Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per DayAugust 15, 2008 | 25,140 views Daily Water Intake For FastingDrink according to the needs of your body. It is common to drink only 2-3 glasses of water per day. The concept of drinking large amounts of water to flush out toxins is not valid. During water fasting, digestion is not required, and the body needs only a small amount of water for its processes. I believe that excessive liquid intake reduces scouring action and disturbs the detoxification process. Avoid water straight from the faucet. Distilled water is the best for cleansing because of its inherent, magnetic properties and its ability to absorb and suspend large quantities of toxins, flushing them from the body. The perceived value of mineral water is misleading because the inorganic minerals are like huge boulders to the cellular membranes, impossible to assimilate by the cells. Distilled water is best followed by spring or filtered water. A Brita Filtration System is inexpensive and effective, but change the filter regularly. You can also add freshly squeezed lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey if the water fast becomes too difficult. When water fasting, drink water only when thirsty. Your body has a homeostatic mechanism that triggers thirst when the body needs liquid. On a water fast, I drink small amounts of water but in a juice fast, I like is a few quarts a day to keep up my energy for work. Less Juice Intakes Means More Effort For DetoxificationDuring a juice fast, more juice intake means more calories and more energy. Drinking less juice means more intense detoxification and less energy. Working 14 hours a day of hard physical labor may require the calories of three cantaloupes or honeydews, one watermelon, plus herbal tea with honey and a vegetable juice combination. That is a lot of juice. If you do not have to work at hard physical labor, you can cleanse more quickly by drinking smaller amounts of juice. If you are on a juice fast, be careful not to drink too much watermelon juice in the morning. Gastric secretions are also waking up to activity. Too much acidic juice early in the morning may cause stomach cramps. When water fasting, less water intensifies the detoxification. I usually try one or two days fasting on the minimum amount of water by sipping the water. This type of fasting is very difficult but the results are amazing. Especially if you are praying! It gives you a feel of what Christ went through when he fasted in the desert. If you enjoy reading this site why not order the ebooks and gain more insites on how to fasting, make healthy low calories recipes, and overcome emotional eating. Just hit the book add at the top or bottom of this page.
Popularity: 100% [?] Tags: fasting liquid, fasting liquid consumption, how much to drink, how often to drink, Juice Fasting, liquid consuption, liquid per day, Questions & Answers, Water Fasting, water per day |
354 Responses to “Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day”
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- Peter Kockelman: Hi Tom, Thanks for the honest and genuine answers and responses to the people on this post. I am on my 5th day of what I hope is a 40-day water fast. The reason I am fasting is for interceding for the Proposition 8 bill in to be passed in California. One of the concerned men in...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Aliesha, You can drink as much as you like. You will drink less as the fast progresses. You can even go days without water and it will intensify the cleansing. Just listen to your body. And hunger is the worst on the first day.
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- Steph: I am starting a water fast and I would like to know which is better for you. Juice or water. i am not real bad overweight but I would love to lose about 10-15 pounds. I was also wondering if gatorade juice would be good for you during a fast as well. This is the first fast I have ever...
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Brishna, Yes but it depends on how much you drink. You can drink less juice or more of the low calorie juices such as cucumber and celery but the taste is not that great.
- brishna: thsnks alot tom , i will go through that and read it… but dont u think pineapple juice is fatining ?….
- Tom Coghill: Hi Brishna, I put a post on Spendida on the front page of the site. Fasting slows the metabolism during the fast. You body uses less and less calories the longer the fast. After the fast if you eat a diet high in raw food and exercise the weight loss will be permanent. Honey is good...
on 12 Feb 2008 at 3:56 am 1. nicky said …
i currently weigh in at 132lbs and i am planning on starting a 20 day water fast 2maro. how much weight could i expect to lose?
on 12 Feb 2008 at 6:36 am 2. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Nicky,
I always recommended starting with a juice fast to get your feet wet. Water fasting needs discipline and breaking a water fasting can be hard on the body and cause depression and binge eating if the fast is broken wrong.
Weight loss depends on your metabolism. Weight loss can range 1/4 lb a day or 3 lbs. a day. Generally the longer you fast the slower the weight loss.
Are you fasting solely for weight loss or do you have health issues?
on 17 Feb 2008 at 4:39 pm 3. nicky said …
hey thnx for the tipz Tom :)……i have asthma and some skin problems..nothing like acne, i jus have very sensitive skin and i get rashes from evrything and they scar…so yeh!
weight loss would be an added benefit..since m not that tall so even if i gain a pound or shows.
i was wondering if a 21 day water fast, would be okay and how much water should i be drinking per day and also if i drink mint tea or a laxative tea..would that be okay during the fast? i dont want to lose to much weight and have my bones parents would freak out if that happened.
sowwie for askin so many questions..u seem to be da fast guru
on 17 Feb 2008 at 9:08 pm 4. Tom Coghill said …
A 21 day water fast is an intense detoxification. It is like climbing a very “high” mountain. It is good to have some skill developed before you put on your climbing shoes. I reccomend you start with a shorter juice fast, then do periods of fast.
How old are you?
On a water fast, drink according to need. There is no set amount, just listen to your body.
on 20 Feb 2008 at 5:28 pm 5. Emily said …
Hi Tom.
I’m Emily. I’m fasting and it seems like you know your fasting. I was just wondering, and I’ve been asking around, if it’s common to have diarrhea the first few days?
on 20 Feb 2008 at 8:10 pm 6. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Emily,
Welcome! If you are not used to fresh juices then yes, it is common. Increasing fruit in the diet will cause diarrhea also.
On a water fast, usually the opposite is true, no bowel movements.
Using an enema will end diarrhea, if it gets too bad. Feel free to post, support or ask your questions.
The body does some strange stuff at the start of a fast, like very deep or restless sleeping, sinus drainage, coughing up mucus, nerve twinges, weird muscle pains, and the list goes on. I would not be troubled.
on 24 Feb 2008 at 12:50 am 7. Scotty Logan said …
Nicky and Emily. There is a book out on Fasting and is has been reintroduced since the ancient times and it is called the Farmacist Desk Reference. It will go through in detail what happens to your body when you are breaking down all the gunk in the body. It is by Don Tolman.
Feel free to get in touch with me as will explain in more detail.
on 25 Feb 2008 at 4:12 pm 8. nicky said …
hey scott..thnx for that….would u like to explain more in detail please
on 26 Feb 2008 at 6:45 pm 9. nicky said …
hey tom..i ws just wondering if u could tell me about bowl movements and water fasting…what to expect..or what not to expect?
on 26 Feb 2008 at 7:49 pm 10. Tom Coghill said …
During a water fast the bowel continues to work in extracting every last calorie from the feces. Generally, you will not have any bowel movements after day 3 or very small ones. Using an enema there will be no bowel movements but stuff will be flushed out of the colon, even after weeks of water fasting. The first juice or meal after juice fasting, will move the bowels intensely. Keep us posted if you have a big BM. LOL
on 27 Feb 2008 at 6:25 pm 11. nicky said …
lolz…i sure will …well on me second day of my fast (yay) so far so good…but havnt had ne bowel movements so far….shud b worried or shud i try a herbal laxative tea?…
aha feelz great toking abt bowl movements so publicly !!
on 27 Feb 2008 at 7:33 pm 12. Tom Coghill said …
Bowel movements do get the readers attention. The anticipation is building up. Site traffic has doubled.
Not to worry, good things are worth waiting for.
A herbal laxative that is fine to.
Feel free to post some pics when the big one comes.
on 28 Feb 2008 at 8:12 pm 13. nicky said …
i blew it..i ate…n i felt very very sick..diarrhea…ewww not the BW i was expecting…but i hve learnt my lesson
on 28 Feb 2008 at 11:16 pm 14. Tom Coghill said …
Fasting demands respect and discipline. So many enter fasts very nieve about the imapact that blowing a fast can have. It can take days to recover. That is why I recommend juice fasting to start. Better to walk before you run.
on 07 Mar 2008 at 4:50 am 15. OscarRomeo said …
I started to live on one meal since one week and i have been dry fasting for the last two days, kind of building up. The first day of dry fast was not easy and i did not leave the room just to keep my focus on the fast. Luckily I am off this week.So, second day yesterday, and it was so easy. Today, I woke up with the feling of being badly beaten. My body is aching and I am feeling very thirsty. I decided to get some sips of water and will now continue with a water fast for some days. I was 19 stones 3 days ago, today, I went on the scale and I have lost 1 stone. I have dry fasted for five days when I was around 17 but this time is a different experience.
on 07 Mar 2008 at 6:39 pm 16. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Oscar
Dry fasting is the hardest thing I have ever accomplished and my limit is 48 hours.
My opinion is that the longest period should not be over 3 days. Also the body needs a clean out time to get to a balance point. I need to to an article on it. If you wanted to gather some background info that would help.
The more toxic your body is the more difficult it is. The benefits do lessen over 4 days, as the body is stressed. 5 days… wow you are the first. For dry fasting, I recommend juice fasting for 5 days to prepare, 1 day water, fasting, 2 days of dry fasting then 5 days juice fasting. The results are amazing. The most powerful clean that can be done.
on 08 Mar 2008 at 6:52 am 17. OscarRomeo said …
Hi Tom,
Cheers for replying. i really thought nobody would put their attention on my comments. Today is my 4th day of fasting but i am just taking sips of water rather than drinking as i have noticed that i start getting headaches in the evening. Yes, i have done dry fasting for 5 days but it was only the first day which was difficult. So fifteen years after, i’m doing it again. The hardest day was the first day and the other days are easier. Strangely, my whole body aches at night and all my previous pains are taking surface but i have the feeling that it is a healing process. I have already lost more than 1 stone and i am feeling and looking slim and healthy. Of course, i do not have to tell you about the ‘tar’ like matter which comes out in faeces after 3 days!
on 10 Mar 2008 at 12:20 am 18. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Oscar,
Yea, your posts are important to me, fasting research and promotion. You are doing something very difficult that I am intested in so post as much info as you can.
on 10 Mar 2008 at 3:03 am 19. OscarRomeo said …
Yesterday was my 5th day of fasting and i felt hungry all day. I made a search on the internet about the headaches and pain in the whole body. i found out that dehydration causes headaches whilst fasting. I drank around 1 litre of water and after half an hour, the headache went. So this is one problem solved. The pain i was getting in the whole body was due to tense muscles as lactic acid was and is present in the muscle tissues. again, intake of water solved the problem together with a massage. Today is the 6th day and i am feeling ok but not hungry at all. I feel that i will have to go beyond 10 days fasting.
on 11 Mar 2008 at 12:44 am 20. Chris said …
Hi Tom and everybody else out there! I have been reading all these posts re: fasting and am considering taking it on myself - for weight loss mainly plus I have asthma and from what I have read here, fasting can help reduce and/or eliminate that as well as other maladies…so my question Tom is this - how bout a ‘variation on the theme’ - what about a combination of juice fasting one or two consecutive days, followed by one day water/dry fasting and then one day with minimal food - I guess my thought being that once the ‘fasting phase’ is completed, the return to ‘normal’ eating patterns won’t be quit as difficult if the body has been receiving some solid nutrients along the way…is this advisable or is just straight up no solid foods the only way to go?
thx for this site btw
on 12 Mar 2008 at 5:22 am 21. Tom Coghill said …
Fasting really helps asthma form what I have seen. Your plan is good. Post your successes and even your failures.
Fasting has a learning curve, so that is a good start.
Hi Oscar,
Contrats on your accomplishment. That is something to be proud of.
on 13 Mar 2008 at 1:34 pm 22. Chris said …
Hi Tom
Just a quick update(since you asked)
I started my version of a fast on Tuesday and now I am into my 3rd full day(Thursday) and feeling good about it ::yoo hoo:: In this time frame, I have lost over 7 lbs already!! I guess that’s mostly water ? The first day, I had V8(low sodium) juice, some fresh squeezed OJ and a little water. I had a headache toward the end of the day and my stomach was complaining, but I got thru ok. The next day I ‘cheated’ and had my morning ‘kick ass’ coffee with a little sugar and non-dairy creamer - my thought being I could avert a headache from the caffeine withdrawal…later that same day, I ‘cheated’ with coffee again and water and unsweetened tea, today(Thurs) I had coffee again this morning and some water, am drinking unsweetened tea now. I feel pretty good, hungry but good and for now, I feel like I want to take this as far as I can and am VERY encouraged by the quick weight loss(my pants are baggy) and am pleasantly surprised how I get little spurts of energy here and there.
My big test will be tomorrow when I plan to meet some friends at a restaurant….not sure what I am gonna do…but I don’t want to cave in…not yet!!
on 19 Mar 2008 at 2:02 am 23. Chris said …
Hi Tom, this will be my last post for awhile. I ended my fast yesterday (7 days) I was having chills and dizziness so i decided that was my body’s way of saying ‘enough already’ plus I am taking a trip next weekend and will be driving so I was worried about the dizziness…so I am happy to say, I made it 7 full days and lost 12 lbs!!! I feel great about that accomplishment and that I was able to use ‘mind over body’ to achieve that success. I ate raw veggies and some noodles and broth (& 3 pieces of sushi!) to reintroduce solid foods…I hope to be more selective and disciplined in my food choices (and quantities) from now on. I plan to fast again periodically - how soon can I start again? I may try to incorporate a monthly fast like 3 days - I can honestly say that your site helped me… so thank you and the others who have posted here. And to anyone reading this who’s thinking of fasting,if I can do this ANYONE can! Like anything in life, it’s your attitude about it - if my mind wasn’t in the right place about it, I wouldn’t have achieved the results that did.
Ciao Tom and thanks!
on 19 Mar 2008 at 7:30 pm 24. Tammy said …
Hi Tom! I have been water fasting for 3 days and I ate something on my third day it made me sick I through up and then I felt hungry and ate something else and through up again. I then ate a half of peanut butter sandwich and I have held that down. I want to start water fasting again tomorrow. Is this to soon? I want to do a 10 day water fast but what would be best for healing 10 days or 30 days. I’m doing this for two reason weight lose and healing. Head ache and body ache sometime I feel faint for no reason at all. On my second of the water fast I had a head ache all day. what if anything to help with it. Thank you for your time!!!!
on 19 Mar 2008 at 11:36 pm 25. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Tammy,
It is not good to water fast if you are having problems being disciplined. Better to get the hang of short, juice fasts first. Eating a peanut butter sandwich after a 10 day fast will indeed cause pain and suffering.
Take an aspirin or Tylenol if the headache is too bad, but other than that wait out the headache.
A hot shower can help.
Chis, Hope you survive the restaurant.
on 22 Mar 2008 at 7:44 pm 26. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Tammy,
The stomach is very sensitive after a fast. Yogurt, with some fruit can be good to break a fast. Salads are good also. Peanut butter is too heavy to digest. 10 days of juice fasting is better than 30 days of fasting as you need to get your discipline up to par.
on 28 Mar 2008 at 4:05 pm 27. Gabrielle said …
Hi everyone, I been over weight for about 2 years now and decided that fasting might be good to get rid of all the weight I gained these pas few years. I used to eat tons of junk food and gained about 80 pounds really fast. I feel tired and weak and my back even went out for a few months. I was wondering which fast was best for me? I began a water fast today and haven’t eaten all day long, I drink tons of water to avoid hunger pains and take tylenol for headachs. (im prone to migranes and I smoke) I’m probably the most unhealthy person out there! hehe Anywho, I was wondering if perhaps eating 2 fuits a day for 5 days and little water is good as a start then water for the rest and how long should I fast to lose a good 60-80 pounds?
thank you,
on 30 Mar 2008 at 6:26 pm 28. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Gabrielle,
Any of the programs you mentioned will work. Reduced food intake is harder than fasting as you have a constant hunger. Weight loss is dependent on may factors. Everyone is different. 1-3 lbs is normal for the first week of juice or water fasting.
on 01 Apr 2008 at 7:36 am 29. Sarah said …
Hi Tom!
I’ve read the comments, and I am very impressed by the effort you put in and actually answer the people who post. I started a 10-day water fast today, and I am intending on doing it. It takes a lot of discipline, and I know that I have that, in order to complete it. I’ve tried a lot of different types of fasting, and this is the first time I’m doing a water fast.
The reason I’m doing it is for spiritual reasons, healing and also weight loss as a benefit.
on 01 Apr 2008 at 12:42 pm 30. Paige said …
hello tom! IM 21 years old and have been alittle over weight now for about a year, i have never ever went 1 day w/o eating food. and its 4:30 pm i only drank water today and i am very hungry..want to try a water fast,. i want to eat some pop corn and drink a beer after work in frount of my favorite show.. but then i keep thinking of the great results and keep thinking you can do it suck it up.. and im going to do it..but my question is how long should i fast for. and when im done fasting and do loose some weight.. and go back to eating solid foods… will i just gain it right back?
on 01 Apr 2008 at 5:48 pm 31. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Sarah,
Water fasting can be easy as you do not have a desire to eat. If you are working, it can be hard as you may have low energy, but if your metabolism is slow you will have abundant energy.
on 02 Apr 2008 at 4:41 am 32. Sarah said …
Thanks for the response!
I have a job that makes it possible for me to choose when and where I want to work, which is very beneficial in this case. This is my second day, and I’ve been feeling very “dead”. I haven’t even attempted to do some work, because I’m so tired. I am thinking of doing an hour of exercise each day also. How much weight do you think it is possible to lose? I am 5′5 and 130 pounds.
on 02 Apr 2008 at 4:14 pm 33. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Sarah,
You can lose 10 lbs. to 20 lbs. on the first week of water fasting but it is dependent on metabolism. The second day or third can be the worst day of a fast. If you get too weak, have some herbal tea with honey.
on 02 Apr 2008 at 5:22 pm 34. hartm1sp said …
I’ve been fasting for the past two days. Fresh orange juice in the morning, then water the rest of the day. I have been having trouble at night when my roommates are making dinner and such. Are there any tips to keeping your mind off eating? I dont feel hungry, but it seems a lot more difficult when everyone else around you is.
on 02 Apr 2008 at 6:04 pm 35. Cassie said …
Can you really just not eat? That sounds so..surreal. Like, wouldn’t you be like..super hungry or something?
on 02 Apr 2008 at 11:00 pm 36. Tom Coghill said …
Yes that is very hard. Drink water and go for a walk. Other than that it is a matter of pure willpower.
on 03 Apr 2008 at 4:53 am 37. Sarah said …
Thank you for the help Tom!
on 03 Apr 2008 at 12:26 pm 38. Katrin said …
Hi Tom,
I would like to juice fast for one day. Is that to short time to detox? How much can I drink a day and can I drink vegetable broth?
Thanks, Katrin
on 03 Apr 2008 at 11:37 pm 39. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Katrin,
Yes one day is good. Drink as much as you want.
on 04 Apr 2008 at 10:32 pm 40. Matt said …
I was wondering whether to do a juice fast a juicer is required, or can you drink products like odwalla or grape juice, etc..
on 06 Apr 2008 at 8:04 am 41. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Matt,
A juice is the best but sure you can drink health drinks on a fast.
Note: I am going to the beach for a few days.
on 08 Apr 2008 at 9:57 pm 42. Ty said …
Great site!! My question is b/c Im a soldier and need to work out. Do I need any additional nutrients and if so, what do you suggest? All I intend on doing is running (2-3 miles). FYI I am starting a water fast tomorrow.
on 09 Apr 2008 at 10:40 am 43. Francesca said …
I have searched the internet and your site is the most ‘user friendly’ and informative. Thank you so much for being on the net!
I just started a juice fast this morning. I am drinking Yerba Mattei through-out the day to help with the tiredness. I don’t own a juicer, but I bought some V8 to use (40/60 juice/water) to sip through out the day. This is my first fast, I want to go for about 7 days. (I am allergic to dairy, and most processed foods because of the corn syrup - my diet has been crap lately and I’m tired all the time even though I am getting 7-8 hours of sleep.)
I usually work out 3-4 times a week - I am concerned that if I do now I could injur myself. I was wondering if it would still be benificial to fast and then before I go to yoga/gym/ballet I have a protein drink or something of the like (grilled chichen breast, yogart)? Or should I just hold off on the cardio and just do light yoga?
I want to get the most out of this, and for the first day I’m fine - but I still want to work out to keep my muscel mass up. Any help would be appreciated.
on 10 Apr 2008 at 10:57 am 44. OscarRomeo said …
Hi Tom and all,
sorry for being away from the posts for a while. I ended 16 full days of water fasting some weeks ago. I was not too happy as people living in the house were making too many remarks about be losing weight. Every single day they kept saying eat something, eat something, shall we cook something for you. I really had to stop because of them. Anyway, even after the 10th day, i have been feeling very hungry but drinking a lot of water helped me throughout and i was no longer getting headaches. I lost 31 pounds but i did not reach where i wanted to, again because of people around. My lungs and my sinuses kept on clearing for almost 2 weeks. After the fast, i was on lentil soup and pulses soup everyday. However, I have decided this week to continue my water fast. I am not talking to anyone and i am refraining from seeing people who will make remarks. I am on my 3rd full day today and i have noticed that the cleansing process which started on the 7th day last time has already started on the 3rd day. I am still feeling hungry but still drinking lots of water. I do not have any muscle aches anymore and i am feeling quite healthy. Maybe i will end the fast on tuesday next but we’ll see. i will you guys posted. If you have any tips or any advice to give me, please do. I will appreciate. Cheers.
on 10 Apr 2008 at 5:33 pm 45. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Francesca,
You can try the fresh juice and eggwhites, about 10 a day. There is the off chance of salmonella poisoning buy if that is a fear you can cook the egg whites. You can maintain heavy physical labor and detox.
on 10 Apr 2008 at 5:39 pm 46. Tom Coghill said …
Hi OscarRomeo,
I just got back form the beach myself. It was nice to get out of the techie world as sit in a hammock.
