe contains cytotoxic lectin or viscumin that act as cancer-killing agents and also promote immune responses.
Mistletoe contains cytotoxic lectin or viscumin that act as cancer-killing agents and also promote immune responses.
Saw Palmetto extract inhibits the hormone from binding to them, and therefore minimizing its stimulation of cell growth. Saw Palmetto is quickly gaining a reputation in the west as a possible anti carcinogen.
Astragalus has been shown to potentiate killer cell effectiveness in some experiments. Astragalus was also found to significantly boost the production of macrophages and is being used in China to fight several kinds of cancer.
Sweet violet flowers and leaves is used in British herbal medicine to treat breast and stomach cancer.
Asparagus has high glutathione content and high in rutin, which is valuable in strengthening the blood vessels.