Comments on: Fasting – Hair Loss Juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, free support. Fri, 22 Nov 2013 02:02:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Coghill Thu, 12 Jan 2012 01:33:34 +0000 I doubt that 7 days on water could damage to hair grow that is permanent. Never here of it. So far any hair loss has been temporary. The lest fat you have the the more strain on your body for water fasting. Higher calorie needs make water fasting for fast metabolism, myself included.

By: tupelojo Tue, 10 Jan 2012 23:31:55 +0000 Hi Tom.
I read some of your posts regarding hair loss during fasting and just wanted to comment here for others. I have never done a water fast, but I have done several juice fasts. I am underweight and have celiac disease, and enjoy the fasting for the cleansing benefits but not the weight loss and generally don’t fast for more than 14 days for this reason. I just don’t have the fat reserves to go much longer. However, during this last fast, I did notice that my armpit hair stopped growing completely. I didn’t shave under my arms for four days, and still… nothing. It was very alarming to me, so I broke the fast early wondering if I was doing some damage to my body at that point (I was on day eight of the fast). I was also noticeably more weak than I have been before on other fasts. So, I broke the fast gently with some coconut broth and a fresh orange and immediately felt my energy come back although it might just have been peace of mind. In any case, it does make me wonder, for people that do not have much in the way of fat reserves, is it healthy to fast (even on juice) for more than 7 days? Thanks. ~~ Jo