Yea, people can be a pain and worse when fasting. Lose a few pounds and they predict death. It is good to get away for a water of juice fast but if not, you have to put people in there place. Give them a hand out and tell them that once they are informed you will respect their opinion. Other than that it is just part of the process and if you are thin to start, the reaction is not good. If you are overweight and losing weight everyone says how good you look. At least you have support here from myself and fellow fasters.
on 11 Apr 2008 at 4:34 am 47. Francesca said …
thanks tom, I have yoga tonight and I will try the egg-whites and some juice. Though I think I will poach them just to be safe.
Thank you for taking time,
on 11 Apr 2008 at 7:48 am 48. Diane C said …
I just started a fast this morning. I read all the posts last night and they were very helpful on what to expect. I am not sure how long I will do the fast, I guess taht depends on my willpower.
I do have a question. I drink a lot of diet coke. I understand all the problems with that, but I want to know about drinking diet coke on a fast.
I plan to do a water fast, but know without diet coke the headaches from withdrawal will be excruciating.
What do you recommend?
Thank you
on 11 Apr 2008 at 10:47 pm 49. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Diane,
Better to cut down the coke intake in half for 2 days then go cold turkey. The stuff is hard on the stomach and the teeth. You can fast on diet coke and detoxify, but the results will be much less than a juice or water fast.
on 12 Apr 2008 at 10:34 am 50. MKJJD said …
I am on day 5 of my water fast and I have lost 10 pounds. I now weigh 189 and I feel really confident about meeting my goal of 170 by May 14th.
on 12 Apr 2008 at 10:46 am 51. Bernice said …
I am entering into a ten day water fast for religious purposes, I am currently seeking for direction along my path. This is something I’ve never done before, but I leave my concerns with the Lord. I am depending on him for my daily bread. The book of Daniel shows that he and his three were able to make it on water and pulse alone. May my faith and God’s grace keep me through mine.
on 12 Apr 2008 at 9:57 pm 52. Tom Coghill said …
Well done. Five days of water fasting is a great accomplishment.
on 13 Apr 2008 at 3:16 am 53. MKJJD said …
Thanks Tom, I was wondering if flavored sparkling water was okay to drink since it has zero calories and it has citric acid, potassium citrate, aspartame, potassium benzoate, acesulfame potassium, and carbonated water.
on 13 Apr 2008 at 6:38 am 54. Tom Coghill said …
Yes flavored sparkling water is excellent.
on 13 Apr 2008 at 6:23 pm 55. Sora said …
I noticed that you listed aspartame as one of the ingredients in your sparkling water.
Aspartame is extremely toxic and I wouldn’t recommend eating or drinking things made with it at any time. You should Google it sometime, it’s very scary stuff.
Fasting is a time for detox so I am sticking to distilled or spring water with some lemon juice squeezed in.
Today is my second day of water-fasting and I feel really good. Congrats on your sixth day!
I definitely encourage you to keep going as will I, maybe we can keep each other company this week
on 13 Apr 2008 at 6:59 pm 56. Tom Coghill said …
Sora is right. I answered the post late at night. Aspartame is really bad for you. Just get the regular sparkling mineral water. Thanks Sora, I am correctable. LOL Tom
Congrats Sora on getting started.
on 13 Apr 2008 at 8:32 pm 57. Sora said …
Thanks Tom and I knew you’d know about that bad bad substance lol.
I just did my very first enema tonight and it was…interesting
Still feeling nice, kinda tired. Hope to hear some updates on fellow fasters tomorrow.
Good luck all!
on 14 Apr 2008 at 4:14 pm 58. MKJJD said …
Thank you Sora and Tom. I am now going to stop buying and drinking the sparkling water from WalMart. It is a Sam’s choice brand and I am going to try to find another brand of flavored sparkling water with out aspartame. Tell me if you know of any that taste good and make sure that it is not Polar because it tastes horrible. If there are none in existence that tastes good then I will continue on with my water fast with purewater. I am now on day 7 of my water fast and I am going to keep going until May 14th since it will be my brother’s birthday and I would not feel right if I did not eat his cake, but I will start another water fast the very next day which will be a 47 day water fast so I can make up for eating the cake. Alright I will be waiting to hear back from you both. Bye!
on 15 Apr 2008 at 7:33 am 59. Brandon said …
Just thinking of doing a 3 day juice fast to get my feet wet. To me, being a wrestler and martial artist by nature, hearing about 10 and 20 day water fasts seem completely dangerous to me.
Does anyone think a 3 day juice fast will have its benefits?
on 15 Apr 2008 at 1:52 pm 60. Sora said …
Heya MK!
Hows it going? Hmm, I haven’t drank any sparkling water so I couldn’t really recommend any nice brands.
I am on day 3 and detoxing but the information below has shown pleasant things to come. Since you are about to experience this stage, I thought I’d share it if you haven’t read it already. I love reading fasting articles to keep myself motivated.
Btw, I am so proud of you to have willpowered your way through day 7! That’s truly being committed to the promise you made to yourself.
I also intend to fast until May since the best benefits require extended fasting. But since I’m not sure how much faster or slower my slow-ish metabolism will affect the fasting stages, I’m going less by days of the month than my own body signals although it would be amazing to make it to May.
” Most fasters feel much more comfortable by the end of the first seven to ten days, when they enter the normalization phase; here the acidic blood chemistry is gradually corrected. This sets the stage for serious healing of body tissues and organs. Normalization may take one or two more weeks depending on how badly the body was out of balance. As the blood chemistry steadily approaches perfection, the faster usually feels an increasing sense of well-being, broken by short spells of discomfort that are usually healing crises or retracings.”
on 15 Apr 2008 at 8:49 pm 61. Tom Coghill said …
After fasting on water for over a week eating cake will have quite the impact to the body. If you eat a normal slice you may be surprised as the intensity of the impact.
on 15 Apr 2008 at 8:52 pm 62. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Brandon,
Yes 3 day juice fasts are great. You should do one every month or two for a tune up.
on 16 Apr 2008 at 2:34 am 63. MKJJD said …
HI Tom,
I know that it is going to have a big impact on my body so I am going to start drinking juice 6 days before I eat the cake so that I can lessen the blow of the cake.
on 17 Apr 2008 at 8:19 pm 64. Raushanah said …
Wow. I was just surfing the net, stumbled upon this site and I’ve been reading all these posts since! I am truely inspired! I’ve been fasting for two days now, but it really helps to read about other people doing what I’m doing, going through what I’m going through. It’s been okay so far, but I’m only on day two! This will be my second fast. The first I did for ten days back in January. Water and fresh fruits and raw veggies only. Minimal, only maybe a serving or two of either in one day, but not every day. I lost 20 pounds, gained half of it back right away. But I combated that with the newly adopted eating habits/lifestyle I had decided on during my fast, (I’m now a vegetarian who exercises everyday!)and lost 10 pounds right away. So I kept my 20 pounds off. The reason I am fasting now, is because although I’ve been staying true to my new lifestyle, I have reached this horrible plateau. I’m 5′9, 180 pounds and my ideal weight is 145. Not only a personal goal, but my mathmatical ideal body weight based on my hieght, wrist circumference, bone structure, etc-there’s a formula involved. But its so frustrating to be stagnant! So now that I have established the habits that will keep me at the same weight, I’m now focusing on actually losing the weight. I feel really confident that after I loose these 35 pounds I will be able to keep them off (of course some inital weight gain after returning to solids again is expected) I just need to stay encouraged. So I am beyond trilled that I found this site, and met all you fellow fasters!
Thanks Tom, and thanks all!
on 20 Apr 2008 at 2:57 pm 65. janeelizabeth said …
Hey all! I have say this site is really helping me stay on track! I am on my 5th day of juice fasting and already lost 9.2pds! Any advice would be great. I was curious though.. can we eat fruit or just the juice? I have been eating watermelon and apples.. though I thoought maybe this is cheating?? lol im just not sure and want to do this right! please let me know =)
on 21 Apr 2008 at 2:07 am 66. Anu said …
Hi Tom,
I weigh 128 lbs and wanna loose 24 lbs. please let me knw which fasting is commendable for me juice fasting or water. I m 30 yrs and working .Also it will be really helpful for me if you can tell me the daily intake and preferred fruits and vegetables.
on 23 Apr 2008 at 8:10 am 67. Lauri said …
I am on my 3rd day of a partial water fast… I have eaten one meal a day for the past 3… And beginning tomorrow it will be strictly water…
One of my BIGGEST concerns is loose skin… Any one have any thots on this?
on 23 Apr 2008 at 9:23 pm 68. Tom Coghill said …
HI janeel izabeth
Welcome. Eating during a fast is not fasting. A fruit diet with juice will also have great benefit. But you will feel more hungry the more fiber you ingest. You are doing great, keep us posted and feel free to encourage others.
on 23 Apr 2008 at 9:28 pm 69. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Lauri,
From what I have seen everyone who has fasted regains natural skin elasticity. No flabby skin, but stretch marks do not seem to heal with fasting but do reduce visually on longer fasts over 3 weeks.
on 25 Apr 2008 at 4:50 am 70. Jil said …
Hi tom,
I’m from Germany and I am in the US since 10 month. I gained at least 10 pounds since being here. My dad was always fasting and i was reading a lot about fasting online and on your page. I don’t just wanna fast to loose weight, I also want to get healthy again. I just don’t feel comfortable in my body anymore. I’m starting with a 10 day water fast today. I hope I’m gonna be able to loose these 10 pounds again.
Your page is great and really helped me so far.
on 25 Apr 2008 at 6:12 pm 71. janeelizabeth said …
That is true.. eating watermelon didnt feel like cheating because its all water anyways.. but I can see how it is! I am on day 10 and today was kinda hard for some reason but I just drank alot of water to help the hunger. I will do the 30 days!!.. and losing 14pds already has been a huge blessing! If I can do this anyone can!! That is for sure =)
on 26 Apr 2008 at 5:02 pm 72. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jil
Thank you for the encouragement. It is good to start and end a water fast with one or two days of juice fasting. If this is your first fast I recommend juice fast as a warm up.
on 26 Apr 2008 at 5:06 pm 73. Tom Coghill said …
Hi . janeelizabeth
You are doing great and that is a lot of weight to loose. You must feel great. Just eating melon is a just as powerful a detox a juice fasting. Eating only melons, has almost the same benefits as juice fasting. But there is more fiber in the system and therefor the detox is a little slower. It is all good.
on 27 Apr 2008 at 2:50 am 74. Anu said …
hi tom,
it’s me anu again!!! i m from abu dhabi and seeking your advice on my request dated 21.04.08.pls help!!!
on 27 Apr 2008 at 10:37 am 75. Danni said …
HI im 18, and i weigh like 168 pounds, i really want to be 145 pounds so that i could be a size 7 by the time i buy my prom dress which will be in a couple of weeks. Prom is May 30th.My body is naturaly curvy even at 145 lbs, but the difference is at 145 pounds as an african american i look skinny, and im only 5′5. If i had a goal if prom wasnt in the way, i’d say 135 pounds (size 6) would be my ideal weight before going to college inda fall,maybe even 130 pounds. i really want to lose my stomach or most of it by prom, also the flab on my arms, the double chin i see forming, and fat on my back.DO u think i can really lose 25 pounds in two weeks and make a big difference?Thats what im hoping for, also is it ok to continue sit-ups during a water fast? I am really determined about starting this fast, but if i ate today shud i start tomorrow?,and i hope i can do this in two weeks, although i dont hav a scale in my house.Im anxious to see what u write back.
on 27 Apr 2008 at 5:44 pm 76. Christa said …
So I just stumbled on this site while I was trying to get the fact that I want to eat something out of my mind. Today, I will be completing my 4th day of a juice fast…I am drinking about 32 oz of water mixed with 8 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemonade and maple syrup…is this going to detox me, or did I just believe some fad detox diet solution? I have Fibromyalgia and don’t want to take any meds…so I am doing this to try to get rid of the pain. How long do I need to fast for complete detoxification?
on 29 Apr 2008 at 7:54 am 77. paula said …
hey tom
i have a question if we eat fruits all day and do that for say a week or drink juice all week which is better ?? and how much juice can we consume ??? .. planning to start either of it
on 29 Apr 2008 at 12:16 pm 78. lutstubbs said …
Hey Tom,
I’m so excited that I have found this website. I am into my 2nd day of fasting. I’m drinking little juice and water is that okay? Do I have to do one or the other. I am fasting for spiritual reasons mainly, but would like to lose weight as well. Could you give me some tips please? Thanks!!!!!
on 29 Apr 2008 at 12:19 pm 79. lutstubbs said …
My goal is to do a 21 day fast….but I would go longer depending on the overall impact that I am expecting and how I am led. Again thanks for the website.
on 29 Apr 2008 at 1:08 pm 80. Anna said …
Hi all, I’m really curious about your water fasts. I’m a regular juice faster, but I’ve never been able to do extended water fasts. I always try to start my juice fasts with a 3 day water fast but can never make it and I’ll drink a little juice. I feel extremely weak, like unable to function at all weak. Why is that? Do I just need to toughen up? Is there something wrong with my body, that I’m that weak? Does anyone else go through that? Is that normal?
on 01 May 2008 at 2:08 am 81. Tom Coghill said …
Hi lutstubbs,
If you want a life changing event, you would need to totally immerse yourself in prayer and intercession. For that you need alone time. There is a large section on this site on Biblical fasting that will inspire you.
on 01 May 2008 at 2:14 am 82. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Christa,
The maple syrup and lemon is a standard effective detoxification. It will work.
How long? Fibromyalgia is a very slow process of healing. One woman described 3 years for periodic fasting and a stick raw food diet to heal Fibromyalgia and if she ate of the track the symptoms returned quickly. I wish I could be more encouraging. But you are on the right path and that is what is important.
on 01 May 2008 at 2:17 am 83. Tom Coghill said …
For most people water fasting is very difficult. Weakness, dizziness and feeling like crap on a daily basis. But it gets easier after about 4 days. You need to be away from stress and energy demands. I plan days in bed.
on 01 May 2008 at 2:20 am 84. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Anu
Sorry but I missed your post. We are moving so it was a little crazy around the office. I always recommend juice fasting with lots of juice to start. The you can cut down for the weekends. It is much easier to do than you may think.
on 01 May 2008 at 2:29 am 85. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Danni,
Sorry for the delay, we were on overload with a move for that last few days. I know this is important to you. And great motivation. Yes Danni you can lose 25 in two weeks and more. But it depends on metabolism. Generally young people lose weight quicker. And fasting gives any girl that fresh shinning look that is unmistakable. Nothing more beautiful than the radiance of a woman fasting.
on 01 May 2008 at 2:31 am 86. Tom Coghill said …
Hey fasting gang,
Feel free to encourage and share. Sometimes I get busy or travel so if you have some experience you can post it and I will be thankful. Even five days of fasting makes you and expert to a newbie fasting.
on 01 May 2008 at 4:52 pm 87. Lancece said …
Hey, great site! Very informative and inspiring. Just one question, however. I am from the Caribbean and right now we have lots of fruits in season, which makes a juice fast very possible. My query, tho, is this: can i drink mango juice on a fast? We make the juice here with either green or ripe mangoes. I know they are high in carbs so I was just wondering. Thanks in anticipation of a response.
on 02 May 2008 at 9:50 am 88. Anna said …
It’s funny that you say “there’s nothing more beautiful then a girl fasting” because I get hit on so much more when I’m fasting. It’s so crazy. I don’t know where it comes from, but when you said that I was like yeah that is so true.
on 03 May 2008 at 12:17 am 89. adam said …
hey tom,
from the looks of it, you know your fasting!
i’m a beginner; tired of being some pounds overweight and would definitely benefit from detoxing my body.
however, i’ll be attempting my first fast, and from the sound of it, a juice fast seems like the beginners choice.
i’d like to know a few things, if it isn’t a bother:
1. i was planning on a 3 day juice fast to get an experience on fasting. if i feel comfortable, should i continue the fast or break it off and try again another time?
2. how should i prepare for fasts? i’ve seen by eating light meals and fruits, but are there any other tips?
3. how do i come off of a fast? what kind of food should i begin with (and continue)? i’ve seen people saying yogurt, and broth, and other things like that.
thank you all, i’ve been very inspired by your positive comments towards fasting and i’m going to discipline myself into becoming a more healthier person and more in charge of my life!
on 03 May 2008 at 12:20 am 90. adam said …
Also, what kind of juices should I aim for? and how much?
I don’t really engage in any physical events or strenuous things, so would it be safe for me to go for a longer period of time?
thank you all!
on 04 May 2008 at 11:07 am 91. Regina said …
Hello All. On the second day of a 10-day lemon juice detox fast. Have suspended my gym workouts and have been resting. My body so needs it. In the two short days, I already feel my body quieting down.
One concern: have a 2-day work retreat starting Tuesday where there will be lots of activities around food and alcohol. Need some advice about how to navigate those 2 days without drawing undo attention to myself/my fast. Also need some encouragement to keep me on track during those days. Thank you.
on 04 May 2008 at 9:37 pm 92. Jess said …
Hi Regina
Around your 5th 6th day it becomes easier to resist least for me it was. The temptation I dont think will ever go away..but your will and desire lessens.
I just got home today from a weekend with my family with eating and drinking and partying and I thought I wouldnt have fun without those things but I did! I told myslef it was mind over matter.
I didnt give in and thats a miracle for if you want it bad enough you can do it!
I wish you the best of luck!
on 05 May 2008 at 1:54 am 93. MKJJD said …
Hey Everybody!
Today is day 1 of my 6 day water fast and I know it is going to be a piece of cake since I have done an 8 day juice fast before. Remember everyone that it is all in your head and if you put your mind to it then you can do it. I weighed myself on the 30th of April and I weighed 175. Then I weighed myself on the 4th of May and I weighed 170. The results will come as long as you stay strong.
on 05 May 2008 at 5:07 am 94. Samia said …
Hello every one I started my water fast on Tues 29th but I cheated on day 5 I felt fine and wasn’t sick at all. Should I start over or keep going?
on 05 May 2008 at 6:15 am 95. adam said …
hey again fasting gang,
i’m on my 2nd day of juicing!
so far i’ve been okay. however, i felt very sick just a moment ago when i used mouthwash to freshen up my breath.
should i not use anything like mouthwash or toothpaste? do they contain toxins unnatural to the body?
thank you again for any responses.
on 05 May 2008 at 6:28 am 96. Faith said …
Hey Tom…
2 years ago I did a 20 day juice fast and weight loss was the main benefit I saw…However, I feel like I didn’t follow the rules so much….as in I drank lots of bottled juice (all organic) when I was on the go.
Anyways, I have a condition called Dermatographic (leads to hives) and it drives me bonkers….also have minor digestive problems, insomnia, minor skin rashes, Attention Deficit Disorder, about 10 lbs to lose, self esteem issues & emotional eating etc….sorry to dump all that on you but I just didn’t want to leave anything out…
So God is doing serious transformations in my life spiritually and I feel He is calling me to fast for healing - but this time I want to do it right…I won’t lie that weight loss and appearence improvement is one of my stronger motivations but also the enemy is trying to guilt me out of fasting and I’m not gonna let him win…
Ok so after reading all these issues I have, how beneficial do you feel fasting would be for any of the ailments in particular…or any general advice would be highly appreciated….I really feel led to water fast but my diet has been poor this past year so I’m wondering what fasting outline I should follow? Can I go straight to juice fasting for a few days then follow it up with water fasting? Either way, I trust God to get me thru anything as long as it’s Him I’m seeking….Hoping this will bring me to the end of myself and closer to Him…My daily bad eating and health choices create much stress in my life that God wants to free me of….So thanks for reading and sorry it was so long…: )
on 05 May 2008 at 6:30 am 97. Faith said …
woopsy just read a typo!….That condition is called Dermatographia not Dermatographic.
on 05 May 2008 at 1:51 pm 98. derek said …
I was looking for a little advice… i’m currently in a weight loss competition with some friends to see who can lose the most weight by 1 july. i’ve altered my diet by eating healthy (no red meat, sodas, etc) and adopted a 3-4 day per week workout routine. I’m having a great deal of success so far (16 lbs in 6 weeks), and am planning on continuing with this throughout the competition. But when it comes down toward the end of the competition, I want to lose as much weight as possible to ensure victory (without hurting myself, of course). I was thinking of maybe getting a colonic about 4 days before the final weigh-in, and then doing a 4 day fast to drop some quick weight. Is this a good idea, or would there be a better way to do this? I’m thinking that since my metabolism is already pretty high due to my workouts and diet, I may not lose much with a fast… especially since I will probably need to stop working out during the fast.
Also, if I do a fast, should I do juice or water?
on 05 May 2008 at 4:43 pm 99. Tom Coghill said …
Hi adam
Sure tooth paste and mouthwash have chemicals you may have had an allergic reaction due to heightened sensitivity due to fasting. You can get some natural stuff from the health store. You can brush your teeth with salt.
Hi Derik,
To win all you need to do is a dry fast for one day and a colonic the day before. You would lose about 12 LB but gain it the next day. Do I get a cut on the prize money? You can do physical work during a juice fast.
on 05 May 2008 at 4:52 pm 100. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
Fasting (10 to 25 days) will probably cure all your ailments except Attention Deficit Disorder. The will reduce during the fast and if your diet is good the symptoms will be left. I have ADD and dyslexia. If I eat starches like bread, and any processed oil it increases dramatically. During fasting symptoms disappear completely. ADD never heals as it is how the mind is wired.
