Comments on: Nicotine Cigarette Tobacco Addiction Juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, free support. Thu, 03 Sep 2015 05:17:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: cleverelvis Sun, 29 Apr 2012 17:53:45 +0000 Hey you guys! this is my first time posting and i appreciate all your advice and encouragement. I am a 25 year old male and i want to fast to get free of all of my addictions that i’ve let into my life (nicotine,caffeine, and a little alcohol here and there) I also believe a have some degree of Candida overgrowth in my system. My question is should i tackle the Candida overgrowth first, or should i do the fast first? if i do the fast it would have to be on watermelon juice, as my body is too toxic to do water alone right now. Any advice is greatly appreciated

By: Ron Thu, 08 Sep 2011 01:49:27 +0000 Hi Jen, I’ve never heard that smoking killed anyone during a fast. But, trying to rid your body of toxins and pouring them in at the same time is not a good idea. Why not start with a raw foods diet, while you are trying to quit smoking? You will be helping to heal your body and giving yourself time to remove the bad habit!

The single best thing you can do for yourself at this point is to finally quit smoking. Everything else in your life will seem very doable after that! I smoked years ago. And quiting was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. So I know what you are going through. I’ll pray for your strength and guidance. God Bless and Good Luck! Ron

By: JenTravels Wed, 07 Sep 2011 19:40:41 +0000 I am interested in starting a 30-45 day juice fast and feel like I’ve done a lot of research…However, I’m a pack-a-day smoker and am nervous about starting a fast and continuing smoking. I would like to quit, as part of the process, but know that I won’t quit within the first week. I’ve read several things, even an article that smoking while fasting could KILL you (particularly in the first 7-10 days)!?!? Can you please give me more information to help me begin the process or set my mind at ease. There are several reasons I wasn’t to fast, health and nutrition being of utmost importance. I have just been feeling poor lately and know this will be a good way to detox and get myself right…Thank you for any assistance!!!

By: addiction Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:17:55 +0000 Addiction causes lots of diseases to the individual who is addicted to it. It affects the body and causes lots diseases. Generally lungs are affected to it. And it causes lots of breathing problem to the individual. Juice fasting is considered to be safer way of treating the patients and it purifies the body thoroughly. People looking for more information on addiction treatments, can visit this site.

By: Tom Coghill Tue, 25 Jan 2011 02:13:42 +0000 Hi peachesplay,
Yes in agreement with peachesplay. Juice fasting is safe and the best thing you can do in your present situation.

By: LivingRaw Mon, 24 Jan 2011 15:49:33 +0000 Hi peachesplay!

In short, yest it’s o.k. to fast in your condition, BUT you must do it right. You have allot of toxins in your system and probably are malnourished.

Before jumping straight into a water fast prep your body with 5 days only fresh raw vegetational, then 5 day juice feast. Make sure to have allot of dark leafy greens during these 10 days.

Once you have successfully finished this prep you can start your water fast. Needless to say, you should stop smoking during the fast as it will slow down your detoxification. But if you cave and have a smoke don’t dispare, just start over the next day.

The first 5 days will be the toughest. Make sure to get plenty of support. (That’s what we are here for! :) )

When breaking your fast do the above in reverse. For every week of a water fast you should come off of it with one/two days of juice, then one/two days of fresh raw vegetation.

To overcome your smoke addiction and continue in your weight loss you must continue a detox plan for an extended period of time. Make sure to ALWAYS take in plenty of water and dark leafy greens.

Last piece of advice. Take it one step at a time. Your body will need time to adjust. You will be experiencing many detox symptoms that are unpleasant. Hang in there. The out come will be worth it!


By: peachesplay Mon, 24 Jan 2011 00:24:40 +0000 Hi i just wanted to no if its safe to fast if you smoke and your very over weight im a stay at home mom and i want to quit smoking and lose weight

By: Tom Coghill Sat, 20 Nov 2010 07:51:38 +0000 Hi Drake,
Any drug imbalances your homeostasis or metabolism. When the drug wears of your body is out of balance and craves the drug to re-balance the system. After time the drug addict need the drug to feel normal. I do not do email support except for premium support members. Your body clean when fasting at that allows healing.

By: drake Fri, 19 Nov 2010 09:51:16 +0000 oh one more question plz, the first thing that article at top says is “The body craves because of the metabolic imbalance that fasting will reset if given enough time” <PLZ explain what that sentence means, ty sir

By: drake Fri, 19 Nov 2010 09:44:02 +0000 wow ty for quick response, how does juice help heal lungs? i would like to ask u alot of questions when im not so tired i am facinated with fasting, i have gmail email notifier, i know instantly when i get emails, is my email, not sure how all u comunicate with ppl here ty Tom
