I do NOT recommend juice fasting especially for KIDNEY problems, unless it is very low sugar, vegetable type. Sugar is the biggest toxin today and the major kidney killer. I have had normal patients come in after juice fasting and have been diabetic because of juice fasting.
If you want to rebuild kidneys, some things to consider:
Good things for KIDNEY regrowth are spirulina, asparagus, watermelon, parsley, seeds, celery. Avoid chocolate and cow dairy products.
Good amino acids should be arginine, methionine, vitamin A, Lipioc acid. Eat no unnatural foods.
Several herbs may be useful, inorder of priority: Gokshura, punanarva, shilajit, ashwaghanda, gotu kola, sarsaparilla, Bhumyamalaki, foti, shatavari, manjista, licorice, guduchi, pipali, turmeric, dandelion, ginger, fennel, hibiscus, burdock, cardamom, schizandra.
Clyde Be