The issues you talk about I have fought through. Take a read through for help with emotional disorders.
on 06 May 2008 at 11:46 am 101. Anna said …
Wow, Tom, I’m impressed that your ADD decreases during fasts, I feel like mine really increases. I’m a teacher, and I had to listen to 13 speeches in my class today, and wow, it was hard. I could not concentrate for the life of me. Sometimes I can focus, maybe depending on what it is, but I always get a little worried when I start fasting, as my concentration lessons. Even in conversations with people, sometimes they are very difficult and I can’t get out what I want to say because of my lack of focus. I have to apologize a few times, and really try to concentrate on the conversation, but even then, I get lost.
on 07 May 2008 at 2:05 am 102. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Anna,
During juice fasting there are days when ADD and Dyslexia gets really bad but only on the detoxification cycles usually on days 2 to 5, after that my mind is usually very clear. On water there are many day were any mental effort is hard and other days where my body is weak and mental ability increased. On the first fast the mind is often unclear for the first week or two I call it “brain fog”.
on 07 May 2008 at 7:55 pm 103. boobjob said …
Hello Tom,
I am 168 lbs and want to loose 20 lbs in 7 days doing a water fast. In 10 minutes it will be May 8th……by May 14th at 8 p.m. I want to 148 lbs!! I am determined to fast for seven days. Is it possible to loose this much weight? I am very athletic looking to be this weight and 5′6 height. I also carry most of my weight in my big butt and muscukar thighs and calves from roller blading. I have a small waiste….just thunder thighs!!! My boyfriend is coming that day from Georgia!! I sound very immature but I am actually 35 years old…pathetic huh?
on 07 May 2008 at 8:11 pm 104. Tom Coghill said …
Hi boobjob,
Yes you can easily lose that much weight. The weigh loss depends on your metabolism. Some lose 3 lb a day other 1/2 lb.
If you were not concerned with excess fat that would be immature.
Did you have breast implants? LOL
on 07 May 2008 at 9:34 pm 105. carolyn said …
Hi Tom,
I’m 128lbs standing at 5′0 feet. That is pretty overweight for my height, I would like to lose about 28lbs in 20 days on a water fast, do you think it is possible? Also, I don’t have a very high metabolism. Would exercising while on the fast help speed up my metabolism? I’ve tried fasts before the past 3 months and have always failed, never made it through the 3rd day. I just attempted another water fast 2 days ago & failed. I would like to try again!!! I really need to lose this weight and get my life back together, I always lack energy, unable to think straight, always depressed whenever I look in the mirror. I really need your help and motivation. Please answer my questions asap, thanks so much!!!!
on 09 May 2008 at 11:26 am 106. Anna said …
why does tomato juice give me diarrhea?
on 10 May 2008 at 2:24 pm 107. ash said …
hi tom,
i am wanting to lose 60 to 70 lbs in a month. is that possible? i have a wedding to go to and want to look my best. i am 27 yrs old, and weigh 236 lbs. i have been overweight most of my life. i have done a 2 days water fast before, but found it a bit diificult. please give advise.
on 10 May 2008 at 9:22 pm 108. Regina said …
Jess, Thanks for your encouragement.
I’m happy to say that I successfully made it through the two-day retreat. I attended all meetings and discussions, but went back to my room during meals. This strategy worked for me.
Today is my 8th day and I feel fine. Just two more days to go.
During the fast, I have experienced that I am not my mind or its impulses. I am something that (when present) can chose to submit to my mind’s impulses/habits or extinguish them. Although I knew this before, during this fast, I am truly experiencing it.
on 11 May 2008 at 1:07 am 109. mia said …
has anyone doing a water fast experience any kind of body rashes? i got shingles 2 months ago, and my rashes are growing back where my shingle scars are? please any help?
on 11 May 2008 at 2:39 pm 110. Ashley said …
Hey, Tom.
So I’m a little confused. When you’re water fasting, you don’t want to down water all day, but when your body says you’re thirsty? Is this correct?
How much juice should you drink if you’re juice-fasting? What sorts of juices are acceptable? I’m guessing brands like Welches is full of sugar and not the type of juice I want.
on 11 May 2008 at 7:05 pm 111. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Anne
Now sure why does tomato juice give me diarrhea. It can be used to help it. It does have more pulp than most bottled and canned juice.
Hi mia,
Try a juice fasting, with about 2 tbs of essential oil and also rub it on your rash.
You may need a 2-3 weeks to heal it permanently.
Hi Ashley
Welches is good but water it down as it is high in acid.Drink according to need. With juice fasting drink according to energy need. I drink 30 glasses when doing heavy constuction work in heat.
Hi Jess,
Well done. mental control is one of the best effects of fasting.
Hi Ash,
60 to 70 lbs in a month is indeed possible and more if you have water retention but it depends on metabolism. Fasting is the start of a establishing a life time pattern of eating. For that kind of excess weight your weight loss goals need to be long term.
on 11 May 2008 at 7:11 pm 112. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Raushanah,
Great to have you on board and any support you can give would be great.
Hi Carolyn,
Buy a juicer is you do not have one and replace your breakfast with juice, daily. When you fast use a daily enema as it helps you over the hunger at the start. Get a partner to fast with.
on 11 May 2008 at 9:35 pm 113. Neila said …
Hey Tom, I really need to lose about 20lbs in 16 days, is that possible? I’m 4′11 and weigh about 125lbs. I don’t have a very high metabolism. And does exercising help speed up the weight loss? Thanks
on 11 May 2008 at 10:56 pm 114. Ashley said …
I’m worried about this ‘breaking the fast’ deal. I’m very confident about this fast, and I intended on stopping Thursday. So fasting for four days. Will my stomach be super-sensitive Thursday? Even after just four days? Friday I’m going home to this big weekend-party where I plan on drinking and eating bbq foods. What’s your opinion on this? Will I be miserable? Can I drink after fasting? (I know drinking’s bad..but it’s gonna happen)
on 11 May 2008 at 11:39 pm 115. Tom Coghill said …
No the stomach will not be sensitive after 4 days of juice fasting but on 4 days of water yes. Digestion will have totally shut down.
“drinking and eating bbq foods” Try to nibble and sip slowly. Eat till your stomach is stretched and get drunk and you will pay a price. It would be good to have 2 days to get your system back on line before demanding maximum toxin level response. LOL
I hope you make it!!!!!!!!
Where do we send flowers?
on 11 May 2008 at 11:46 pm 116. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Nelia,
Yes you could lose that much weight easily, but weight loss depends on metabolism and yes exercising is good during a juice fast when you have the energy. Very few can exercise during a water fast, except those with a very slow metabolism. For every one else the fast is easier when you are mostly horizontal.
on 12 May 2008 at 2:09 am 117. Kristen said …
I’m a 20 year old girl who is 5′4 and 180 lbs. I’ve always wanted to do an extended water fast, but was never able to make the commitment until now. I’ve done small fasts, my longest being 7 days on water. How long should I fast for to take off the 60 lbs I want to lose? Is it safe to fast for that long?
on 12 May 2008 at 5:36 am 118. Faith said …
Hey Tom…
What are the cons of going into a fast without pre-fasting? I find it difficult to eat only fruits and veggies a week prior to fasting…If I just dive into it after eating normally then what should I expect?
on 12 May 2008 at 3:36 pm 119. Tina said …
Hi, I started a 7 day juice fast today (for health reasons).have tried twice before but always failed on day 2 around lunch time…hmmm hopefully will do better this time around.
Im curious about the need for an enema. Never done one before. must i do one?? is there some thing i can take like a laxative instead
on 12 May 2008 at 5:45 pm 120. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Kristen,
With a 7 day water fast behind you accomplished a lot. How much weight did you lose on that fast. You get get a good idea with your past weight loss rate. I always recommend long term programs for weight loss and a total change of thinking. is another of my sites. As to how long… 80 days of water fasting for a slow metabolism is possible, but I recommend 20 days max for water fasting and about 40 for juice fasting.
Hi Tina,
Whenever I am having a hard time getting started and lacking in discipline I use the enema as it cut out hunger totally. Laxatives to not have that effect. It is not required.
Hi Faith,
You can enter a fast off a totally toxic diet.
on 12 May 2008 at 10:47 pm 121. annie said …
Hey Tom, I need help.
I’m a 22 year old weighing at 128lbs standing at 5′0. I want to lose about 25lbs in 15 days on a water fast, is that possible? I have a wedding to attend in 20 days. Also, should I take 15 days to slowly get off the fast.
on 12 May 2008 at 11:21 pm 122. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Annie,
Yes it is possible to lose 25 lbs. in 15 days and more. Seven days is enough to break the fast. I recommend buying a juice extractor and drinking some juice if you feel weak or herbal tea sweetened with honey.
on 13 May 2008 at 1:31 am 123. Sharon Woodington said …
How do I break a fast without gaining much of my weight back? Thanks.
on 13 May 2008 at 5:44 pm 124. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Sharon
If you exercise, eat salads, cut out heavy fatty foods and junk food you will maintain the weight loss permantently.
on 13 May 2008 at 11:39 pm 125. Anne said …
How much water should I drink per day on a water fast? I need to lose 20lbs in 2 weeks. Is it rare to get kidney failure during a water fast? Also, how do you get a kidney failure? Thanks
on 13 May 2008 at 11:56 pm 126. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Anne,
I would drink according to need. You will drink less on a water fast as your body does not need water for digestion. Kidney failure caused by fasting is around 50 to 100 days of water fasting. If you are health there is no worries.
on 14 May 2008 at 8:59 am 127. Aliceceila said …
Hi Tom,
Firstly, like many others have said, I’d like to say how great you have made this site. I have been reading through the many questions and responses and I believe juice fasting would be very beneficial to me.
I would like to start as soon as possible but I believe you have to cut down to raw foods first? Is it possible to just start juicing without doing this as I do not have a tremendously poor diet to start with?
on 14 May 2008 at 1:43 pm 128. Kristen said …
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the advice. I’ve already made HUGE changes to my diet longterm, but the weight loss has been slow. Like most women, losing a few pounds per month is just not enough, so I’ve decided to use fasting as a jump-start. I also like the added benefit of the detoxification process, especially after living for years off of crappy fast food and a high fat diet. I lose about 3 pounds per day in the first few days of a fast, and then about 1-2 pounds per day after that. When people say the weight loss starts to slow in the later part of the fast, at approximately what time are we talking about?
on 14 May 2008 at 6:20 pm 129. Tom Coghill said …
You can fast directly from drug addiction and junk food.
Breaking a fast correctly needs discipline and establishing a healthy lifestyle. If you fast from a a toxic diet then after the fast you have to learn how to eat, you can blow breaking the fast. If is good to have a healthy diet before fasting as it is easier to maintain afterwards. If you have trouble staying on a diet, fasting can be the boost you need to get your discipline up but that boost can be temperamental and affected by stress, pressures or temptation.
on 14 May 2008 at 6:25 pm 130. Tom Coghill said …
Weight loss can drop to 1/2lb to 1 lb after 3 weeks of juice or water fasting. The body becomes more and more efficient and needs less calories. This efficiency is a sign of health. If you want to be thin, take up long distance running, or swimming. I have never seen a fat one yet. Lots of salads, skipping meals, no fat, and cutting out breads, periodic fasting, and exercise is a lifestyle that rewards you with longevity and health.
on 16 May 2008 at 6:29 am 131. Faith said …
Cutting out breads completely? What about whole grain or the live sproated grains?
on 16 May 2008 at 6:36 am 132. Faith said …
Hey again,
How many days of water fasting would you recommend to heal skin problems (splotchiness, hives, eczema) and various allergies…
Thanks : )
on 16 May 2008 at 9:02 am 133. kg said …
Awesome site Tom! Keep up the good work & effort everyone, I’ll be rooting for you all.
on 16 May 2008 at 11:10 am 134. Aliceceila said …
Hi Tom,
I feel ready to go on a juice diet and Im starting tomorrow. I have problems with bowel movements however and was wondering if taking pysillium husks while juice fasting will hinder the detoxifying and also the weight loss?
on 17 May 2008 at 4:14 pm 135. Sarah said …
hey tom!
I am about 5′9.
and i am 160 lbs.
i have been on a water fast for about
4 days now and i am liking the results.
i have fasted plenty
of times before and 21 days is my ultimate goal.
how much weight do you think i can lose on
an 21 day water fast?
on 18 May 2008 at 11:25 pm 136. Tom Coghill said …
Faith, Live sprouted grains made into to bread is like cake.
Sooooo good. You are making me toooo hungry.
Hi Aliceceila,
I would just fast. Fasting is the best thing you can do for bowel problems. After that fast, take flax in the morning with some oatmeal and a salad every day.
Weight Loss depends on many factors. In 21 days of water fasting the loss can be 15lbs. to 60lbs.
on 19 May 2008 at 1:34 am 137. Catharine said …
Please!! I need all the help and support I can get. I’m a 33 year old paraplegic and as from today, I am attempting a juice fast. Anyone who has any suggestions as to what, when and how, please post a comment. I weigh about 140 kg, I don’t know how many pounds that is, in South Africa we use kilograms and centimeters, so sorry for me not knowing. I need to lose weight because I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. I am also trying to get pregnant and read that losing a few kilograms will not harm the “trying to conceive” process.
I’m starting with a few glasses of carrot and tomato juice, thats all the shop had. We live in a small little town and only have three shops, no chemist, no clothing stores, no railway station etc etc… Luckily I think I will get carrots and tomatoes everyday, though not fresh… Please, anyone, I need some encouragement.
on 19 May 2008 at 11:53 am 138. Ona said …
Hi All,
This site has been a real inspiration to me (thank you Tom). It’s frustrating that Doctors know so little about fasting…
I’m on my third day of a water fast (at least no juice - so definitely not a juice fast ;-)). Still having occassional bouts of hunger, but full of energy.
I’m not so much a low-burner as a no-burner (Ha). I’m 50 this year. I have low thyroid (treated) and am insulin resistant. For the last 10 months I’ve been eating an extremely clean diet - only fresh fruits, non-starchy veggies, raw only, & 3oz lean protein twice a day (cooked). I wanted to fast a year ago, but my doctor asked me to try the medical way first - so this diet combined with insulin support medication. I feel pretty good, but the weight stayed on.
I have quite a bit of experience with fasting, but most of it from my teens (& I was *definitely* not going for cleansing then - just weight - fasting at 18 meant cigarettes, black coffee, and diet coke - eek!). In my twenties - yoga, macrobiotics, whole foods, yada yada…
In any case, I gained a lot of weight 7 years ago when I stopped smoking and it’s never come off. And if you don’t want the weight, just stop eating - no?
Having posponed the fast for a year, I’m really glad to finally be getting down to it.
I just *love* the freedom of just not eating. It’s surrender. It’s trusting your body.
This is already a long post, so I’ll stop here. I have no goal in mind (a week, a month, whatever), just listening to my body…
One question: How long can I expect these bouts of serious hunger to continue? I remember about three days, but they don’t seem to be changing much and I’m in my 3rd day of no solids, my 7th day of no sugars (including fruits & veggies). And I’m fully in ketosis as of yesterday morning.
In any case, I’m glad to be signing in and looking forward to sharing with everyone.
on 19 May 2008 at 11:42 pm 139. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona,
Your hunger during fasting may be blood sugar related and the fasting is increasing the effect as everything becomes more sensitive. Do you have a juice extractor? Try melon juice. You are on a excellent path to health and patience is part of the program. No write as much as you want it is all part of our understanding of fasting. Water fasting with small amounts of water usually causes the least hunger.
on 20 May 2008 at 4:18 am 140. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Catharine,
Your situation is indeed difficult. You can fast on any juice even sugar cane juice or just herbal tea with some honey. The juices help but you can fast on water. For you, fasting would be very important as your body would not have the detoxification that comes with exercise and body movement. The lymph do not have a pump and rely on movement to flush. So a fast will have tremendous benefits. Everyone here will gladly support you on your path to healing. I will pray for your success.
on 20 May 2008 at 5:27 am 141. Catharine said …
Tom, thank you so much. As I said in my post yesterday, I can use all the help and support I can get. I did some research but never came upon the lymph issue… I’ve been a paraplegic since 1995 and gained tooooooooo much weight. I was wondering if it would be bad or good if I also drink store bought juices, like 100% orange juice, etc, not juice that has added sugar and so on. I juiced 1kg carrots and 1 kg tomatoes and it taste not too bad but I would not be able to drink that three or four times daily? And your suggestion about ‘honey’ helped because it satisfied the sugar cravings… It is only day 2 and except for terrible headaches I feel good. The one thing that will keep me fasting is to sit in my wheelchair comfortably again because it’s tight at the moment.
You should know this by now, but I just want to say it again, thank you for this site and for your support. My husband is trying hard to understand what I’m doing, but he can’t give advice etc.
I am actually Afrikaans speaking, so pardon any terrible spelling and language mistakes.
Take care…
on 20 May 2008 at 1:08 pm 142. Ona said …
Hi Tom,
Thanks. Blood sugar is a thought… Perhaps I’ll pick up a blood sugar tester. But usually when my blood sugar is down I feel tired and achy - & I’m revved!
I’m trying to avoid all sugars this time around - that’s why no juice. Any sugar seems to keep me out of ketosis - and then hunger and no weight loss.
So we’ll see. I’ll try an enema tonight - it’s time and it may help with the hunger.
Thanks for responding. It means so very much.
on 20 May 2008 at 1:14 pm 143. Ona said …
Groeten Katherine,
Ik ben Amerikans maar ik woon in Nederland meer dan 10 jaar. Als je wil soms een beetje makelijker spreken, kunt je een klein berichtje onderaan doen. Ik zou voor je uitkijken!
Succes met alles!
on 20 May 2008 at 9:56 pm 144. Tom Coghill said …
Yea the headaches and be bad till day four especially after quiting coffee. You will feel better soon. I bet I make more spelling mistakes than you.LOL Yes you can drink store bought juice. Frozen juice is better than canned. We are rootin for you.
on 21 May 2008 at 12:58 pm 145. Lisa said …
hey tom ,
i am walking up to 8.5 miles per day.
doing about 100 situps a day.
and am fasting for 15 days.
i am about 160 , how much weight
do you think i could lose?
on 21 May 2008 at 1:50 pm 146. Lisa said …
actually its more like 3 miles a day sorry
on 21 May 2008 at 9:53 pm 147. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Lisa
Water fasting 2-3 lb a day.
Juice 1-3 lbs a day.
What day of the fast are you on.
on 21 May 2008 at 10:56 pm 148. Catherine said …
Tom, I’m on day 4 and feeling really good. The headaches are still around but I can handle them. I think they are brought on by smoking but please don’t say I must quit now!!!! I can’t believe that I have the willpower that I have. I was always eating, all day long and especially at night before going to sleep I ate bags and bags of potato chips. I don’t crave anything but I DO miss chewing something!! One important question: I’m not under any medical supervision. Do u think my body will tell me when something is not going well? I’m concerned that I cant feel my kidneys and I’ve read about kidney failure… I use a catheter and can tell from my urine that everything is still good, no dark colour, strong smell etc, things they said I must be on the lookout for 15 years ago, they scared me because they said thats one of the first problems a paraplegic can expect. Whats your thoughts on this, Tom and everyone else reading this?? A last thing for today: should I force myself to drink juice if I don’t feel hunger or need for anything except water?
I’m going to post something in Afrikaans now for Ona, please don’t see this as wrong or selfish, I just want to get everything of my chest and it’s sooooo much easier in my mother language…
Hallo Ona, ja, almal se altyd Afrikaans en Nederlands is dieselfde maar as jy dit met my praat sal ek sukkel om te verstaan… Om dit te lees is makliker. Wat is jou ondervinding van vas? Hierdie is my eerste keer en ek is bang ek doen iets verkeerd maar dan hoop ek my lyf sal my betyds waarsku. Ek wil nie hospitaal toe gaan deur my eie toedoen nie!!! Ek is ‘n huisvrou en ek het gedink dit sou moeilik wees om vir my man te kook maar dit is nie. Ek moet net mooi dink om nie aan die kos te proe nie!!! Wat doen jy daagliks? Dis interessant om met iemand in Nederland te gesels. Ek gaan eers, maar ek kyk uit vir jou antwoord.
Groetnis uit Suid Afrika
on 21 May 2008 at 11:43 pm 149. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Catherine,
Speak in whatever language you want… pero hablo solo Espanol e Inglis.
You can tell when your body is breaking down because of how your body feels but toxin release caused by fasting can feel bad but is good for you so you need to wait out feeling bad for about 2 days. I would not worry as it is easy to stop fasting and it is a lot less dangerous than your present lifestyle. Quit smoking when your body tells you.
Smoking? The desire to quit usually happens after the second week of fasting or sooner.
Dark urine is common during water fasting.
