Comments on: Fasting and Kidney Problems Juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, free support. Wed, 18 Sep 2013 00:04:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Coghill Tom Coghill Wed, 28 Aug 2013 01:54:07 +0000 Hi Staycee,
It was wise to break the fast. These are the sings of toxic overload for the kidneys.

By: staycee staycee Sat, 17 Aug 2013 05:25:19 +0000 Hi, I’m on day 26 of a 30 day juice fast. All of a sudden my kidneys started hurting. My legs /toes began to tingle and I had frequent urination. When my fingers began to tingle on and off I decided to break the fast. I juiced some oranges and after drinking 16oz of water drank 8oz juice. I was feeling faint so I got really scared and started eating small amounts of watermelon. In the beginning ot& my np was 136/101 since then it has dropped to 105/78. But now it’s 123/91 and I’m scared. This is my 3rd 30 day fast, the first was in 2010 the second last year. What should I do?

By: Liv Liv Fri, 24 Feb 2012 18:45:08 +0000 Hey Tom,
I’m curious what you think about this. I used to do 3 day water fasts a lot without any problem. Last year I found out that I had a UBJ obstruction on my right kidney from birth. Apparently my left kidney was doing almost all of the work for years. So now, I’ve had my right kidney removed. Do you think that juice fasting is ok with one kidney? Because I used to do water fasts with basically only one working, it seems like this should be no problem…

By: Tom Coghill Tom Coghill Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:33:48 +0000 Hi Helpmeheal
Cleary your statement” generalized swelling, mostly in my feet and around my eyes in the morning, and I wake up every morning with tons mucus in my nose…” indicates a bacterial infection in the lymph. Did you get some probiotics. It is good to take some daily till you are better. Oregano oil and clove oil is good. But I should send you some Formula 256 as it is clearing TB, asthma and malaria here in Papau New Guinea in the hospitals and is research documented. It has been tough as production is slow without any people that can work for me with skill. Send in you address on the contact form of and lets see what happens.
If you are eating take a small amount of oatmeal for breakfast.

By: Tom Coghill Tom Coghill Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:03:42 +0000 Hi Evah,
Yes it can further the damage or reverse it depending on how you do it. And that is not an easy thing to guess. Best is do a few days of juice fasting and see if you are feeling better. Go to papaya for a few days and see how that feels. Protein in the urine indicates the filtering system is breaking down. So the cells are losing integrity. I would also take 1000 IU of vitamine E and a B complex vitamin.

By: Tom Coghill Tom Coghill Mon, 09 Jan 2012 04:59:16 +0000 Evah,
Your body dumps poison on a fast and the kidneys and liver have to process it. A water fast dumps toxins at a high rate. Juice fasting a slower rate. A fruit diet slower still. So you can only cleanse at a rate your kidneys can handle. To me I think urine therapy is nuts. There is zero science and the logic fails to make any sense to me. It there are components so valued why is the body dumping it. Also if there is lower calories with the urine then the body will heal but not from drinking urine.

By: Tom Coghill Tom Coghill Mon, 09 Jan 2012 04:55:08 +0000 Hi Mikeanth
Juice fasting helped my kidneys heal many years ago and the have been good every since. Juice fasting has reversed early stage cancers. And it is good for you. But they body will dump toxins and they can be hard on the kidneys. I could only fast a few days then had to break off due to the kidney pain. But alternating a fruit diet with days of juice fasting got me to the point where I could do a long juice fast and at 28 days no more pain. But there are many kidney disease causes. So have lots of green juices, lemons and carrots, and watch the lab results to see if it is working. 30 days of juice fasting is the best but not for everyone. Take it one day at a time and find what works for you. We have a provincial program approved for the Madang that will be starting so I can develop an accurate program with a bigger patient base for testing.

By: Tom Coghill Tom Coghill Mon, 09 Jan 2012 03:02:13 +0000 Hi Ericka,
Kidney disease is very hard to treat even with juice fasting. We had one stage 4 kidney disease show rapid improvment for weeks then a decline after that. But juice fasting is good for you health and cleans out toxins that may be a factor in the condition.
What juices is a challenge as each case is different. Normally fasting adds additional strain on the kidneys but your dialysis would clear the toxins. Give it a try and monitor the results with lab test and if it is showing improvement keep going.

By: Erika23 Erika23 Sat, 07 Jan 2012 05:43:37 +0000 Hi, everyone,

I stumbled upon this blog after searching for “kidney failure fasting cure”. I’ve read the other posts on this blog, but I think my story is what a lot of you are trying to avoid. You see, I’ve had Lupus for almost 14 years. In 2005, I had a complication of Lupus called TTP. I lost a LOT of blood (90%, I’m told!), I had seizures, my kidneys failed and I fell into a coma for a few days. Long story short I have been on dialysis for going on 7 years in March. I have End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). It sounds so final. :(

But one thing I believe, is that I will NEVER have a transplant. I just don’t believe in it… my personal preference. My kidneys do function somewhat. I still urinate. They actually have to give me potassium while I’m getting treatment. My phosphorus is always on the lower side. My diet hasn’t changed because I’m on dialysis. I’m BLESSED that I’m on dialysis for only 2 hours and a half, 3 times a week, while others are on the machine for 4 1/2 hours :/

Is there anyway that juice fasting can reverse ESRD for someone who is already on dialysis?? And should I focus on curing the Lupus first, or the kidney failure? I hate to say kidney failure, because my kidneys, bless their hearts :p, are putting in the work. I know that for a fact.

Thank you for your time,


By: jane jane Sun, 23 Oct 2011 02:54:44 +0000 You are welcome Ron. I hope it helps someone.
