
Spirulina Nutritional Content Spirulina is a single celled blue green alga, that contains 10 vitamins, 8 minerals, and 18 amino acids. (essential and non-essential) It contains a complete protein of 65-71%, that is 12-15 time m
Spirulina Nutritional Content Spirulina is a single celled blue green alga, that contains 10 vitamins, 8 minerals, and 18 amino acids. (essential and non-essential) It contains a complete protein of 65-71%, that is 12-15 time m
Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplements are excellent during a juice fast. In healing, there can be great value in high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements. We recommend organically grown, naturally derived vitamins and miner
Chlorophyll Products High-quality chlorophyll products are excellent because they oxygenate the blood, building its hemoglobin, similar to iron. This increases healing and detoxification. Barley Green juice is an excellent sour
Most Aloe Vera products on the market are useless because they have been pasteurized. Look for whole-leaf, cold-processed. Aloe Vera is excellent for the healing of digestive and intestinal problems and has been successful in trea
Antioxidants are excellent during a juice fast. These are naturally present in fruits and vegetables. The most commonly known are vitamins C, E and beta-carotene. Flavinoids have been recently discovered as a powerful antioxida
Colon Cleanser Colon Cleansers are even more effective when juice fasting but do not use them during water fasting. There are some very effective products in cleansing the colon. Psyllium husk, which is the base for most colon
Health can be an extremely frustrating and complicated world. Although there are health products that have value, we believe that God has called us to a life of simplicity and faith. Removing toxic food from your diet and incr
Good to take all the time but even more important during a juice fast. 1200 IU is great. You can't overdoes. What do you think of vitamin E during fasting? By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws Articles may be copied or reproduce
For me the best choice for a juicer. Mine is 30 years old and handed down through generations. Still in perfect working order. Positive. Easy to clean, good extraction from fruits, quiet, and makes banana ice cream and nut b
Question about exercise during fasting Hi, What acivity should I do during the fast? I read that you did hard physical labour. I thought one should conserve energy. Thank you Nathan Gogol Fasting gets easier the long