Your body will want less juice the longer you fast.
on 22 May 2008 at 3:07 am 150. Catherine said …
Thanks for answering all the questions. I just made hubby bacon and eggs and I did not even want to taste it, truly amazing!!!!!! To my utter dissapointment I can’t weigh myself, but last night I sat in the bath and shaved my legs, which is a very acrobatic thing, being paralysed and not being able to sit up straight without holding onto something, but what I want to say, is that when I lifted my leg above my head to shave my calve, my stomach WAS NOT IN MY WAY AND HOLDING ME BACK, AND IT DIDN’T PRESS MY BREATH OUT OF MY LUNGS!!!!!!!! So what, you might ask, but it’s soooo encouraging to me. I don’t weigh or measure myself but in only three days, there’s visible results. do you reckon i’m to optimistic if i say i want to fast for 40 days? And is 40 days too much too soon??? Oh, about the electricity issue you have, be thankfull you don’t have load shedding, where they switch off the whole country’s power twice a week for two hours at a time. It’s frustrating but one get used to anything and yes, you learn to appreciate the small things. Enjoy your day, I’ll check back in two days….
on 22 May 2008 at 9:13 am 151. Danielle said …
Hi Tom,
This site is so helpful to me! I’m sitting in my office trying to work on day 2 of my first water fast-tough stuff!
I’ve juice cleansed in the past and have a solid knowledge of how that works, but I really feeling funky right now. The feeling of nausea is overwhelming, I threw up quite a bit this morning. Hmmm. I hope that’s okay?
I’m commited to water for a full 3 days and then I’m moving into lemon water and a little greens and apple juice on day 4, good plan?
Also planning on having hydrotherapy this evening-should I?
Thank you so much for your support!
on 22 May 2008 at 1:44 pm 152. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 6 and feeling pretty good. Water just works better for me than juice - I thought it would, and it is. Day four was pretty bad, I slept and slept and slept some more - but I think that’s about right for day four. Now I’ve got lots of energy again. My partner says I’m just more alive since I stopped eating (how weird is that, when you think about it).
Still having some hunger. I think perhaps my digestion isn’t completely turned off because I’m still on some of my meds (heart & thyroid & anti-depressant) - so it’s still got some work to do digesting those. But nothing I can’t handle.
Today was the day when EVERYTHING smelled SO GOOD! Everything! Egg rolls (well our Dutch version), pork cooking, sausage - the smells were overwhelming. I didn’t necessarily want to eat… but it just smelled so good. Anyway, I just reminded myself to enjoy what there is, and enjoy the smell and keep walking. It’s all OK.
I didn’t have a scale when I began this fast, so I couldn’t check weight - but now I do and I can see I’ve lost some, which is nice…
One question - is there any way to tell good ketosis from bad diabetic ketosis. My partner says I smell of acetone all the time - which is the ketosis I think. But I’m insulin resistant (which is more or less the same as pre-diabetic) and I’m a little worried about ketoacidosis. Is there any way to tell the difference? The ketone strips, which I use, don’t have a “too much” color!
Again Many Many Thanks for the site…
Just being able to check in is wonderful.
I’m going to write a quick note to Catherine now in Dutch - just ignore us
on 22 May 2008 at 1:57 pm 153. Ona said …
Hallo Catherine,
Ja, nederlands is een beetje anders, maar best te verstand elkar, nie? Af en toe vind ik een beetje in de war, maar voor het meeste begrijp ik je goet.
Ja, ik kan het goed begrijpen dat je wil jezelf in het ziekenhuis doen. Maar ik denk dat het zou niet geburen. Je lijf zal je het laten weten. Ik weet het bijna zeker.
Maar je moet goed luisteren. Ik denk eigenlijk dat 40 dagen zou te veel zijn - maar ik ben je lijfie niet! Als je goet luisteren en best comfortable voelt, ga je gang.
Wat jammer dat je man koekt niet! Mannen! Bah! Maar geel goet aan jou dat je at het niet! Laat het allemaal gaan… allemaal weg… alles is goed.
Ik ben docent en dicter - getrouwed ook. Nu is het zomer dus ik kan gedichten maken en mee werken. Dat is voor mij het lekerste wat er is!
Ik zoek ook een nieuwe huis te huren. Dat kost veel tijd, zeg! Dan verven, vloer bedekking, koeken… Jeetje!
Maar het is hier nu warm… de zon schijnt… Ik voel me lekker van binnen uit - dus alles zou goed komen.
Ik hoop het goed gaat met jou!
Ik wens je groet sucess!
on 22 May 2008 at 2:01 pm 154. Ona said …
Ik bedoelde:
Ja, ik kan het goed begrijpen dat je wil jezelf NIET in het ziekenhuis doen. Maar ik denk dat zou niet geburen.
on 22 May 2008 at 7:03 pm 155. sjh said …
I am a very big coffe drinker but i have been fasting for 4 days so far, drinkning coffee and alot of water, is that ok.
on 22 May 2008 at 7:21 pm 156. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Catherine,
A 40 day water fast is indeed a challenge. I would try a 5-7 day first then break it properly. If you can do that return to fasting in about a week of eating properly and then go for a longer fast.
Breaking a fast is harder than,fasting and you can really suffer if not done correctly.
Hi Ona
There is no way to tell good ketosis from bad diabetic ketosis. Your breath will smell bad and your tongue will form a coating as a normal fasting reaction. The more toxic the body the worse the smell. When I started fasting my breathe could kill a horse, is stunk bad.
Now I do not get bad breath when I fast unless I was eating badly for a period of time.
Sense of smell, skin and emotional sensitivity increase during a fast become very acute after 21 days on juice fasting and 7 on water fasting.
I recommend you take juice with medication to assist absorption.
Hi Danielle,
IF you had juice fasted for 1-3 days you would not feel nausea on the first day of water fasting. It is an indication of toxicity. My first water fast conducted in an attempt to recover from drug abuse caused severe vomiting for 3 days. Now, I never get nausea during fasting.
on 22 May 2008 at 7:28 pm 157. Tom Coghill said …
Hi sjh,
You are on a coffee fast. Not recommended as coffee acidifies the blood and reduces detoxification. Coffee with milk is even worse in reducing detoxification. The body has to work harder for less results. Try getting a natural coffee replacement like chickory and cutting back on the coffee until you are not drinking any. It would be better to make juice than drink coffee.
on 22 May 2008 at 9:43 pm 158. Catharine said …
Hi Tom and everyone else. Today you have to bare with me, as I have a few (maybe silly) questions. First, what is an enema? I’m asking because I want to know if it’s different from what I’m doing daily. Now, I,m gonna describe rather graphically what I do, and I beg your pardon if it’s more than you wanted to know: I put 2 liters of lukewarm salty water in a bag, then I insert a cone-shaped thing at the rear end and let the water flow in and flush out anything that has to come out. This is what I’ve been doing daily since 1995 as I can’t have “normal” bowel movements. Is it very different from the enema thing?
Then, my second question: what do you mean when you say “we’re rooting for you”?
A last thing: I don’t want you to misunderstand me because I take all your advice to heart. I did not mean I
want to go on a 40 day water fast, I want to know if I can go for 40 days on juice, tea, water and maybe an occasional cup of beef broth? I’ve read what you said, but I do not want to break my fast after 7 days because I’m to afraid I will not be able to motivate myself to do
it again. If I can see this through for 30 or 40 days, I know I will be able to do it again and again, and by then, hopefully my body will have learned the difference
between hunger and just wanting to eat for no reason.
The headaches have gone almost completely, this is day 5, and I feel good good good…
Now this is really the last thing: can I add salt to my juice or anything else? I feel like I need salt? Will it make me hungry?
Thanks again for all the encouragement and advice.
Hallo Ona
Vir ‘n voormalige Amerikaner is jou Afrikaans en Nederlands fantasties goed… Ek wens ons kon plekke ruil
want dit is nou winter hier by ons. Gelukkig is dit Afrika, die son is nooit weg nie, maar as ‘n mens die hitte gewoond is, is die winter minder lekker. Gelukkig kom die somer weer Augustusmaand.
Waarin doseer jy? Ek neem aan by die universiteit? Om te skryf is ‘n droom van my, miskien realiseer ek dit eendag.
Is dit moeilik om ‘n huis te koop daar waar jy woon? Dit is net soveel beter om jou eie huis te hê, dan is daar geen kommer oor huur, verhuis ensovoorts nie.
Wat is ketose? Ek kan dit naslaan maar dis makliker om jou te vra!! Diabetes en insulienweerstandigheid is gevaarlik, jy moet mooi na jouself kyk. Ek kan nie besluit of ek moet bang wees vir moontlike gevare en of ek net na my lyf moet luister nie. Ek is bang my lyf praat en ek hoor of luister nie, as jy dit kan verstaan.
Geniet die somer, ek het juis iewers gelees dis makliker om te vas in die somer as in die winter, alhoewel ek nie kan sien waarom dit so is nie…. Ek hoop van harte al jou gesondheidsprobleme verdwyn soos mis voor die somerson.
on 24 May 2008 at 6:51 am 159. Ronelle Jonat said …
Dear Tom / Ona
Not sure if this is correct. I have just started a fast which will be a cleansing and detox priority. I am already a bit worried about the breaking of the fast and would like to know if you have a step by step plan for breaking a 42 day fast (I am only having water).
Thanks for your time and very informative website!
Kind regards
Ronelle Jonat (UK)
Ona ek sien jy kan Afrikaans en Nederlands verstaan! Amazing!!
on 24 May 2008 at 9:40 am 160. Jessica said …
I’m planning on doing a 3 day water fast and I am on the morning of day 2. Its going well, the hunger pains seem shorter than day 1. This is my first fast and I was my question is, can you drink TOO much water on a water fast? Day one I drank about 4 water bottles and 2 mugs of hot water with honey and lemon. I’ve actually gained 2 lbs after the first day and I was wondering the possible reason for that.
on 24 May 2008 at 8:14 pm 161. Anne said …
Hey Tom,
I’m planning on doing a 7 day juice fast, what kind of juices should I drink? Thanks. Also, can I jump right into fasting with a toxic body?? How long should I do the fast for in order for my toxins to get out of my body..or start working? I’ve done a fast few months ago. Thanks!!!!
on 24 May 2008 at 11:29 pm 162. Catharine said …
Day 7 !!! Never thought I would make it this far!! Yesterday evening was bad. I was really hungry and I could not fall asleep… This morning I used my blender and blended some pineapple and had half a glass mixed with water. Now I feel good again. Did I break my fast now? Will it be good or bad if I have a glass of it daily? I think there’s something wrong with me because the juice is not tasting too good? Or do I have to get used to the taste? Oh, and I had some salt the day before yesterday, do you think that is what made me hungry? I really don’t want to break my fast and I am eagerly waiting to see your opinion on the pineapple. It was almost like juice, except it had little pieces of fiber… Tomorrow will be my 8th day, and I’m just so proud of myself. Every time I think of completely blowing the fast and EAT, I come to this site for encouragement.
Thanks to everyone who post, even if you don’t know it, I find answers and encouragement in almost all the posts.
Ronelle Jonat, where are you from originally? Ek sien jy gooi die Afrikaans net so lekker!!!
on 24 May 2008 at 11:39 pm 163. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Catharine
Yes you can an go for 40 days on juice, tea, water and maybe an occasional cup of broth. You can heat some tomato juice and add some spices. Yes that is the same and an enema. “rooting for you” is the same a cheering for you like in a sports event.
Hi Ronelle
On a fast that long , 3 to five days on juice, then fruits for 2 then salads with some heavier foods, for 2 then regular healthy eating. avoid the proteins an starches till at least three days after the fast.
Hi Jessica,
You can drink as much as you want. You do not have to limit intake. Your weight gain is excess water, but that is fine. Drink lots seems to reduce hunger but your body will normalize in the fasting state quickly and you will drink less.
Hi Anne,
You can jump directly into a fast. But you usually get some headaches and feel toxic for the first few days. Toxins are never totally out of your body but a 30 juice fast brings incredible health and vitality.
on 25 May 2008 at 8:21 am 164. Jessica said …
So today is Day 3 and last day of my water fast, but it was the first morning i felt really fatigued. so I decided to make my last day a water/juice fast to get some extra energy seeing as i have to work today. so i juiced a really tasty combo of carrots, celery, spinach, apple and half a garlic which i decided last minute to put in cause i love garlic and its good for you. I already have more energy, its great and it was a really helpful boost on my last day of fasting.
Now this is my very first fast so maybe in a longer fast you don’t feel hunger pains, but I felt hunger pains throughout, some long or short, strong or weak cravings, but I did not stop thinking about what I really wanted to eat when I finally broke my fast. Especially at night time trying to go to sleep all i could think about was turkey burgers, ribs, chinese food, and pop tarts! hopefully i won’t go totally head long into those all those foods because I dont regularly eat most of those items, with the exception of turkey burgers. I am planning to be smart about this first fasting by going slowly into solids, by eating raw foods first, scrambled eggs, and yogurts.
Thanks for all the posts they are very helpful!!
on 25 May 2008 at 11:07 am 165. sjh said …
Thx tom, I have cut back on the coffee alot and replaced it with flavored water, like aquafina. I have noticed a tremandous difference. I have added 1 tomato in the afternoon to help with my digestion, in other words to get my body to have bowel movements, unless taking fiber is ok on a fast.
on 25 May 2008 at 3:17 pm 166. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 9 and still stable… Still full of energy. I keep waiting for my body to start feeling fatigued, but so far, so good.
I haven’t had a lot of detox stuff this time round - I think it must be because I’ve been eating so clean this last year. Maybe also because I’ve kept taking my meds.
Still having hunger though - about 4 times a day. It’s settled into a kind of pattern - about 2 hours after I start work; about 2pm; about 6 pm; and about 10pm. I don’t think it’s habit - as I’ve never been a very regular eater… Hmm now that I write that out, it’s almost exactly 4 hours apart…
By the way, Tom, I looked into the diabetic ketoacidosis. To be sure, you need to get the ketosis strips and a home glucose monitor. If your ketones are high AND your glucose is 2x normal or higher - you need to have it checked. (An unlikely situation for anyone fasting).
In any case, I’m going to pick up one of those home monitors, just to check out the blood sugar theory for the hunger (and to confirm I’m in no danger of bad ketosis).
I’m going to close now, as I’m typing this on my partner’s Mac Laptop and it’s making me CRAZY (grin).
9 days - who would have thunk it!
Thanks Tom - everyone,
Catherine/Ronelle - ik kan het bijna niet geloven dat *twee* mensen op dit site spreeken nederlands of afrikaans. Vreemd! (Maar wij zijn overall - he). Ik wil niet zo veel ruimte op Tom’s site nemen. Als je wil nederlands/afrikaans schrijven, jullie kunnen mij posten op Maar op site post “check your email” - anders check ik dat adres heel weinig. Sucess voor jullie allebei! Tot straks, Ona
on 25 May 2008 at 8:57 pm 167. Lynn said …
Hey Tom, love the site! I am on day 21 of a water fast. i have lost about 24 pounds. Unfortunately, I have been drinking black regular coffee to stave off hunger. I also take a multi-vitamin, B-complex, and Celexa. I am also doing a whole body cleanse with a once a week enema. I have today cut out the coffee but I am really starting to feel hunger pains. I also have pain around my left elbow and on the left side of my back. Is this due to detoxification? Are there any ways I can stave off hunger that wont slow my weight loss? I also drink about 70 ozs. of water per day. No exercise other than regular activity. How can I increase my weight loss?
on 25 May 2008 at 11:26 pm 168. Catharine said …
Day 8……. WOW! Such an achievement. I don’t think I’m the only paraplegic in the world attempting a fast, so maybe if somewhere there’s someone interested, I can say that not being able to move so much, my body took it’s time with the detoxification process. The first six days was bad, but then it got better and I think I’m finally at the stage where the hunger has left completely, no headaches, nausea or anything. I guess it’s downhill from here… Tom, I decided against taking anything else than clear juices and tea. It felt like cheating when I took the pineapple and broth and the broth gave me bad breath!!
To anyone who is thinking of attempting a fast, I can only say “JUST DO IT!!” It’s worth so much. And with the help of this website, it is not impossible at all. Get your head right and dive in…
Ona, ek sal sekerlik vir jou ‘n notatjie pos af en toe. Ek het ook gevoel dis nie reg dat ons Tom se site gebruik vir ‘n tipe privaat sitkamer nie!! Ek hoop alles draai goed uit vir jou.
on 26 May 2008 at 10:42 am 169. Nick said …
I would like to know the difference to fasting if I use Orange juice that I buy from the supermarket shelf in a cartoon versus fresh orange juice. Would the cartoon unsweetened version do any harm to the fast or can it also work?
on 26 May 2008 at 1:38 pm 170. summer said …
Hey Tom,
I was just wondering: I have done a water fast before, about week ago, but just for three days. By the end of the first day and beginning of the second day I was feeling dizzy and lethargic, as well as really hungry. I’m now aiming for a 14 day water fast, and am currently on my second day. But this time I am not feeling dizzy (yet) and Im not really that hungry. As well, in my last fast I felt my weight dropping and I felt my stomach was empty; this time though it feels as if I’ve eaten and I’m not even really hungry. I’m not drinking lots of water, in fact I’m not even really thirsty at all and have barely drunk a bottle of water. Why do you think this change is? And do you think this means it will be tougher for me to lose the weight as I’m not really feeling anything yet?
I’m 130 and 5″4, looking to lose around 15 pds; so far I’m still the same!
on 26 May 2008 at 6:12 pm 171. sjh said …
Hello, I am wanting to detox and colon cleanse. Is it possible to colon cleanse without having to buy the expensive products. I have been fasting for 7days and feel great.
on 26 May 2008 at 11:12 pm 172. Tom Coghill said …
I do the same if I am water fasting. If I have to do something that demands energy I have some juice and the energy boost is amazing. The foods you think about during a fast can create metal triggers that from urges for those foods after a fast. Try to think of health meals during the fast.
Your doing great. The strips are a good idea. The more science the better.
Your first fast got rid of the easy to remove waste in the body and the feeling can be really bad. The second fast you body is not more adapted to fasting. This is normal and good.
Congrats and yes the good feeling are about to come and it just gets better from there. Life becomes a dream.
Fasting makes every other health remedy pale in effectiveness. Save your money.
Weight loss is set by metabolism and calorie demand. Other that jogging 5 to 10 k a day you cannot increase the rates. Herbal weight loss produce will speed your metabolism at a hight price. Well done. 21 days is an accomplishment.
Hi Nick,
You can just fresh or store bought juices and no damage will be done. You once you have experienced a fast with a juice extractor you will never go back unless you have to as you do not have fresh juice.
on 27 May 2008 at 12:25 am 173. Nick said …
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your last responese. I am also concerned about the sugar in unsweetened orange juice (from the supermarket). How much is OK to drink in a day? what other juices are best?
Don’t have a juice extractor yet
on 27 May 2008 at 3:08 am 174. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 11 and all is well… My tongue turned green yesterday. I just thought it was funny - detox and all - but my partner freaked.
One thing *is* really bothering me though. I’ve been gaining weight for the last few days - a kilo over 2 1/2 days - or about a pound a day. I took an enema 2 days ago, when it started, so it’s not my colon filling up.
Have you ever heard of anyone *gaining* weight on a water fast?
(I’m not, by the way, too thin… I still have at least 20 kilos extra to burn…)
If you have any ideas, please let me know.
Otherwise, I’m still feeling good and plenty of energy.
on 27 May 2008 at 4:16 am 175. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona
The extra weight must be water. Maybe you were a little dehydrated. But I would not worry. Oh and try not to kiss during the green tongue days.
Hi Nick,
The sugar is fine as it is fructose but the acid can be a problem and cause some stomach pains. Buy low acid pulp free frozen concentrate. Apple and grape should be mixed with some water to reduce the acid. The stomach will get sensitive to acid as the mucus coating in the stomach thins.
on 27 May 2008 at 8:38 am 176. sjh said …
Tom. Thx for the reply. Is it ok to take fiber pills to move the digestion or should I wait for the body to do it
on 27 May 2008 at 10:54 am 177. Nick said …
Hi Tom,
Thanks again for your response.
I actually bit the bullet and bought a juice extractor today…I started making fresh juice 9mixing carrots, apples and oranges with some ginger) and just wanted to drink all day… found that I wanted to pee very frequently… is this normal?
on 27 May 2008 at 3:50 pm 178. Anne said …
Hey Tom,
Can I go on a fast/cleanse for 7 days consuming only green tea, water, and watermelon? Thanks
on 27 May 2008 at 3:51 pm 179. Anne said …
How much do you think I can lose, refer to previous post.
on 27 May 2008 at 11:46 pm 180. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Sjh
You do not need fiber during a fast as there is no food to assist in transit though the colon. The goal is to let your digestive system rest and fiber takes some work and can cause hunger.
Yes, and peeing like a race horse is normal if you drink a gallon of fluid. Fruit juice act as a diuretic and pass though the system quickly.
Sure you will effectively detox with the program you mentioned. I get asked the question almost daily but about the same a a juice fast and depending on metabolism and calorie demand. You will know in a few days.
Note: I am getting ready for a trip to the beach so it will be a few days before answering posts.
on 28 May 2008 at 12:40 pm 181. Sylvia said …
I just got in from a horrible experience where someone called me very fat. I am 5 ft 11 and weigh 190lbs. A big girl I guess. I have become really inspired to try the water fast just so I can go back to they way i was before i had my kids. I am really scared that sth might hapen to me while driving with the kids in the car , is this a possibility? Also can I drink coffee with diet sugar? I really wanna do this for myself and i am glad to hear that im not the only one struggling with a weight problem. Its so overwhelming not to feel good about yourself. I need to lose 40 pounds , do you think I can accomplish it in 40 days without actually harming myself? i love this site and the help you are giving ..thanks for listening
on 28 May 2008 at 2:59 pm 182. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 13 - and I’m having an awfully hard time. The last two days were “vertical” - and though I know that’s pretty normal for a water fast, I’m just used to having more energy. And two totally non-functional days is bad for my mood :-(…
Also having some monster cravings - Hunger about 2x a day now, but severe enough to be hard to work through, I usually just give up and sleep. And eating *anything* seems like a good idea (well, to part of my brain anyway - grin) - craving taste is the best description, I guess, any very strong taste (hot & sour soup - yum!).
