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Colon Cleansing

A salt and Sodium Bicarbonate enema is powerful at killing fungai within the intestine especially candida albicans.
Dr Simonchini's has hypothesized that cancer is a the cell's natural defense to fungus called candid

Bentonite clay I far as I can see would have benefits during fasting. I gleaned this info from Http://
Bentonite clay - used by indigenous tribes and animals for centuries
Clay is one of the most effect

This explains how to do a coffee enema.
What Coffee to Use
If possible, use organic ground coffee, not instant coffee.
What is the Mixture
Use 1 tablespoon of ground coffee for every 8oz cup of water. For every ene

Is the Salt Water Flush a salt drink or salt water enama? In the past I have drank epson salt drink with really fast result.
These are two very different flushes. The salt water flush is designed to flush the colon and

>Do you have an opinion on the use of epsom salt drinks ?
Hi Ernie,
The gall badder flush has a lot of supporters on the web. I had my doubts on the treatment as the green ball that float on the toilet after a flush are not

To perform a salt water flush, first thing in the morning, mix one quart of lukewarm water with two tablesspoons of sea salt. Drink the entire concoction before you have eaten any food. Within one hour you should have several

Fasting depletes the beneficial bacteria because large quantities of toxins are dumped from the lymph glands into the colon. There is little food substance left on which the bacteria can live. Using the enema kit also depletes

Colonic Hydrotherapy reduces parasites in the colon. Parasites in the blood, come mostly from the colon. During my study at the Richter Medical & Alternative Clinic, I saw worms being expelled from the colon and a few days

Laxatives or laxative effect is also found in fruits and natural fruit juices. The soft fibers have a cleansing effect on the intestine. This laxative effect stops after the colon happily adjusts to the soft fibers. (If fruit

There are two types of Dietary fiber soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. In the blood, soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol by binding with low-density lipoproteins. Water-soluble fiber can be fo

Inside a healthy lower intestine are billions of beneficial intestinal bacteria or microflora. These bacteria are of the bifidus and acidophilus strains and were transferred by breast-feeding into our intestines as newborn inf

These are mixtures of several dietary fibers, both soluble and insoluble. They may include various herbs that have a cleansing effect on the colon. These are superior to psyllium husk, but are more expensive and range in price

For those who are uncomfortable with using the enema kit, psyllium husk or flaxseeds are an alternative. You can safely juice fast for extended periods using psyllium husk. The substance is a bulking agent (mucilage). It swell

Using The Enema Kit
Enemas are far from being a spiritual experience, yet they can have a beneficial role to play in fasting. The thought of inserting a liter of water into the intestine to flush out waste may seem beyond