I stumbled upon this blog after searching for “kidney failure fasting cure”. I’ve read the other posts on this blog, but I think my story is what a lot of you are trying to avoid. You see, I’ve had Lupus for almost 14 years. In 2005, I had a complication of Lupus called TTP. I lost a LOT of blood (90%, I’m told!), I had seizures, my kidneys failed and I fell into a coma for a few days. Long story short I have been on dialysis for going on 7 years in March. I have End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). It sounds so final.
But one thing I believe, is that I will NEVER have a transplant. I just don’t believe in it… my personal preference. My kidneys do function somewhat. I still urinate. They actually have to give me potassium while I’m getting treatment. My phosphorus is always on the lower side. My diet hasn’t changed because I’m on dialysis. I’m BLESSED that I’m on dialysis for only 2 hours and a half, 3 times a week, while others are on the machine for 4 1/2 hours :/
Is there anyway that juice fasting can reverse ESRD for someone who is already on dialysis?? And should I focus on curing the Lupus first, or the kidney failure? I hate to say kidney failure, because my kidneys, bless their hearts :p, are putting in the work. I know that for a fact.
Thank you for your time,