Still not losing weight after 5 days, which doesn’t help my spirits either.
Well, I guess the bad days are as much a part of the trip as the good ones… And I’ll hope for good weather on the other side of the storm.
PS: Tom, I assume this is normal at this stage in a water fast… please let me know if I should change something or if you have an idea of something that would help me break through this wall - (just no juice!). Ona
on 28 May 2008 at 5:38 pm 183. Tom Coghill said …
You need to develop healthy lifestyle where both health and normal weight returns. Fasting is only one part of that. Many people look for quick fixes to problems but unless you are ready for change fasting will just be another quick fix. You will lose the weight and regain it.
You ask about living on coffee and artificial sugar for long periods weeks…. not wise. You really need to enjoy reading the site and get familiar with the concepts. We would love to support you and your weight loss goals are important but education first, then mental preparation lead to success. And as you can read, water fasting is very difficult. Yes you can drive a car without dizziness but you will feel weak and stress is hard to endure. Minding kids and water fasting is very, very, very difficult. I recommend juice fasting with some periods on water.
Hi Ona,
You used the term wall and that is appropriate as it feels like you cannot pass. Faith is weak, the mind is undisciplined and foggy, the body feels like crap,just the opposite from what you are fasting for.
From past experience, the “walls” are the biggest breakthroughs as they are deep detoxification. Your health is more important than weight loss. Your body is cleaning and following a predesigned process of healing. During these times, I just let go, pray and try to get through one more hour. The longest “wall” or “deep cleansing cycle” has been 3 days for me. On water is mostly deep cleansing with some breaks, including energy and that connected clean feeling the comes with fasting.
on 28 May 2008 at 7:40 pm 184. ANDY said …
Hi Tom,
Today is my 6 day on water only, but last night I can’t sleep at all even though I didn’t sleep during the day. However, I don’t feel sleepy today. Is there some thing wrong with may body?
on 28 May 2008 at 10:36 pm 185. sylvia said …
Thanks for your quick reply. I was on a diet and had lost some weight..i just need a quick solution to my mood.
I am not planning on living on coffee , I just would like to have a cup or two during the day and I was wondering if it would affect the water fasting.
I will take you up on your advice and add some juice days when i am not taking the stress . Is this is ok? Can i do water fasting and then add juice days from time to time or will this affect the weight loss?
on 29 May 2008 at 1:58 pm 186. Tom Coghill said …
Have juice during a water fasting when needing some energy is fine. That is how I fast on water. I used to push it but when those days come that I have to function I drinking juice for the energy. When thecrisis passes I go back to water. Water fasting needs a stress free envirorment. Juice has calories so weight loss is reduced but again, focus on building a lifestyle that will maintain your weight. If your regular diet put weight on before the fast is will do so after the fast but more quickly as your body is not more efficient. 1 or 2 coffees will not benefit a fast but they won’t affect the fast very much and if you ere a heavy coffee drinker then only 2 coffees would be success.
Nightmares, restless or sleepless nights, sleeping 20 hours in a day, vivid dreams are all part of fasting. The first is at the start of the fast and the vivid dreams start after about 10 days. It should pass soon.
on 29 May 2008 at 10:24 pm 187. sylvia said …
well day one is over! i got weak at night time and had a slice of watermelon. I hope that this wont affect my diet…but i am ok and felt strength. I do hope it doesnt matter that i post constantly . The support is great.
on 30 May 2008 at 12:52 am 188. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 15 and I am feeling better. Up a little earlier, no weird pains in my legs… etc. You put it really well, Tom, “…the mind is undisciplined and foggy, the body feels like crap”. But today if I don’t feel quite as good as I did on day 10, I *definitely* feel better than yesterday!
Tom, you say in your response that: “On water is mostly deep cleansing with some breaks, including energy and that connected clean feeling the comes with fasting.” Do you actually mean that you almost *always* feel this crappy when you water fast? With only short breaks of feeling good? Is this because you’re such a fast burner or is this common?
My (limited) experience has been mostly a kind of euphoria… Very clear mind. Almost weightless body. And a terrific sense of freedom. (But I’m a *very* slow burner - as you can tell since I haven’t lost an ounce in the last 5 days on a water fast.)
I started this fast for two reasons:
1. because the extra weight itself was creating a cycle. I had gained weight when I stopped smoking and again when I tried for a child. And it just wouldn’t come off. Then I was diagnosed with ‘insulin resistance’ - which is essentially a pre-diabetic condition and that explained why my body wasn’t able to unpack the stored fat. But all the insulin related conditions feed off the extra weight. So the weight had to go.
2. This is a time of great change in my life. My wife of 12 years and I are re-negotiating our relationship, I have decisions to make concerning career, what country I live in, - well, in short, life changing decisions. And I wanted to have some clarity - to be closer to my higher power. Fasting has given me this in the past.
Detox is not my primary purpose in fasting. Over the last 12 years, I’ve given up alcohol, cigarettes… Over the last year I’ve stuck to a diet that is/was mostly raw fruits and vegetables with some clean meat for protein. I do take a few perscription meds, But I have no strong interest in getting off them right now. I feel pretty clean (no Mac’s and fries in my fat cells - grin).
So it’s really about the weight and the clarity (I wouldn’t mind the euphoria either - grin).
I can’t imagine how you stick with a water fast if you feel like I did the last 5 days! I didn’t really want to eat, but at times I just wanted it to stop…
Anyhow, the good news is I’m feeling better this morning, the garden looks beautiful, and I want to move again. Hopefully this will be the upturn I was looking for.
Thanks to all of you - Tom especially - for being there and for your support,
on 30 May 2008 at 12:53 am 189. Ona said …
Waar bent je? Is alles OK? Post naar de site of naar mij email…
Ik hoop alles goed is met jou…
Tot straks, hoop ik,
on 30 May 2008 at 9:33 am 190. sjh said …
Hello Tom, I appreciate the input. I have finished a 7 day fast. I lost 14 pounds, but my goal was not weight loss but to feel better, and I accomplished it. Is it safe to do a 7 day or 5 day fast once a month, if not how often is safe. I was doing a water fast with 1 v8 a day.
on 30 May 2008 at 12:06 pm 191. Faith said …
This question was posted earlier with no reply….still would like imput.
How many days of water fasting would you recommend to heal skin problems (splotchiness, hives, eczema) and various allergies…
Thanks : )
on 30 May 2008 at 5:02 pm 192. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
Sorry about missing your post. I travel a lot and it is hard to keep up with all the post at the site. Right now I am camped on a beach after a typhoon came through. I recommend 21 days to 30 days of juice fasting with an extractor and periods on water.
Yes is is health to fast periodically per month. It is a common method of detoxification and very effective. It is good to do a minimum of one day a month just to maintain health.
Hi Ona,
Water fasting with a fast metabolism is very difficult. Mostly tough days with bought of energy and feeling great. For a slow metabolism, the experience is amazing but the weight loss rates can be frustrating as fat has 3500 calories (I think??)and the body can live a few days on on pound of fat. Your fasting is an encouragement to many who read this site, over 20,000 per month.
on 31 May 2008 at 4:32 pm 193. chad said …
I performed a 10 day water fast. I lost 25lbs. I was shooting for 21 days but my breath was so bad , I could actually taste my breath while drinking water. It was really bad. I was even up to brushing my teeth between 5-7 times a day. I actually gained 15lbs within the first week after the fast. I have just ended the 2nd week after the fast and my total weight loss is 18lbs. I am actually losing 1 pound about every other day. I just stick to eating healthy and I do alot of pushups. My starting weight was 255. My current weight is 237. I just thought I would share.
on 01 Jun 2008 at 1:56 am 194. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Tom, thanks for your words of encouragement. It’s a nice thought that even in the hard times I may be helping others.
It’s day 17 and I’m fine again. Physically, I’m more than fine. Yesterday I was up from 6AM to 2AM and feeling great. Emotionally… Well, I love what you said, about the best place to water fast being on a beach with no stress, but that’s not always, or even usually, when we do it. Well, my marriage is in real danger and I need the clarity, But emotions are so incredibly heightened on a water fast. My wife and I had a tough conversation yesterday and I cried and cried. Woke up this morning and cried again. Every time I think about it I get teary. God, it’s hard.
But on the brighter side, it *is* easier to surrender. Easier to reach out to Higher Power for help. Easier to let the emotions ride me and through me.
I’m very grateful to be here - sadness and all. It rolls me over like the ocean, but I don’t have to be afraid of it… Just like swimming in the ocean - the power of the ocean is undeniable, but the fear of it is in you - your choice. I’m trying really hard not to be afraid.
And the fast is helping.
I’ll check in again in a couple days. Again, thanks to all of you for listening, and to you, Tom, for the site and for your support.
on 01 Jun 2008 at 10:42 am 195. ANDY said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
My girlfriend is on the juice fasting for 2 weeks now. She also used self-colonic to assist the cleansing. But since yesterday she has lower stomach ache, sometimes severe sometimes mild, but never gone away. Do you know What could possibly cause this to happen?
on 01 Jun 2008 at 10:46 am 196. ANDY said …
Oh, one more thing. When she went to the toilet, because of diarrhia, there was some blood in it too.
on 01 Jun 2008 at 10:01 pm 197. sylvia said …
Good morning. I have completed day four of fasting. My fasting includes a little watermelon . I have lost 6,6 lbs and I am happy. I really enjoy reading this site and receiving all this positive energy.
Have a good day
on 02 Jun 2008 at 12:21 am 198. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona,
I have fasted through many dark nights of the soul that seemed hopeless. Yet I pressed on and the results were clearly by His power. Keep praying and the breakthroughs will come.
Hi Andy,
Lower stomach pain can be caused by acid juices, such a melon, apple or grape. I would still to the veggie juices for a few days.
Hi Silvia,
Congrats on the 4 days of fasting. That is an accomplishment to be proud of.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 12:25 am 199. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Chad,
Bad breath is a sign of toxicity. It will lessen if you fast periodically. Keep in mind that when you are healthy is is easier to stay slim as you are more energetic.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 5:30 am 200. Catharine said …
Hallo Tom and everyone else… I’m back.
Let me start by being honest: after 12 days I blew my fast. We traveled to the city and both the city and traveling stresses me out soooo much… I got paralyzed in a car accident and if I never have to travel ever again in my life, that will be great. Anyway, I though (wrongly) that eating something will make it better. I had cucumber and tomato salad for the past few days and one evening I had a piece of steak.
As from this morning, I’m fasting again, and since I know what to expect, I know it will not be as tough as my first fast. I can honestly say that I was not hungry, I
just wanted to eat for emotional support!! I found that I
do best on lots of water and about two small glasses of juice daily, oh, and lots of herbal tea with a little honey.
Tom, is there any truth in what I’ve read about fasting during winter? Is there any way that I can put mind over matter and believe that eating will NOT make winter warmer or better??? Today it’s raining and really cold, and I can’t help to wonder if there is a connection between the weather and the ease/difficulty of fasting…
This is Africa, I need the sun just as much as I need the air that I breath… Maybe I suffer from “withdrawal-of-the-sun” or something…
A small note to Andy: wouldn’t it put your mind at rest if your girlfriend can go see a doctor? I know from experience that blood in the bowels is NOT GOOD. Just a thought…
Ona, take a look at your email, please.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 8:55 am 201. Jess said …
Hi Tom
Just a quick question…what is a healthy length of time to juice fast?
Thanks Jess
on 02 Jun 2008 at 10:20 am 202. Ann said …
hi tom i just started my water fast today and im 16 and i am 164 pounds and want to lose around 15 to 20 pounds in 10 days is this possible…youre help will be greatly appreciated!!
and will i lose muscle instead of fat?
thank you
on 02 Jun 2008 at 6:36 pm 203. Tom Coghill said …
Weather affects mood and mood can affect discipline. In general, it is easier to fast in hot climates, the body chills easily below, 50 F but easily tolerates 90F as the body produces little amount of heat.
Blood in the stool can be serious as the blood can be affected by bacteria in the colon. The force of the enema my have ruptured the lining of the intestine. Seeing a doctor is always wise. A scopeotimy of the intestine will bring light to the problem but as it is only one day I would save the money. If it last for days I would get some testing done. Using beets in the juice will turn excrement bright red and a bit scary the first time you see it especially when using and enema.
Hi Jess,
Juice fasting ranges from 1 to 40 days.
Length of a fast is a matter of need, discipline and opportunity.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 6:39 pm 204. Jess said …
Hi Tom
Thanks for responding Saturday will be day 40 for me and I feel good and wanted to go a lil longer but im not sure where the guideline is for going too long on a fast.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 6:44 pm 205. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ann
Sure you can lose that in 10 days but it depends on metabolism. Fasting is an exercise in patience and discipline. Looking at the scale will always be frustrating.
I teach a healthy lifestyle as the quick fixes are temporary.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 6:46 pm 206. Tom Coghill said …
My longest juice fast was 66 days following and accident and the recovery was crucial. So you can fast longer. Just listen to your body.
on 02 Jun 2008 at 7:03 pm 207. Jess said …
Ok thanks…
I get my blood pressure taken every 3 days so im watching that seeing a colon therapist on Thursday for further detox.
Thanks for all your knowledge it has helped me tremendously
on 03 Jun 2008 at 9:18 am 208. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 19 and doing pretty well. My energy is good - and though the hunger persists, it’s nothing too extreme. My body is knocking pretty gently, not hammering down the door.
In fact, I’m kind of amazed at how much energy I have. I keep expecting the exhaustion to kick in, but mostly I’m good. (Not that I’m working construction - grin).
The dreams haven’t started either, really. Which is strange. Past experience has been that water fasting gives you fantastically vivid dreams. But not this trip. Actually, this really does feel like a trip, and it feels like very calm water today…
By the way, Jess, I’m really impressed. Congratulations on your 40 days!
I’ll check back in in a couple days.
As always, thanks to you all…
on 03 Jun 2008 at 5:02 pm 209. Jess said …
Hi Ona
Thanks for the congrats! I am amazed at myslef that I have gone this long I feel so good and losing weight I dont want to stop. And truly I fear gaining it back but Im just gonna take it day by day eat raw foods first couple weeks and really listen to my body and watch what foods I gain on and fodd combinations that arent so good.
CONGRATS to you as well many dont make it to 20days!
Hope it does as well for you as it has for me!
Best of luck to you!
on 04 Jun 2008 at 2:33 am 210. Ona said …
Hi All,
I know it’s early, but I’m just checking in because I’m discouraged and I know just writing it out will help.
I’m in another 3 day period when I’m not losing any weight at all - and I just find it so difficult! I mean WHAT is my body living on! I’m not taking in anything except water, it’s GOT to be using something! I know that it can take up to four days to lose a pound of fat (and it is 3500 calories, Tom - you had it right - grin). But shouldn’t it show some of that after three days - even 100 grams would be encouraging. And I know my body gets more efficient the less I give it (Lordy, do I Know that!), but can I really get to the point where I’m living on air and water! It’s not that I mind fasting (though I don’t really like the hunger and I can’t imagine going the rest of my life without taste) - but it’s a scary thought that my body could get so efficient that I can’t eat anything at all and Still maintain dangerously high levels of storage…
Well, I’m spilling… It’s mostly to get it out of my system so it doesn’t fester. No-one close to me is very supportive - my wife thinks its amazing but is very quick to suggest I stop and my best friend is a true food addict, she turned white when I mentioned that I might fast for a while a couple months ago, so I just haven’t told her - so this is my only place to unburden myself.
I Know in my head that this will pass… I know in my head that eventually my body will give up its unnecessary storage, no matter how efficient it gets… But it is encouraging when I see it happen, and discouraging when it doesn’t.
One good thing I’ve noticed that I always have loads of energy on the days I don’t lose any weight - Heaven knows where I get it from, sugar in the air??? - but at least the discouraging weight days aren’t the same as the tough physical days. (HP only gives us what we can deal with, eh?)
Anyway, thanks all for being there…
Ona (day 20)
on 04 Jun 2008 at 5:50 am 211. Jess said …
Good Morning!
I know exactly how you feel!! Especially with the no support from people around you. I just tell myslef its their ignorance (I know easier said than done) But one thing I have learned the hard way is I have to depend on one person to acheive my goals ME…I had support from one person and that wasn’t always full support until they saw the change in me…my health energy, no more depression.
As far as 3 day no weight loss! BEEN there too…I didnt water fast but it happened during my juice fast I always thought ok this is the time my body is making adjustments to a weight change in losing weight it seems like everything needs to rearrange itself..( kinda like moving furniture..hell I dunno lol) then I thought maybe after that I’d drop a couple in a day…well that didn’t happen seems like around 20 days my rate of weight loss went down to about 1/2 lb a now im losing about 3 lbs a week which was doubled during the beginning of my fast. But I am still losing!
Be patient…these are the times I’ve ALWAYS given up “diets” in the past… I started to feel good lost some weight then it halted for a while and I gave up…I know now im stronger than that and I don’t want to be that “give up” person anymore..and I know that seems like a petty task but for me its a big accomplishment.
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done..and the most I’m proud of.
Hang in there! You can do it..God’s there for you!
Sending you hugs
on 04 Jun 2008 at 9:58 am 212. icandothis said …
hello all, this is to those that have fasted the longest and were very attentive, how much hair have you lost in the process, i heard it might not happen until 6 months down the road, but has anyone experience extreme hair loss, or hair loss at all, i want to water fast!
God bless you all for you dedication and endurance
Thanks in Advance
on 04 Jun 2008 at 4:16 pm 213. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Icandothis,
In assisting over 1000 people through fasts I had one woman experience hair loss, causing a lot of concern. My research show that it was temporary due to toxins affecting the hair follicle and although the follicle was not damage it caused hair loss. I believe it is cause by high toxin levels and a juice fast before water fasting will slowly reduce toxins.
I never heard from the woman to confirm the loss was temporary. I heard that the hair regrow normally in 3 months.
on 04 Jun 2008 at 9:19 pm 214. Erin said …
Hi Tom,
First of all you are so dedicated to helping all these people, it’s amazing! Cheers to you for that!
So I am a 27 year old mother of 2 (almost 4 year old boy and nearly 2 year old girl), and I would love to start a 7-10 day fast. I stay at home with my children and have fallen into the kiddie snack trap, while I buy mostly organic and whole grain foods, I tend to nibble on their snacks all day. It’s mostly fruit and carbs…ok, mostly carbs….pretzels, bread, cereal bars etc. I feel like I am highly addicted to carbs/sugar which is one reason for the fast.
Also I just quit smoking (on & off up to a pack a day), it’s been a week since I quit cold turkey so that is another reason for the detox, to assist flushing out all the toxins and nicotine dwelling in my body from that.
Coffee & diet coke are also reasons…I love them. Caffine has little effect on me, but I love the flavor/process of drinking coffee and the the refreshing ‘pick me up’ of diet coke in the afternoon.
Wow, I thought of myself as fairly healthy until I listed all these things in writing! Quite and eye opener!
(obviously the smoking is horrid, but hard to quit especially since my husband still smokes 1 pack +/day)
Finally weightloss, I am 5′7″ and aprox. 140 lbs, would love to be between 125 & 130 but not too worried b/c I workout a lot and I am pretty darn strong
Just have the little mommy tummy…
I kickbox 2-3 times/wk, swim 100 laps 1-2x/wk, surf when I can, do yoga 1-2x/wk (ashtanga/vinyasa flow) and run 4 miles 1-2x/wk… I really don’t want to stop my exercises but how will I have enough energy to get through them? Is it possible?
So my issues/questions are how to fast and keep up energy to keep up with my kids/workouts and how to safely come off a fast. Also what are some of the more common neg. effects early on from detoxing so much junk?
PS I plan to return to a vegan diet after the fast, I have been vegetarian for a while after being vegan for about a year but started eating some cheese and have found it to be horrible on my system…
on 05 Jun 2008 at 12:45 am 215. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Erin
Juice fasting my be easy for you. Nothing much to be concerned about. You are less toxic than most people as you exercise. Neg effect, headaches, lethargy, feeling irritable and can last for 2 to 3 days.
Yea, raising kids is tough as you have food around all the time with leftovers that is hard to waste. And during a fast kids can be stressful. To keep your energy drink lots of juice. Glad to be off support.
on 05 Jun 2008 at 6:57 pm 216. chad said …
Hey Tom,
I have already completed a 10 day water fast about 3 weeks ago. I truly feel great, but my question is: I plan on doing another water fast coming up and I work out religously.Can I take protein shakes during the day during my water fast? I have tried juice fasting before and it just isnt for me. My body feels really good on a water fast. So I would just like to make sure that it would be OK to take in a couple of protein shakes every day to keep my gains up. The reason is because it has taken me about 2 weeks to get back to the weight I was pushing before I started my 10 day fast. When I was just on water I felt to weak to be able to work out. I would really like to incorporate the two together. Thanx…
on 06 Jun 2008 at 1:37 am 217. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Day 22 and I’m just checking in.
All is well… though for the last 4 days I’ve been feeling very restless. When I’m home, I tend to get up, walk to the bookcase, forget what I was looking for, come back to my desk, get up and look at the garden, come back to my desk… well, you get the picture.
I’ve made a decision about my housing - for the next year at least. So now I’m water fasting in the middle of a move (I think I may be a little crazy… grin). But I have no real problem with energy, and I continue to lose weight very VERY slowly, so I think it’s OK.
Perhaps I should take a break for a week sometime, and then go back to it - Tom, what’s your advice. Is there an advantage for your body to breaking a fast for say a week and then going back? Or does that just make all the adjustments harder?
I’m not having a huge amount of detox this time - I think partly because I was eating clean for 9 months and partly because I’m still taking my meds…
Oh and by the way, for the fellow (lady?) who was asking about hair loss… I always lose some hair on a water fast… enough so I considered cutting it short again this time (which helps hair loss). But it stops when you end the fast - and it must grow back, because there’s no permanent change. I don’t know why it happens. Lack of some vitamin? Slowing down of the lutenising (sp?) hormones? In any case, it’s nothing to worry about. And if you don’t like it, you can cut your hair fashionably short (grin).
So that’s it… I’ve also been a bit over-tired, but I don’t sleep more than 9 hours - even though my body sort of feels like I need to make up for the hectic days.
The same restlessness, I suppose.
As always, thank you all for being here. I look forward to your advice on taking a break or not, Tom.
on 07 Jun 2008 at 2:43 pm 218. gina said …
hi tom just wondering how much weight can a person lose on a 4 day water fast…im doing it for spiritual reasons but want to know the effects of weightloss
on 07 Jun 2008 at 11:50 pm 219. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Chad,
If you send in a pic and your testimony Chad, I would love to post it.
I find protien shakes clog the sinuses. You might try some egg white and limit your juice intake. Trying to exercies during water fasting with a normal to fast metabolsim is like jogging during sugery. It is best to let the body go through its cleansing without additional strain. I like raw eggs but there is a chance of semonela.
on 08 Jun 2008 at 12:00 am 220. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona
I found no research or facts on fasting and hair loss. I suspect increased toxin levels. The body may also be cutting back on everthing including, sperm production, skin and hair growth but no research exists.
Water fasting is to live on the bodies resouces. The longer the fast the more it must conserve resources. For that reason I reccommend juicing before and after a water fast. You can detox with any frequency you want, longer fast are more effective as the process is not dirupted and the cleansing of deep tissue is a slow process. While some people are worried about dieing of starvation after 3 days with out food the body is just getting started in it cleansing process.
I am like the absent minded proffessor but I find it is due to my mind be totally engaged. I cannot cook without a timer. My mind tries to maintain the minimuim amount of attention on reality as I am totally fucused on some project, like designing, wind energy systems, programming, a sailboat or just mental wandering. Nothing to worry about. Absentmindedness is common in genuis, drug addiction and fasting.
on 08 Jun 2008 at 12:01 am 221. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Gina,
Max wieght loss on water fasting is about 3 lbs a day.
on 08 Jun 2008 at 1:29 am 222. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Well I broke my water fast after 23 days. I’m planning a week, more or less, of fairly restricted eating, and then - if my body wants it - back to water only.
I’m just trying to pay attention to my body, and whether it was the 21-day-water-fast suggestion that stuck in my mind or whether it was trying to scrape walls and restore the natural wood on my new house that keyed my body to say, Ok, Ona, enough - eat something… I don’t know. But it did, so I did.
No problems. And since I’m totally avoiding sugars (pre-diabetic), this was the first time I broke a fast on protein only (instead of juice, then veggies/fruit)… A bit of a strange feeling. No “light” euphoria. But it felt good and solid - somehow what my body needed. I ate a little hard cheese (like 3 bites) - and a little clean meat (poultry). No problems… No upset stomach. No rushing to the WC.
But I *do* understand what Jess said. The moment I agreed (with my body) to break the fast, the cravings came at me fast and furious. I wanted to eat all sorts of ridiculous things! I had to still my mind… focus on the *explosion* of taste from one bite of cheese after more than 3 weeks of water… and be grateful.
I’m about to cook up some clean meat (chicken breast) so I’ll have what I need and won’t be tempted to take what’s around me instead. And I’ll see how I feel day by day.
I’ll check back in in about 2 days… Thanks again, all of you, for being here.
on 08 Jun 2008 at 8:10 am 223. Jess said …
I wish you the best of luck! Its been very difficult for me to control EVERYTHING…my choices…my emotions…my moods…everything was altered this week after eating was the first time I was crabby…I dont necessarily think its the food..but just the amount of stress one goes through during breaking a fast…
I have a sit down cry session…which helps some but its still hard for me. I pray to keep focused.
on 08 Jun 2008 at 4:18 pm 224. Erin said …
Is it more beneficial to minimize the amount of juice when on a juice fast? I don’t think I could do a water fast but was going to have small amounts of juice a half hour before exercising, water the rest of the time…is that a good idea? Also are there any special considerations for fasting while menstruating?
on 09 Jun 2008 at 4:15 pm 225. Tom Coghill said …
Yes drinking small amount of juice perfect. You can use juice to contol the comfort and energy level of the fast. Menstration pain, cramps and length is normally reduced by fasting and has cured severe menstral cramps.
Glad to be of support.
on 09 Jun 2008 at 4:17 pm 226. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona,
Congratualtions on the fast and now for the hardest part, breaking the fast and living a strict diet. Please send in a pic and your testimony.
on 11 Jun 2008 at 1:09 am 227. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Welll hopfully this isn’t the end of my journey… This down week is going fairly well - though I will admit to being buffetted by truly odd cravings at truly odd times, it’s not hard not to act on them - they are actually pretty silly some of them.
I am giving myself a little more latitude than I planned, though still eating quite restricted - but I bought 4 cucumbers where I wasn’t planning any sugars. I think my body really needs some green though. So I hope it doesn’t ruin everything.
I *am* gaining the weight back at a stupendous rate, about three times as fast as I lost it. It won’t surprise me if at the end of a 7 day break in fasting, I’m at the same weight I was when I began a 23 day water fast.
That bit’s more than a little discouraging… Especially as I’ve taken great care to keep my ketone levels high this time. I guess I basically thought you *couldn’t* gain weight when your ketones were active… but obviously it doesn’t even slow my body down!
I’m still glad I’m staying away from sugar (including fruit and juice)… that much concentrated sugar is like a drug for me and I crave, crave, crave more of it. So it’s better to stay with protein and some green vegetables.
I’m guessing (and you can see I’m working this out as I go) that I’ll have to come off the fast in some kind of mix of ‘fasters’ & ‘doctors’ styles - perhaps ketosis with insulin support? Or perhaps veggies & protiens but no fruits? Or perhaps just raw veggies for a bit so I can keep the calories under 400.
Anyway, I guess I’ll have lots of time to try it out (sigh)… And on a brighter side, I expect I’ll lose the regained weight faster than new weight when I start my next fast.
I know this has never happened to you personally, Tom, as you say you’re an unusually high burner - but has anyone else ever complained about this & and has anyone come up with a solution for this body re-set to be super-efficient?
Thanks to all of you for being there…
PS: I’ll check back in in a couple days - as usual… Ona
on 11 Jun 2008 at 7:04 am 228. chad said …
I lost 25lbs on my fast. I gained 15lbs back almost immediatly. When I got off my fast I tried to stick to veggies. Lots of salad. I also made my own dressing. This was 2 weeks ago. I currently drink a protien shake for breakfast and eat a grapefriut. For lunch I eat a Huge salad. And for dinner I eat a salad and have some form of meat. I also walk every day, and work out 4 days a week. I am currently losing about a pound every other day or every 3 days. I have so far lost a total of 23lbs since the start of my fast. I also have indulged in certain foods. I try and stick to healthy foods but I do not limit myself to them. I hope this will encourage or help you with your weight loss.
on 11 Jun 2008 at 3:53 pm 229. jay408 said …
Can you take vitamin supplements when you water fast?
on 11 Jun 2008 at 4:17 pm 230. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jay408,
Welcome, not recommended as they just sit in the stomach unless it is a liquid vitamin. Your body has more than ample vitamin and mineral reserves for a long water fast. When your body catabolizes fat and dead cells, the protein, and vitamins are reused.
on 11 Jun 2008 at 5:20 pm 231. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona,
The problem with all weight loss programs is that the body has a set point and the body wants to return to it. As you gain weight the set point increases. Faster face the same problem. I do not pretend to know all the answers and this site is to study the science of fasting. Everyone is unique, so whatever processes you come up with are of great interest.
Your body will gain weight after a fast due to hydration. Digestion needs water, and the increase of salt from foods also increases water absorption. And the colon fills with food. So there is always a weight gain fasting a fast the that levels off in about 4 to 8 days.
As to a diet for weight loss Chad’s diet is excellent and would be worth a try.
It is good to remind yourself of the healing and cleansing that you given your body. Do not be discouraged you have accomplishes something very difficult and you will always have support here.
on 11 Jun 2008 at 6:19 pm 232. Curtis said …
Will weight loss be less on a ‘water fast’ that substitutes diet coke for water?
on 12 Jun 2008 at 5:29 am 233. Katherine said …
I’m an athlete and I tried a water fast but found myself unable to continue exercise or functioning without veggies on the night of my second and third day…and I also woke up this morning and had an orage because I was increadibly tired. I’m 5′10 and 150 lbs. My ideal athletic weight for my sport is between 130-135 lbs. I lost 7 lbs my first three days even with the veggies/orange (so now i’m 143). I know most of it must be water weight or something. I think I want to try a juice fast with a raw food meal everyday. I jog, swim, bike, and more….
Does this sound good?
on 12 Jun 2008 at 8:01 am 234. iris said …
hi. i jst came across your site and im wondering how much weight will i lose if i do water fasting and juice fasting for 10 days.(alternate days) im 120lbs by the it possible to lose 10 pounds?
on 12 Jun 2008 at 8:35 am 235. Jess said …
Hi Tom
I was wondering how long should a person go in between fasts?
on 12 Jun 2008 at 3:38 pm 236. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Katherine,
You can customize you presonal detoxification program. It will work just fine. I would add some fresh juice to the plan. Keep up updated on how it goes. For some people expecially with a fast metablism the weight loss is rapid. But much of it is due to reduced bulk in the colon, reduced body water as it is not needed for digestion, and fat at a max of one lb per day.
on 12 Jun 2008 at 5:13 pm 237. Tom Coghill said …
You can break a day fast a day. You can fast for a week then eat for a week. Between longer fast is you should give 10 to 15 days for your body to rebuild resouces for the next fast,
on 12 Jun 2008 at 5:14 pm 238. Tom Coghill said …
Hi iris
Sure you can lose 10 lbs but it can be more or less depending on metabolsim.
on 12 Jun 2008 at 5:17 pm 239. Tom Coghill said …
MMM diet coke fast that would be a first. That is like a junkfood health diet. You are kidding right or you are addicted to diet coke. You will be the first diet coke faster.
on 12 Jun 2008 at 5:21 pm 240. Tom Coghill said …
Water fasting and endurace events are for seasoned faster like Dr. Bragg and Dr. Ehret who challanged the military by marching for days without food. But for a newbie, wow, intense weakness. So you should follow your plan. Please post the results.
on 13 Jun 2008 at 9:31 am 241. Carol-Anne said …
I am on Day 7 of the juice fast and today I feel hungry for the first time. My energy is a little low as well. But it has been worth it. I have experienced a few detox symptoms i.e. achy limbs, furry tongue and lack of energy at certain times of the day. I think this is just a bump in road so I will consume more water and see how it goes. Overall I feel pretty good.
on 14 Jun 2008 at 4:26 pm 242. Ann said …
hi tom i want to do a water fast and im 14 years old but im doing it for spiritual purposes and as a healthy teenager i do excercise so i want to know if i will lose a massive amount of weight which is what i want to avoid…i want probably 10 pounds at most…so can you help me by telling me how much weight i will lose and im planning on going for a week!!
on 16 Jun 2008 at 6:06 am 243. Jess said …
Hi Tom
I have been off my fasat for 10days now..and everytime I eat I feel like I had a huge Thanksgiving dinner or something…even if I have like 5 pieces of cantelope.
I feel miserable after I eat..almost feel guilty like I did something messes with my head.
I understand my stomach may have shrunk.. but I didnt think I would feel that full with small amounts of food.
I realize now that I needed to do more focusing on some mental and emotional issues while I was on my fast. I will do that on my next fast.
I had no idea how fast and hard all the evils gone waving back.
on 16 Jun 2008 at 10:12 am 244. sjh said …
Hello all I have been off my fast for about a month now and have started again today, 6/16/08. I am not able to afford a juicer at the moment, being a single parent. I am a 35 year old male. My last fast lasted 8 days on water and juices, v8. I would have 2 v8’s a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Are there alternatives to v8 that might be better for the fast or should I stick to v8 and water. Thx
on 16 Jun 2008 at 9:04 pm 245. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Francesca,
Yoga is better suited t fasting than heavy lifting but with fresh juice and a quality protien drink you can do heavy lifting and get cut. I do love v8 but find it make me feel yuky after 2 or 3 of them. Frozen pinapple, or orange is better, or grape juice mixed with water. I just got back from camping on an island, sorry about the delay.
on 16 Jun 2008 at 9:11 pm 246. Tom Coghill said …
Hi jess,
Fasting brings the ghosts out of the closet face to face both during and after the fast. Your toxic behavior and though patterns are clear. What you think you do. Thoughtlife builds or destroys discipline. Fasting was a catalyst to many battles. Now I am at peace but not before many battles and failures. Did you read Eating In Freedom????
on 16 Jun 2008 at 9:15 pm 247. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ann
Is this a juice of a water fast. It it part of a church group or is this self motivated. If you have no health or self esteem issues you can safely fast. You can contol weightloss buy drinking more juice. The more you drink the less you lose. Are your parents supporting you.
on 17 Jun 2008 at 4:28 am 248. Jess said …
Hi Tom
I havent gotten to that one yet…the Eating in Freedom.
I am going to start another juice fast today. I will make sure to read that tonight. I feel during this fast I will be going in with a different perspective and focusing on deeper issues.
Thanks so much
on 18 Jun 2008 at 6:02 am 249. ann said …
this is a water fast and they totally do support me i just want to know how much weight im going to lose cause i dont want to lose too much…while on the water fast
its self-motivated btw
on 18 Jun 2008 at 11:52 am 250. Ona said …
Hi Tom, Hi All,
Well, it turns out part of the problem was that my scale had gone wonky. When it showed that I gained 30 pounds overnight, I finally got suspicious. (grin)
Still, I’m with you, Jess. Scale or no scale, the 30 pounds shook me up enough to cut back to eating almost nothing, and I’m not particularly hungry - at least most of the time. Even though I’m only eating a bit of cucumber and some white tuna. And I’m painting and flooring during the day - getting my new house ready. I’m a little surprised at how little hunger I have - just like you, Jess.
I think I’m probably working towards another full fast (no food, no juice) - but I will probably wait until I’ve moved into my new house at the end of the month. I’m not sure how healthy it would be to force myself to do a lot of physical work if I feel tired or dizzy, and I don’t have the luxury right now of deciding to stay in bed for the day if needs be.
I’m still struggling with the best way to get my weight down and keep it down. The insulin resistence combined with low thyroid is a truly difficult combination. And yet the weight feeds the disease - like all insulin related diseases.
And it did scare me how fast the weight came back on - even though now I’m not sure how much was real weight and how much was wonky scale.
But then, I think in some ways I have a better chance than most folks. My basic patterns aren’t too bad anymore. A little tendency to punish myself… and to experience a “me” as separate from “my body”. I tell “it” what to do… When I’m fasting I become very aware of that split - and the cognitive dissonance it causes.
Still, it’s amazing how much does change over a life. I can remember feeling incredible weird shame about eating - that it was somehow humiliating to have to eat in public. That’s completely gone now. The occassional urge to comfort myself with pasta or bread is there - but it’s usually quite easy to resist these days - I acknowledge it and go on.
I don’t mean to sound preachy… It’s just nice to realise that things (in your head) do get better when you work on them. And that I’ve gotten better over the years of working on these issues.
Anyway, just a heads up until I’m ready to really buckle down again. (though I must say, I feel like I’m half fasting at the moment, if that makes any sense… I often go until 6pm without anything but water… maybe this is what juice fasting feels like to people who can do it - mostly water but a cucumber for energy when you need it).
Thanks to you all for being there,
PS: I’m also back on my insulin support medication - at least at half dosage. That was another thing the 30 pounds overnight scared me into doing - and I’m guessing it was the right choice. Cheers, Ona
on 18 Jun 2008 at 4:30 pm 251. Jess said …
Hi Ona
Im glad to hear from you! Im proud to hear that you are winning with negative thoughts about about. That is something I am still working on right now. ALot harder than I thought it would be.
I know what you mean by “me” as seperate from my “body”..I miss that feeling I felt that while I was fasting.
Nice to hear from ya
on 20 Jun 2008 at 1:48 am 252. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Ona,
No that is not preachy that is brutal honesty. Thanks for sharing that. Many people have issues with food but they never discuss it but honesty is the only path to healing.
on 20 Jun 2008 at 3:29 am 253. Pastor said …
Hi there Mr. Tom. I am on my 4th day doing the Master Clense. I am drinking 32oz of non iodized salt daily. I am 5feet seven and now 156 pounds. I do not mind the weight loss but am fasting for the resetting of my system (detox). would it be a good idea to eat on the sith day? What should i start with? Nice site all.
on 20 Jun 2008 at 3:58 pm 254. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Pastor,
You can break a fast when you want but I would not continue the salt treatment for extended periods. You can break a fast on fruit, a fruit shake, or even a salad. I prefer breaking a water fast with any fresh juice.
on 20 Jun 2008 at 9:54 pm 255. Pastor said …
Thank you for the prompt reply Tom. I guess now i am wondering how long after i eat any of what you mentioned will i be able to really have a meal? I am making every effort to avoid any agony. What kind of salad would you recomend?
MAN! I CAN’T WAIT TO EAT FOOOOOOOD. Last night i acctually had a dream of KFC.
on 21 Jun 2008 at 3:43 pm 256. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Pastor,
Be careful of those dreams as those foods that become obsessions about 12 hours after breaking a fast. That is the blow it point. Usually the first day after about 4 hours then these emotions my discipline very hard and the dreams of food become a reality. The longer the fast the longer the breaking period. The break in period is longer for water fasting. One week on water 3 days breaking in. I would wait a week for KFC or eternity. LOL.
The best way is to listen to your body. If you are not hungry do not eat. If the stomach feels heavy do not eat. If there is stomach pain do not eat.
on 21 Jun 2008 at 6:55 pm 257. Johnny-Boy said …
Hey Tom,
Firstly, I’d like to thank you for this great site….very helpful. I had some concerns about fasting, but all were addressed as I read this.
Secondly, I am currently on day 3 of a water fast. I began the fast by eating 1 cup of fruit puree for 5 days, followed by small amounts of water. Here is day 3 of minimal water and i hope to continue for 5 more days.Feeling great, and oddly energetic. No desire to eat at all. I have a couple of questions:
1. When I break the fast, I plan on having the 1 cup fruit puree for an additional 3 days before moving back to solids. Any suggestions on which solid foods would be best to ease back in with…
2. Is it alright to do this type of 8-10 day water fast monthly, or should I space it out more?
thanks in advance.
on 21 Jun 2008 at 10:41 pm 258. Sylvia said …
Hello everyone. I have benn off my fast for about a week and it seems that i gained half the weight back.Its upsetting when i felt so good and it terrifies me that i do the fsting AND then immediately i gain it back. I am going to start again today and keep the watermelon in. I just need a few tips of how to go off the fast when i do stop. My fast included a little watermelon at lunch time and a bit at night. if i had just stuck to water i am sure that i would have gained all the weight back.
also i feel that my body has loosened up. i bought a treadmill and plan to bring that into my life. will this be ok? I really need to lose 25 lbs and i am concerned that maybe the treadmill will slow up the processs.
let me know.. and keep up the good work everyone
on 22 Jun 2008 at 10:52 am 259. sjh32 said …
Hello all, I am on my 5th day of fasting, water and juice, and 2 cups of coffee a day. I am wondering if I should be taking a multivitamin during my fast. I have fasted many times before. I try to quit the coffee but cutting back from about 7 cups a day. I find the not eating part is not to bad, it is the boredom eating or routine eating like watching certain shows on tv.
I actually start playing with my kid on his ps2, basketball to get me thru the boredom or routine eating moments. If there are any other suggestions please let me know, going outside is not a option right know, I live in az and it is 113 degrees during the
on 23 Jun 2008 at 4:55 pm 260. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Johnny-Boy,
Monthly fasting is good and no problem with 10 days out of 30 fasting. After 3 days on puree you could eat any fruits, salads, even a small salad with fish.
on 23 Jun 2008 at 5:01 pm 261. Tom Coghill said …
Expect to gain 8 lb within 3 days after fasting from bulk in the colon and increased water in the body that is used for digestion.
There is also the “set point” factor where your body uses every calorie to return to it previous weight.
Exercises and a diet low in carbohydrates is the best for weight loss and lowering the set point. There is a big calorie difference between a slice of bread and a slice of watermelon.
You are doing good so don’t be discouraged.
on 23 Jun 2008 at 5:03 pm 262. Tom Coghill said …
Hi sjh32
Sure take the multivitamin during any juice fast. The game idea seems good to me. Who is winning? LOL
on 24 Jun 2008 at 11:47 am 263. Jasmine said …
Dear Tom,I have been water fasting for a day every week for the past three months.I want to go on a 21 day water fast and need support. I feel depressed and have anxiety most of the time for a year now, fatigue and restlessness. I have been feeling that I need to go on a long water fast.I have gone on a two week water fast before and felt so much peace and renewal. I need support, and I need to do this!
on 24 Jun 2008 at 6:35 pm 264. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jasmine,
I will gladly support you. Depression and anxiety are rooted in fear, and that fear is rooted on insecurity and the insecurity is rooted in low self-esteem. There may be clinical factors that fasting can help, but for sure you must rebuild your self-image and become positive minded. If you combine mental exercises with fasting, the results will be outstanding. You should read from my site it will give you great incite on how to do this. Also a daily exercise program (except during a water fast) will boost endorphines, and self-esteem.
on 25 Jun 2008 at 7:38 pm 265. Clara said …
Hi Tom!
I’ve never fasted before but I want to do it for weight loss. I want to lose ten pounds. I’m wondering if I should go with a juice fast or a water fast. Also, how long should I do it for? I figured if I have a specific goal I’ll be able to stick to it. I’m eighteen years old, by the way. Just thought maybe that could make a difference on how fast I’ll lose the weight.
Thanks a lot!
on 26 Jun 2008 at 1:29 pm 266. Jasmine said …
Thanks a lot tom for your reply.I start my fast tomorrow.May include a fruit a day,or may not.I want to be able to do this.
on 27 Jun 2008 at 11:19 pm 267. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Clara,
Try a few days on juice then water, then back to juice. Weightloss is dependent on metabolism. Generally young people have faster metabolism but not always. You will know as by the second day of the fast.
on 28 Jun 2008 at 10:55 am 268. Jasmine said …
hey tom.I am on day 2 of my water fast.I don’t think I will need to eat any fruits at all. I will discipline myself till I complete this 21 day water fast. I will keep u posted!
on 29 Jun 2008 at 8:25 pm 269. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jasmine,
You are doing great. Well done.
on 30 Jun 2008 at 3:11 pm 270. chi said …
i plan to start fasting today and i’m so glad to see this site. i weight a 180pounds and i want to loose 20 in two week. i’ve been so scared but after finding this site i feel very confident to start.
on 01 Jul 2008 at 12:27 am 271. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Chi,
You should feel the exhilaration of expectation. Glad to support you in your fasting.
on 01 Jul 2008 at 8:40 pm 272. Sam Kenwick said …
I enjoy juicing very much. Whenever I have a skin condition whenever I juice it goes away fairly promptly. It makes me feel good to be in the company at least spiritually of people with fewer bad habits than good ones. I like to juice it lets me experience the benefits of all those vegetables without having to consume them all.
The purpose of my post was to tell everyone who needs to lose weight. I wear a 25 lb weighted vest from Title Boxing. Very cheap but kinda dangerous if you don’t have a few layers of clothing on. It works well I lost 5 lbs in two weeks and gained A LOT of muscle. I am wondering, and I would really appreciate a reply to my actual email because I bounce around a lot of sites and may not remember this page. Is it safe to maybe 3 or 4 hours a day walk with a 25 lb vest on while on a juice fast? How much juice would I need to consume to be able to safely withstand the exercise?
Thank you!
on 02 Jul 2008 at 2:05 pm 273. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Sam,
Yes that is great. Cool idea. You would need about 1 to 4 liters a day. Let us know how it goes.
on 02 Jul 2008 at 10:58 pm 274. chi said …
hi tom,
i just ended a 3day water fast and i’m so disappointed at myself. i lost 7pound but my goal is to lose 20 pounds.i plan to start another water fast question is what do you do when you are so weak and tired during the fast because i wasn’t hungry atall but had to eat cos i was really weak.
on 03 Jul 2008 at 12:23 pm 275. chi said …
hi tom, what do you do when you are very weak and tired during the fast?
on 03 Jul 2008 at 6:27 pm 276. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Chi,
Weakness is normal during a water fast. You just have to endure it. You can have have some herbal tea with honey to boost your energy. I water fast then drink juice when I need energy. Other than that you just have to endure it, stay in bed and conserve energy.
on 04 Jul 2008 at 11:58 am 277. Mia said …
Hi Tom,
On day 4 of water fast out of 21 (never thought i made it so far 2 b honest
, esp not after my 2nd and 3rd day, which were probably one of the hardest), I am just wondering if it is ok to use laxitives during a water fast, and if its ok to use unsweetened squash since its diluted by water, instead of a proper juice, as it has less energy value. The reason why I would wanna drink squash is because the taste in my mouth is vile when i drink water now.
Is it ok to drink tomatoe juice or apple juice when you cant bear it anymore, as I am sure more bad days are going to come and I really wanna stick to my fast, not only for losing weight (I guess that is one of the main reason; to get ready for bikini season), but also for health purposes, to get rid of illnesses like asthma and allergies and also to start eating more healthy after the fast and change my whole lifestyle.
How long do you think i should continue fasting to get rid of asthma and allergies?
Another concern of mine is how to break a water fast, as I do not want to gain all the weight back (I know you usually gain the quater of what u lost in the next two weeks). Currently i lost already over 5kg, i dont know how much is that in pounds (probably 10), but I do need 2 lose at least another 10kg in the next 17 days, as I am going on vacation. Do you think its possible to do so.
Thank you
P.S Thank you so much for the website and fasting confessions guys, I was def inspired to do a water fast after reading all of this, and everytime i felt like I was relapsing i came back on to be re-encouraged, that what I am doing is worth it, not only for my body but also for my health in general,2 be honest at times I thought I was going crazy (as much as I hate to admit it)
on 04 Jul 2008 at 5:17 pm 278. matt said …
Hi Tom,
Awesome site! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every post. I feel like I’ve gotten such good info!
I’m getting ready to do a juice fast in a couple of days and I have a few questions…
First, should I be concerned about the sugar content in the juices? Would it be better to try and use more vegetable juice rather than fruit?
Also, I workout a lot and I am wondering if it’s okay to continue moderate jogging (5k) while doing the fast?
Lastly, I was wondering if it is alright to do a juice fast and incorporate the master cleanse solution into the fast as well.
This is all really exciting stuff for me because I have just written a paper on fasting for a personal health and wellness class that I’m in, and now it’s time to actually try and do a fast! I am intending on fasting for seven days, and am going to present my experience to my class at the end of the month.
Thanks in advance, matt
on 04 Jul 2008 at 5:30 pm 279. Tom Coghill said …
The best choice is the apple juice, or frozen juice or, fresh juice. Squash is a little mucus forming so your sinus may clog and the cleansing will slow down if you drink a lot. You can use laxitives but the breaking of the fast is more sensitive and takes about double the time.
If you want to keep the weight off eat 70% plants. Low starch are the best for continued wieght loss.
Keep us posted as to your progress as it gives insite and encouragement to others.
on 04 Jul 2008 at 5:38 pm 280. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Matt,
Vegetable juice or fruit juice? They both have advantages and having both gives you a wider spectum of nutrients.
Send in you paper on fasting and we can post if for you. A 5 k jog is good but you will need some fresh juice before you jog. Any juice will work. Carrots are high in glucose and fruits high in fructose. The glucose release faster. The is a short run so give a carrot mix a try first.
Sure, days on the master cleanse, juicing or water fasting. It is all a matter of choice.
Keep us posted and if you want send in your story when you complete the fast.
on 04 Jul 2008 at 6:25 pm 281. matt said …
Hi Tom,
Big thanks! for the info! In two days, when I begin my fast, I will be sure to check in.
on 04 Jul 2008 at 7:52 pm 282. Meghan said …
I am on day 4 of my juice fast and feeling like I got hit by a truck. I did a 40 day juice fast Sept 07 and lost 35lbs and kept it off for close to 6 months. Then I moved where there is no Whole Foods market and slowly succumbed to bad food and restaurant eating. I have lost 12 lbs so far and looking forward to the morning, when I feel better. I am not using as much juice this time, so I am sure this is why I feel like this. Plus I still have to cook dinner and make cupcakes for others, but I am staying strong. Trust me people, try juice fasting, much easier than water, and it keeps you energized after the first few days. Last year, after 10 days, my jeans needed a belt, and after 40 days I went down 4 sizes and my skin was so clear. I am looking forward to that again and vow to keep the weight off for good. I also will be doing monthly 3 day fasts. If any advice is needed I am more than happy to help, this site will be encouraging for me.
on 05 Jul 2008 at 12:43 pm 283. Mande said …
So I thought I drop in and say I’m doing a water fast. It’s hard, but I don’t go back to the university for another month and a half, so I’ve got time. The hunger is hard, but I drink a lot of water, probably too much. I’ve found that when you’re hungry, if you drink a little water, it goes away, makes it more bearable.
I’m on day 2, headaches are coming, but I’m use to it. Back was killing me this morning. My concentration is wavering, but I’m like that with or without food, hoping to remedy that problem. I had a Question umm.. Oh yeah..
Sleeping…I tend to go to sleep a lot because I read somewhere it’s one of the best things to do to let the body rest a little? and work? Is that right?
and for those having trouble..I’ve found, so far, best way to defeat the urge to eat (and I’m a bored eater) is to not have food in the house if you’re on your own, put away your debit card if you usually go out, and when you start thinking you want to eat, to tell yourself that it’s only momentary and you’ll feel better if you continue. You can also remind yourself of that terrible sluggish feeling you get after you eat. ^_^ I hate that.
on 06 Jul 2008 at 7:59 am 284. forrest said …
Hi Tom (and matt!)
I’m juice fasting with Matt and keeping a journal too. My question is this: should you aim to drink as many calories of juice as you would normally of food?
thanks for the advice, Forrest
on 06 Jul 2008 at 5:29 pm 285. matt said …
Hi Tom! Hi Forrest! Hello All!
So, I’m on the eve of day 1 of my fast. I feel very excited about the journey that lies ahead.
Tonight I had a relatively light dinner and decided to forgo my usual nighttime bowl of cereal.
I feel primed for the fast and think that by not eating my cereal, symbolically, it provides for sort of a natural flow, marking the beginning of my transition to embarking on my journey and cleanse! Yea! …I hope that makes sense.
I guess for all intensive purposes I’m beginning my fast now!
I’ll be sure to check in tomorrow. BTW, it’s awesome reading the posts, so good luck and lots of positive energy to all!
on 07 Jul 2008 at 11:34 am 286. Sylvia said …
Hey Tom , hey all! Well I went away for the weekend so I didnt start my fast until today. Dayone is down. I dont feel tired or anything although I did have a little watermelon at lunch. Nothing other than that. Im actually thinking of doing the fast completely on water and listening to your advice and stick to a low carbohydrate diet as soon as it is over. I want to lose 28 lbs. How long do you think this will take with just water? With a little added fruit? I am totally into doing this…I need to feel like my old self again. Good luck to everyone…
on 07 Jul 2008 at 6:01 pm 287. matt said …
hello all!
Well, day one of the fast is winding down. I have some water on the stove, and am getting ready to have some tea before bed.
I have to admit, i was feeling a lot more perky earlier today, then how I am feeling now… although i suppose my body is getting it’s “house cleaning on.” In this weird way, I feel curious about my feelings of discomfort. Just how much built up stuff do I need to release? The prospect of vitality and rejuvenation is very exciting… and I try to keep that in mind, as well as, general feelings of gratitude.
That’s it for now, peace and love, matt
on 08 Jul 2008 at 4:41 am 288. Faith said …
I pulled the paragraph below off a yahoo health webpage….Where do they get this info, is there any truth to that?
“Fasting. When you fast, you lose muscle before fat. After a day or two of fasting, many people succumb to a high-calorie binge. Long-term fasting is hazardous, since it weakens your immune system and places a strain on vital organs.”
on 08 Jul 2008 at 10:16 pm 289. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
Why would the body use muscle when fat is for the storage of calories in the body. Fat is easy fast converting fuel, muscle has a tough breakdown.
Binging yes common as you can see from post on this site. Especially those that a first timers without and guidance.
Fast is proven to strengthen the immune system. Strain on vital organs, yes due to toxin release but they handle as they were designed to.
on 08 Jul 2008 at 10:43 pm 290. sylvia said …
Hey Tom , hey all! Well I went away for the weekend so I didnt start my fast until today. Dayone is down. I dont feel tired or anything although I did have a little watermelon at lunch. Nothing other than that. Im actually thinking of doing the fast completely on water and listening to your advice and stick to a low carbohydrate diet as soon as it is over. I want to lose 28 lbs. How long do you think this will take with just water? With a little added fruit? I am totally into doing this…I need to feel like my old self again. Good luck to everyone…
on 10 Jul 2008 at 10:33 pm 291. Faith said …
I didn’t agree with the yahoo article…I was just wondering why so many professional doctors and nutritionists are so misinformed on this subject - even to the point the list this stuff as fact when it clearly isn’t.
Had a discussion with a guy at work about it and he was convinced that long term fasting was bad - I didn’t argue with him but just said we would have to agree to disagree. I just wonder why 90% of people think fasting is so harmful when it’s been proven by many to cure disease? I find that crazy…Wish people were more informed so I could have a few folks supporting me instead of calling me a crazy or assuming I have an eating disorder…..everyone claims it kills your metabolism when they really don’t know anything about it other than what ill-informed articles and medical pros have told them….it’s a shame.
on 11 Jul 2008 at 1:32 am 292. welshkaz said …
hi all from the uk. firstly what an amazing sight and wow water fasting finally seems like a way out of this compulsive eating ive been doing for 20 years well probably 25 really i know therapy can help but gaining self control would benefit me immensely so im starting a water fast this morning food or lack of it won t be a problem its definetely the enemy at the moment but giving up diet coke will be hell!!! does it really stop the detox that much ? any help for this virgin faster would be really beneficial xx karen.
on 11 Jul 2008 at 6:03 pm 293. matt said …
hey all!
Sorry, it’s been a few days since i last checked in. I’m finishing up day five of my juice fast. What a wild experience this has been so far!
Honestly, when I last posted (36 hours into the fast), my body and head hurt a lot. I was sort of concerned that if I felt that way on day 2, that I probably wasn’t going to be able to continue the fast.
The time in between then and now has been enlightening, difficult, strange, therapeutic…. my feelings and general energy have been all over the place. I can’t imagine what a water fast is like. Whoa!
But, anyway, things got better for me the morning of my second full day. I could tell the unpleasant feelings starting to subside a bit. I was able to navigate my way through work, and school, without too much difficulty. I really had to shoot for micro-goals though. Like, ok, just make it through work, and then take a little breather. and then, just make it through the afternoon. breather. so on and so forth. I found that a particularly difficult time to deal with was that evening time between 4 and 9pm. Instinctively I felt like I wanted to eat, yet I didn’t feel hunger. So strange.
As these past few days have gone on, I haven’t noticed any hunger pains, but I feel like my body will go through certain highs and lows. During the low times is, of course, when I would look to drink some juice. But, for the most part, I feel like my body is in this state of tranquility.
I do feel like I can understand that at some core level, how fasting and spirituality are intrinsically linked… and I don’t mean to state the obvious. In my experience thus far, I’ve found my mind will be racing, and eventually I can calm it down by thinking about the moment and praying. I’m not sure if that makes sense. I guess I feel like my level of awareness has seemed to increased quite a bit.
By the way, I did go for a three mile jog on tuesday. It felt great. I was a little concerned about feeling ravenous after the workout, but I just phased into the next part of my day. Although, I haven’t gone running since then. I feel like I’m a little to weak. It’s a good feeling though. Kind of like my body is telling me to slow down. Take a walk. Experience this time of fasting as a point of cleansing and rejuvenation.
Ok, I guess I’ve been rambling quite a bit… I feel like I’ve got lots to say, but I’ll try to spare y’all for now. Good luck to anyone who’s fasting or getting ready to…. matt
on 12 Jul 2008 at 9:40 pm 294. Shannon said …
Hi Tom,
My name is Shannon, and I recently had a baby, so I have gained some extra weight that I want to lose. I am 5′5 and weigh 170 lbs. I have never even tried a fast in my life, but I am very motivated by your website. I think I am going to do a juice fast, and wondered whether it would be okay to use Welch’s apple juice, white grape juice, or concord grape juice? I already have these available to me, so I wouldn’t have to invest any money into it if these would work. Also, can you have tomato or vegetable soup once a day, since it is vegetables or not? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
on 12 Jul 2008 at 11:34 pm 295. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Shannon,
Grape juice will work but add some water to reduce the acid levels. I have never regretted buying my juicer. The difference is more than a little. Mostly due to the enzymes in fresh juice. Glad to be of support in your fast.
on 12 Jul 2008 at 11:39 pm 296. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
The medical profession is against fasting as it also ignores herbs and the natural healing process of the body as there is no money or control to be gained. Health is still the biggest most profitable business on earth. And then there is the mass belief factor that is created when something is said by many people who are respected. Like “the world is flat.” The general public blindly believes.
on 12 Jul 2008 at 11:44 pm 297. Tom Coghill said …
Hi welshkaz,
Fasting will give you the feeling of being free from compulsive eating during the fast but when you return to eating it call comes back with tremendous force. You need to rebuild your self esteem, and your emotional connection with food. I recommend you read which is my battles with food compulsion. Victory take years by finding peace and killing the dark thoughts of shame and loss. For the compulsive eater fasting is like driving a car on ice.
on 12 Jul 2008 at 11:49 pm 298. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Matt,
Please keep rambling. Your writing style and incites are prefect. Fasting is a personal battle and the victories are personal and so are the incites. For a new faster my writing gives direction but the posts like yours give hope.
on 13 Jul 2008 at 11:22 am 299. Sylvia said …
Well i just cant get through the entire day fastng. I tend to take a spoon of my kids dinner here…or a bite of sth in the fridge. Does a bit here and then affect my fasting? I asked earlier on how long it would take to lose 28 lbs? Tom do you know what the time span would be?
thanks sylvia
on 13 Jul 2008 at 3:00 pm 300. Faith said …
God called me to a 10 day fast last month and I juiced for 10 days…It was great but I think He was calling me to do a water fast for healing but I couldn’t bring myself to do it…The fast wasn’t a loss by any means, I had a wonderful time with God and He revealed much…However, now I’m considering the water fast for healing in several mental and physical areas…Is it ok to water fast so soon after my last one (even though it was only 10 days)? I don’t want to use fasting in an unhealthy way….my eating habits go up and down.
on 13 Jul 2008 at 5:54 pm 301. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Siliva,
Fasting and detoxing is all about calorie reduction. You can cleanse and lose weight eating one daily meal. So eat a few bites will still not affect the general benefits as you are still reducing calories. Nibbling does reduce discipline. A few bites can add up to a meal.
Fasting and looking after kids is really hard as they eat all the time and you are around food. So you may need time daily to build determination.
Weight loss????? There is no set answer to that one as it depends on calories intake from juices, metabolism, age, calories usage daily and health problems. I have seen that kind of weight loss commonly.
on 13 Jul 2008 at 6:14 pm 302. Shannon said …
Hi, Tom!! Well, I started my juice fast today. As of 9:20 p.m., I have only had 2-3 glasses of diluted apple/grape juice and for my “dinner”, I had tomato soup, and one piece of gum. My question is, is Campbell’s tomato soup okay during a fast, since it is only tomato puree, or should I just stick with juice? Thanks for any help!!
on 13 Jul 2008 at 6:58 pm 303. Tom Coghill said …
Juicing is more like a diet than a fast and some have live on juices for years with incredible health. So you can water fast directly off a juice fast. I recommend a few days of juicing before and after a water fast. But water fasting is far more difficult. I am planning a long water fast after I get back from Palawan Island. I may be slow in responding for the next two weeks.
on 14 Jul 2008 at 6:09 am 304. Faith said …
I’m a 31 year old female weighing 125 lbs @ 5′1″….Do you think 2 weeks on water would be too much for me? As in I would lose too much weight? I’m wanting to cleanse myself of toxins completely….how long you recommend?
Sorry about all the questions…your just the only one that gets back with me…really appreciate it.
on 14 Jul 2008 at 6:40 am 305. CrimsonDiva said …
Hi gang! I’m just starting a combo juice and water fast today. I’m planning to go 30 days and I need all of the help and encouragement that I can get. Does anyone have a list of scriptures in relation to fasting. I’m using this time to really reflect on God and his purpose for my life. I also had surgery a couple months back and have packed on some pounds during that time so, weight loss would be awesome as well. Thanks!
on 15 Jul 2008 at 2:48 am 306. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
Yes you will get thin but your body will normalize in about 10 days after the fast. 14 days of water is a serious detox and yes you can do it if you have the discipline. Start and end it with some juice fasting. If you get too weak have some juice. If you get dizzy when standing get down on one knee. Glad to be of help.
on 15 Jul 2008 at 2:48 am 307. welshkaz said …
day 1 went well apart from usual events thrown at me right left and centre my 18 month old teething and my 18 year old dropping a bombshell that he intends joining the army totally out of the blue grrrrrrrrrrrr if that dont send me snacking god only knows what will lol. but on a serious note day 1 was fine woke up today shattered tho but was expecting lethargy for next few days till my body settles into routine thanks to reading other posts i was reading matts posts and wow what a fab attitude just wondering what brought you to the site, and Tom just wondering how many day water fast would you advise for a first time and for someone who is 280lbs to aim for. I’m getting married in November and would like to obviously lose pounds but more than that gain back some self esteem from achieving control and not giving up no doubt you will have heard the same thing over and over control in one part of my life is what i aim for thanks for reading n take care x karen.
on 15 Jul 2008 at 2:52 am 308. Tom Coghill said …
Hi CrimsonDiva
Here is the scriptures link. This site has loads on biblical fasting. It is good to fast after any surgery for recovery and maximum healing.
on 15 Jul 2008 at 3:04 am 309. Tom Coghill said …
Hi welshkaz
Handling life’s curves can mess up the most dedicated faster so you made a tough day one. Considering you have roughly about 300,000 calories of fuel storage, a long fast is quite possible. I tell people go take it one day at a time and listen to the body. And yes the recovery to your self-esteem can be totally invigorating. I will be joining in the next few weeks for a long water fast but for now I am traveling to the Palawan retreat on the front page of the site with 30 hours by boat, typhoon permitting.
on 15 Jul 2008 at 3:28 pm 310. Faith said …
thanks tom….on day 1 and starting with juice…prayers are welcome! I’ll do the same!
on 15 Jul 2008 at 4:04 pm 311. gemma said …
hiya! what a great site this has helped me so much.
ok so i’m very overweight and have many fun things planned for the summer including music festivals!
i want to clear my body of toxins primarily, but losing weight really would make me so happy so after reading all your posts i’m gonna definately give it a try as of tomorrow! [i have a juicer ^___^]
so yeah anyway, i wanted to ask, if i do like you say… begin with juicing for a few days then go onto a water fast for about 21 days and juice again for a few after too… how quickly will i pile the weight back on?
i plan on taking my weight loss seriously and eating very healthily after all this, but because i’ll be at festivals, alcohol will probably be a part of it all lol! oh dear.
but yeah i just wanted to know if i juice for a few days after the water fast… then only eat salads, how long would i have to only eat salads for until i could restart a healthy regime of eating WITHOUT piling the weight all back on.
maybe if i eat one thing a day after the salads? a piece of fruit, a sandwich etc? …i’m just very scared of doing well then piling it all back on!!
on 15 Jul 2008 at 4:35 pm 312. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
I started my water fast. So count me in for some prayer. This needs to be a long one. At 52 I have had amazing health but am starting to feel the aging process. To much traveling, stress, and pollution. This year I was barraged with more air pollution that any human should endure. Day one and counting.
on 15 Jul 2008 at 4:42 pm 313. Tom Coghill said …
Hi gemma,
The greatest enemy is not what you eat but what you think. It is hard to maintain discipline after a fast. So people dream of eating fries and break the fast eating fries or get cavings so strong they break. Your plan will work. Just eat lite and if you blow it go back to juicing for a day. Just go with the flow. You have a juicer and that is a big one. Water fasting for most people is very difficult. You can is a little juice of sweetened herbal tea if you get too weak or need to do some thing. Expect 5 to 10 lbs of weight regain after the fast as your colon is filling and you body is using water for digestion.
From experience alcohol after or during a fast weakens resolve and discipline.
Please read during the fast and only allow thoughts of eating healthy food when you are fasting.
on 16 Jul 2008 at 4:40 pm 314. Stacie said …
Hello, my name is stacie 20yrs and i am really interested in fasting im reading loads and getting a tad confused, i think i would like to do a water fast but i read that Tom said to start off and end with a juice fast what type of juices? and how long should i fast for? its for weight loss and to detox / cleanse my body. is there a sign of when i should stop and will the hunger pains go away after so long? and what does break in fasting mean? is it when your ending it and what foods i should bring in after the end of my fast?
Sorry for all the questions but any help would be lovely thankyou muchly
on 17 Jul 2008 at 7:12 pm 315. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Stacie,
Before my first fast i studied extensively. So just go slow and the lights will turn on. You can start straight in a water fast. I just did that and am on my third day. If your body is toxic entering into a water fast can cause vomiting, nausea, dizziness, hot flushes, shaking which happened to me on my first water fast as my body was so toxic. For that reason I always recommended for beginners to start with 3 to 5 days on juices from a juice extractor. Even that can be very difficult. I always break water fasting with at least 3 days on juice to get the system back on line.
You need a juicer to do this right. Fresh juice has enzymes that boost healing and energy.
To end a fast eat smaller amounts of fruits and veggies.
Basically it is easy.
on 19 Jul 2008 at 5:30 pm 316. Faith said …
I’ll pray for you - how long you fasting for? (if you don’t mind my asking)
Going to “The Call” in D.C. so I’m postponing my fast till the weeks right before that in preparation…actully may have a fasting/praying group doing it with me!…God is so good.
on 19 Jul 2008 at 5:36 pm 317. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Faith,
I am planning a fast of over 10 days on water and 20 on juice but not sure. I want to heal the damage to my lungs from the intense pollution I was exposed to during traveling. I did a 3 day water fast, that helped immensely, and now am leaving on a trip to Palawan the place on the front page of the site. Then I am moving north. So my fasting will be interrupted. Detoxing is flexible. See you when you get back.
on 20 Jul 2008 at 4:52 am 318. mia said …
Hiya all, just checkin in, 2day i am on my 20th water/juice fast. I do water fast 4 days in a week and when i feel 2 weak i usually switch to lemon juice or apple juice 4 few days.
My progress so far has been amazing, lost over 25 pounds already and I feel great. I no longer take my allergy tablets, where before i tried 2 take them twice a week. My energy levels have gone up and I only crave juice, which is amazing. There are times when i go out with my friends for meals and I even dont feel tempted to eat food, i just order d juice and enjoy it.
I will be honest and say that first 3 days and day 13 to 16 were the worst. But riding it through i actually realised how strong my will power is.
I still got 10 days 2 go, so i will keep you posted on how I am doing.
Thanx 4 ur advice Tom and thanx to every1 who been posting on here as it is very positive when you start you fast.
on 20 Jul 2008 at 5:01 pm 319. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Mia,
Congrates, 20 days is an serious accomplishment. Feel free to encourage others and your posts are always appreciated.
I am off to Palawan Island tommorow.
on 20 Jul 2008 at 5:14 pm 320. missions said …
Hi Tom,
I am on a 40 day water fast. I started a week prior to the fast with fruits and veges. It helped tremendously, the detoxing was less painful I am sure. I read that the lemon cleanser would help detox too so I did that every other day or two days for the first two weeks. I have a very heavy schedule of prayer and full time job that requires much brain power so I found I needed coffee to help stimulate me. I am a six to eight cup drinker but lessened it to one or two and some days none. But the hunger was most difficult on the third week. Painful almost so I don’t know why but I finally broke down and had 1/2 a cup of veggie juice. I may have to switch to juice for the rest of the days though I hate to do that. I also was taking psyllium and salt water cleanse the first two weekends and I slept almost entirely during the first two weekends I am sure because I was expelling alot of toxins in a short amount of time. Now I am pretty confident my insides are empty. I have lost quite a bit of weight. But more importantly I am finding increase in power as I pray. I am a regular water faster but its only 3 days every month and one day every week. I guess this third week of intense hunger is really what has me wondering. Because I would think there would be no hunger by now - day 21?! And food smells are really hard to deal with - I want something to chew and swallow. I mixed psyllium with the 1/2 cup of juice and it tasted horrible - I do feel better though. Any suggestions? When the hunger is so strong for so long - should i just do a glass of juice and than go back to water or am I really breaking through something I don’t understand?
Thanks for the site!
on 21 Jul 2008 at 2:00 am 321. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Missions,
Hunger comes and goes on a fast. The psyllium will increase that as there is something in the colon and it is also mucus forming. I prefer a tablespoon of flax over the psyllium. Smell is drastically increased and so it can trigger hunger and many have broken a fast due to the scent of food. Sure go to juice for a few days. It is all flexible.
on 21 Jul 2008 at 10:25 am 322. gemma said …
hi tom, gosh all this travelling i’m surprised no-one has asked you about it, how’s it all going? sounds like you’re making the most of everyday! well done!!!
i just had a question about weight loss again, like i’ve said before i wanna do all this to cleanse my body first and foremost, but as you’ve put many times the weight loss depends on metabolism…
i just wondered even if my metabolism is quite slow [which i think it is] i’m very overweight so i wondered if i’ll still lose quite alot of weight in 2-3weeks of water fasting?
i’m on my 3rd day of a water fast, headaches are verrrrry bad, but i’m sure that’s just my body getting used to no sugar/caffiene/nicotine etc right?
hope you’re well
on 21 Jul 2008 at 12:57 pm 323. First Time Faster said …
Hi Tom,
Just finished reading all the comments “WOW!”
Hopefully you can give me some insight. Starting in April I began a five week diet&detox class and learned alot about the benefits of detoxing. I since then have did one more detox, for two weeks. However, I began reading a book on the master cleanse and decide to do this program. I began yesterday and have followed instructions very closely including the salt water flush. Now I weighed myself before several days before I began and again today. My weight changed by 1.3 lbs, but it went up not down. This is my third detox in 3 months, though this is the first one w/o food. Is it possible that I have nothing left to detox? By the way I do all this strictly for the health benefits, weight lost is just a fab bonus!
on 21 Jul 2008 at 7:56 pm 324. missions said …
Thanks for the reply. I will stop the psyillium. I haven’t had any in over a week (I didn’t really get why take it or what the benefit was anyway)and I have to say the energy I ended up with after that 1/2 cup of vege juice was amazing. I had a small glass of vege juice today right in the middle of the day and it helped tremendously. I was feeling very faint and like I would pass out. The energy and strength is phenominal on such a small glass. It gave me the ability to skip coffee and concentrate at work for the rest of the day. I think I can go back to the water fast now and complete it now.
on 21 Jul 2008 at 8:52 pm 325. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Missions,
Now you have it. Strict water fasting at work is intensely difficult and therefor the juice occasionally can give you the boost you need. Psyillium also reduces that clean, exhilarating fasting high that comes and goes on longer fasts.
on 21 Jul 2008 at 9:01 pm 326. Tom Coghill said …
First Time Faster
The salt flush will cause water retention for up to five days. Nothing left to detox? Just in the air you breath, water and food, you are looking at 100,000 toxins.
on 21 Jul 2008 at 9:19 pm 327. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Gemma,
Quitting sugar/caffiene/nicotine = headaches for 2 to 5 days max. Just hang tough. Hot showers, neck massages, sore muscle cream and if too painful take a Tynol for pain. Weight loss rates vary due to many factors. Salt reduction during a fast, healing to the liver reducing water retention and the healing of glands can increase weight loss. One thing for sure it is slower than what you would like. Slow and patient is the way of fasting and weight loss.
It is so funny but I can travel half the world and no one mentions it. I may need to visit another planet for a reaction. LOL
This trip to Palawan Island is 30 minutes taxi, 6 hours by bus, 40 minutes by taxi, 30 hours by boat, 30 minutes by skiff. About 2 days of traveling with a heavy backpack and the reason I interrupted my water fast. And that is just to get to the starting point of the journey. After that I am off the the mountains again in the Northern Philippines. I lived in Colombia for 7 years for a warm up.
I live to the max, all out no regrets, as if each day is my last. Thanks for asking. On my tombstone it will read “He died living”.
on 24 Jul 2008 at 9:14 pm 328. chi said …
hi tom,hi guys , no matter how i try, i can’t go past the third day of water fast.please can someone tell me what to do.
on 25 Jul 2008 at 5:40 pm 329. jason said …
Hi, I’m about to go to college and of course need to be healthy to enjoy everything it has to offer, I’ll be training for lacrosse and tennis in the winter and need to jump start this thing.
I’m 6′2, 18, years old and I weigh 260 lbs. I’d say I would be rock solid at 200-210 lbs. I’m extremely healthy, but my American diet (hate looking at the ingredients and seeing 60 different chemicals in a box of crackers) among other things makes me want to shed all the toxins I’ve accumulated, as well as the weight loss.
If I lost this much weight (50-60 lbs.) during my water fast (shooting for around 15 days) would my skin’s elasticity have time to keep up or would I be all stretchy and wrinkly and such?
Also, as long as I have excess body fat is it healthy to keep fasting? (I assume it becomes dangerous when your body runs out of everything else and starts at the muscles). Or are there other signs I should be looking out for?
on 25 Jul 2008 at 8:54 pm 330. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Chi,
Have you tried juice fasting for a few days first as it will ease the entrance into water fasting. Water fasting for most is an challenge of discipline and faith. By day 2 both can be gone and so you have no drive to keep fasting. Do you have a juicer? Try 3 days then water fast. Or use the enema. It gets you into deeper fasting more quickly and it is easier. What are the challenges that make you stop????
on 25 Jul 2008 at 8:58 pm 331. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jason,
From what I have seen. Most people lose weight and regain skin elasticity. Stretch marks are reduced but can last a lifetime. When you see fat you still have stored calories to the body will not break down healthy tissue. But even after you have no fat the body still has reserves for weeks of fasting and for that reason the skinny Buddhist monks can fast for weeks and maintain excellent health.
on 26 Jul 2008 at 8:29 am 332. MICHELLE said …
HI,i was just reading your site and it is very interesting.I was just wondering if it is actually possible to lose 50 in one month.i want to join the navy and i have 60 pounds to lose as soon as possible.Thank you in advance.
on 26 Jul 2008 at 9:47 pm 333. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Michelle,
Yes you can but depends on metabolism. I have seen up to 100 lb in 44 days.
on 27 Jul 2008 at 11:41 am 334. jason said …
Hi again,
In response to your response are you saying that rapid weight loss will cause stretch marks or reduce them?
-Thanks again
on 28 Jul 2008 at 9:44 am 335. Kimberly said …
Hi Tom,
I’ve been considering trying a juice cleanse and I’ve been trying to find the answers to some simple questions online with no real luck so far. To be honest I haven’t read all the comments and answers here because well.. I just don’t have the patience. =)
Basically I want to know if it is ok to take some type of medication for headaches while on a juice cleanse. I understand that that can be a side effect during a clease and being a person who doesn’t handle headaches well I’m curious if medication would be ok to take. I’m also curious if it would be a good idea to take any vitamins during a cleanse. Or at least perhaps a calcium suppliment while on the cleanse. Thanks in advance for any helpful information.
on 28 Jul 2008 at 7:45 pm 336. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Kimberly,
Yes you can take some pain medication. Over the courter stuff works even more effectively when fasting. Yes vitamins are good on a juice fast.
on 29 Jul 2008 at 8:47 am 337. Kimberly said …
Oh, great. Awesome. =) I came across an article that had tips while doing a juice fast and it said you shouldn’t drink cold water, only room temp. I know it probably seems insignificant, but I hate water unless it’s cold. I’m wondering if there is any real reason why I couldn’t still drink it cold. If I do this I want it to be as easy on me as possible. It also said you should drink whatever you juice right away, not to refrigerate it. I don’t exactly understand that and it’s not like I can take my juicer to work with me everyday.
on 30 Jul 2008 at 1:59 pm 338. Scott said …
That’s a pretty amazing journey your on. Palawan Island looks like an very nice place to explore and get in touch with nature. (did some research online) Do you have a local guide for the mountain hike? Staying overnight in the jungle, or what type of accomadations do you have if any? I would think that a great nature adventure would be excellent coupled with a fast. I was in the Navy and have been to many Islands in the Caribbean, Panama, Puerto Rico, Cuba and some others. I was stationed on the East Cost though, so did not do much traveling in the Pacific Ocean, Oceanic area. It looks nice though. On the fasting note, I started a juice/water fast 3 days ago. Going well so far. Have fasted some in the past. My reasons for fasting are many, not the least of which is spiritual. Good luck on your adventure. Look forward to hearing about some of your experiences.
on 30 Jul 2008 at 7:06 pm 339. Tom Coghill said …
Hey Scott,
The trip was and is amazing. The island was paradise. I am now in Manila at a detox center. Details to come.
on 30 Jul 2008 at 8:16 pm 340. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jason,
weight loss usually results in stretch marks. Juice fasting seems to cause less weight loss than diet programs and it and reduce already existing marks but they are usually permanent. Doing a sugar scrub daily can reduce stretch marks significantly.
on 30 Jul 2008 at 8:19 pm 341. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Kimberly,
It is OK to drink water hot and cold. I love a hot water during water fasting as it is soothing to the system. It is best to drink juice fresh but my I make my juice once a day then take it with me to work. My body healed major problems with juice from a thermos.
on 31 Jul 2008 at 7:40 am 342. Jim said …
Thank you for all the useful information on your site. I plan on doing my first 7 day juice fast starting next week. Two days after breaking the fast I will be going out of town with a group of friends for the weekend. Though I still will maintain an already healthy diet when I go away, due to the occasion I will be indulging in quantities of light beer. Any cautions or tips, or suggestions on how to break the fast and transition those two days.
Thanks Again,
on 01 Aug 2008 at 8:34 am 343. Scott said …
Hey Tom,
How goes the adventure? I’m curious about the detox center? Maybe you can share some of your experience there. I wanted to make a comment about fasting and what I have experienced so far. I have read a vast amount of information about fasting. Do’s and Dont’s, Should’s and Should nots. It occurs to me that fasting is viewed by many as an all or nothing endeavor. What I mean is that if you don’t adhere to strict rules of fasting, then it may not be a positive experience. For example, I am entering my 4th day of a juice/water/herbal tea fast. Notwithstanding some minor discomforts it has been very positive overall. I have allowed myself 2 cups coffe daily in the AM. So far I have consumed canned and frozen juice. Kept overall calorie intake at about 500-600 a day. I will get a juicer next week and start on fresh juice. And I have used an enema everyday. I even took a tylenol as needed. My point is that all this has been fine. I have lost 7 pound, have mental clarity, feel good, and have had no major hunger issues. So my conclusion is that there are some rules that must be adhered to in order to a have a postive fast, but there can be flexibility based on an individuals needs,resources and overall sense of what feels right for the individual. I appreciate your feedback when you have time. Oh and details about your trip! Thanks
on 01 Aug 2008 at 4:14 pm 344. Kimberly said …
Last question. Do you think there are any certain fruits or vegetables that aren’t good to use for a juice fast? I read you shouldn’t use bananas, but other then that and ones that obviously wont taste so great, are any that I shouldn’t use for any reason?
on 01 Aug 2008 at 7:10 pm 345. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jim,
With a 2 day fast you do not need to break a fast slowly. Eat a salad to push through any mucus deposits that were expelled from the intestinal wall. Celery is great for that. You are off to a good start.
on 01 Aug 2008 at 7:14 pm 346. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Kimberly,
All fruits and vegetables are good except papaya, banana as they do not juice very well and bananas are to rich in carbohydrates and become more of a diet than a calorie reduction.
on 01 Aug 2008 at 7:43 pm 347. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Jim,
You now have the truth. Fasting or the Bible or living is not about living by rules but following principles, and healthy practices and perfection in that is impossible so do what you can and feel good about it.
Fasting pulls in a lot of radically minded people that can turn fasting into a religion. Food combining, eating only raw, and organic are great if you have to money, discipline and dedication, but for the average person ….just not attainable. I would gladly post your data at is gives clarity to the issue.
The clinic in Manila is a major detox center dealing with every disease, with 1000’s of cases with doctors involved in detoxification, through fasting. We have agreed to me using the clinics equipment (most importantly a dark field microscope) to do research and publish that research. Presently we are preparing the research team. I have 2 offices in the clinic and heading to the mountains to look for a place to set up another clinic.
If you are serious, fly over. You can sleep in the offices with us, on foam on the floor. No cost to you except your ticket but no wages at this time. The clinic also takes in many poor people that do not have money. Looking at startup in 2 weeks.
on 01 Aug 2008 at 8:23 pm 348. Kimberly said …
Thanks for all your advice. I’m planning on spending the next week preparing my body for my fast, and then Monday the 11th I’m planning on starting. Hopefully at some point I’ll be able to come back and report some awesome results. =)
on 03 Aug 2008 at 5:56 am 349. Angel said …
Hello Tom,
I started a fast today, thinking of going for 10 days. I am a writer, I work from home. Do you think this will affect my mental performance?
on 03 Aug 2008 at 5:40 pm 350. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Angel,
Yes, your brain will be useless for about 5 days. Try juice fasting. The body will adapt but it usually takes about a week for the mind to get the fasting boost of mental clarity but it comes and goes.
on 05 Aug 2008 at 9:24 am 351. Fiona said …
Hi Tom
Thanks for putting your site out there - it really is an excellent resource. I’m on Day 12 of a Juice Fast - its gone well, be unexpectedly easy, and I have lost about 9 pounds of baby-weight (from 18 months ago. . . . it was time to finish it off!), so am feeling great. I would like to continue and lose a few more pounds, but I have a family event on Saturday this coming weekend that I would like to eat a meal at. . . . and then get back on the Juice Fast. I understand the need to gradully “come down” from a fast in terms of what I ingest - my intention is to do this carefully on Thurs / Friday, then eat a relatively normal meal on Saturday - and finally start fasting again on Sunday. I know the ideal would be to just stay on the fast, but I am making a conscious decision to eat at the weekend. My question is this - if I start fasting again on Sunday, how long would it take my body to “get in the zone” again, so to speak, to lose a few more pounds?
Many thanks for your help,
on 05 Aug 2008 at 2:06 pm 352. Tom Coghill said …
Stretch marks are caused through the skin being stretched to the point of damage. Moisturizers help reduce the damaged during pregnancy as the weight gain is short term but for most the weight gains is months to years and whether you lose weight fast of slow they will be there but fasting helps the skin to heal and saggy skin is also healed or greatly reduces.
on 05 Aug 2008 at 2:10 pm 353. Tom Coghill said …
Hi Fiona,
I have eaten a meal several fasts and returned to fasting.
It will take one day to get back in the zone.
Have lots of salads.
on 05 Aug 2008 at 2:12 pm 354. Tom Coghill said …
Sorry but I am closing this thread as it take forever to load on slow Internet connections and I am off the the mountains for some hiking and camping. I take the laptop with a ROAM connection and answer your posts from the mountian tops.