Milli 30 years old female, weighing 82 kg / 180.4 lbs, 63 in /160.02 cm tall, United States US
Doing 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting. Starting March 21, 2011
Reasons for Fasting:
To lose weight. My goal is 130 :) I can't wait to reach it!!! I am starting the 21 because then I will be on vacation, I don't want to start my fast while working, just too much at once I think.Past Fasting Experience:
Lots of previous fasts. Lost weight as well.Present Diet:
Gaining some weight :(State of Mind:
Sad, but motivated for the weight loss to come!Limitations:
How much weight can I lose in one month water fasting. Moderate exercise.
Progress Report ID-8407 by milli
86 Responses to Progress Report ID-8407 by milli
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You shouldn’t be exercising while on a water fast. Your body starts burning low-grade fuel around the third day and you should rest as much as possible so your body can heal and flush out all the waste/toxins/weight. It is really smart to do this while you are on vacation. Also, don’t be afraid to make your familly pick up the slack. You are making yourself healthier and it is for their benefit as much as it is for yours.
Hi Wendy. I am into exercise as I have alot of access skin that I am trying to tighten up. Also my metabolism is so naturally slow it seems to help me. I get bored quick and just want to eat, I find walking a deterent. *sp
Today I plan on having one each of apple and orange.
Tomorrow will be water from here on out. I’m also going to enjoy a green tea each night for a week or so.
I’m a lil sad because I weighed myself last night and I was like 184 lbs! Time for it to go!
I welcome spring and my goals with open arms! Can’t wait till summer!!
After this is over, I’m going to be very strict with my diet. Whole wheat breads, lean meats, fat free yogurt, and lots of fruits and veggies! And tons of water!
I’m going to keep track here, and I’m going to weigh every week or so. I am hoping for a pound a day!
Good luck everyone!!
Well today has gone great! I walked about 4 miles, pulling wagon with about 20-30 pounds in it. Good workout!! Drinking lots of water, and I’m having one apple.
I love how I crave for healthy foods when I fast, I don’t like craving food at all, but when I’m craving the crunch of healthy veggies I just love that feeling!! Like when I finish my fast and reach goal I’m going to ease back to solids, then(!!) I’m gonna have….on whole wheat bread, mustard, tons of lettuce, a little bit of lean turkey, onion, peppers, and thin sliced carrots….yum!
I am so excited to reach goal and eat healthy!
Hope everyone is hanging in there! Much love
Hi Milli
you are doing great, I just wish there was a way I could incoperate exercise in my life,have tried but I do it for only one day and get extremely bored thats why I decided to do the fast. I like the list of healthy foods you intend to have after the fast. All the best
Hi milli, Everything on your list is good, but the bread. Use “sprouted” wheat bread. Whole wheat still has flour and gluten in them. That slows the system down and sticks to the intestines. Ezekiel Bread is a good brand of Sprouted grains breads. Sprouted grains are great for you, and will not stay in your body after the nutrients are used! Ron
Thanks for the info Ron!! I had no idea there was such a kind of bread, I am worried I will not find it here
Thanks ANN!!!!
What about eggs?
I’m not a big fan, but if it’s good for me I suppose I could have a couple here and there?
Went ok yesterday, had two apples and two oranges, and juiced tomato. Better than binging I guess.
Hi milli, Raw Eggs are a wonderful source of protein, as well as many nutrients. Unfortunately cooking them kills most of the benefits. Cooking anything destroys most of the nutrients and vitamins.
Remember cooked is “dead”! If you are fasting, proteins will slow weight loss and the detoxing effects. Most unhealthful things in our bodies are “protein” based. So, that is a major factor in healing ourselves. Try to stay away from anything with proteins while fasting.
[The following is probably more info than needed but good to know...]
Some years ago, a group of people fasted on [protein drink supplements] “only”. Many became sick, and a few of them died! Their bodies became toxic, dehydrated and shocked their systems into cardic arrest. That is of course extreme, but it gives you the thought, that we need much more than protein based products in our diets to be healthy. Many of the “diet” and “weight-loss” shakes and drinks on the market are all processed proteins. They are designed to sit in your stomach (to feel full), but not add any fat. Although those proteins have vitamins and nurients in them, it is not absorbed as well as from vegatables and fruits. The body doesn’t process proteins in [that artificial form] well and moves through taking the valuable things with it. “All Natural” proteins like: lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts, some grains, some cheeses, and eggs are great while [not] fasting! But “artificial” and “processed” proteins are NG! Ron
Thanks Ron!
Day 4
Not so good
I had a couple crackers, I know I caved. And some lettuce. Not so bad.
I’m continuing, that’s the good part.
Weigh day tonight.
Day 5
Weight: 169 lbs.
Today is going ok… wasn’t hungry until this past hour or so…
I have a headache.
I have only had water and green tea today.
Got called into work for the weekend…bah! Tomorrow is going to be very, very physical as well. I have to do it. It’s hard work.
I joined a walking challenge in my town which is cool.
I must tell you all I have alot of muscle. So I guess I do look smaller than I weigh because of this. They say muscle weighs more than fat. I guess I look more like 150 or so? I have no idea I just hate what the scale says! c’mon 130!! At least 140!
Hope all’s going well with everyone. Haven’t seen many posts lately, makes me feel kinda lonely. Anyway I have a feeling I am going to struggle thru the rest of today and this w/e but I sure pray I don’t. Good luck everyone we can do this!!!
Hey. Don’t worry about setbacks. They happen. I’m so glad you didn’t give up. That’s the important thing. Press into God (or your Higher Power) for strength, especially if you’re having a hard day. When you are weak, HE is strong. Thankfully, we aren’t alone. Even if no one else is there, God is.
Thanks Chicky! I am proud to still be trying, even if I mess up sometime
Day 6
Horrible long hard day at work! Pushing pulling and dragging lots of weight. Did ok, had one apple.
Day 7
Kinda crappy day, went ok, had a couple crackers… but I’m still here!
Day 8
Going good, hungry so I try to focus on other things. Pretty cranky as well, and that sux cuz I want my kids to be happy but it’s hard when momma isn’t feeling it
Lots of water today, a green tea soon
Two more days till weigh day I hope I’m 165 at least! I want 160 by the end of the week!
Day 9
Is going pretty darn good
I had an apple yesterday. I have had a green tea already today, may have another and maybe an apple tonight if I have the uncontrollable feeling again. It really does help, and it’s something healthy so what the heck. Be about the same as juicing an apple wouldn’t it? Anyway I’m proud for hanging in there and all I can see is up from here! Oh ya and still drinking water constantly.
Day 11
I am doing good, was extremely hungry last night but I pushed thru it, I am soo proud of it! It was the worst yet, mind over matter I guess.
Didn’t weigh last night but I will be tonight, Hoping for under 165.
Feeling kinda weird, not as ‘present’ as I normally do. I’m under alot of stress about other things going on. And I’m a single mom again, but I’m used to doing everything, just sometimes I can’t
Anyway enough ranting I will be back tonight for weigh in, hope everyone has a great day!!~
165 pounds.
was hoping for less, seeing as how it’s been 6 days.
Day 13
Doing great, not much activity lately tho, less than what I would like, weather is not so cooperating. I have been doing 80-100 situps every day, doesn’t seem like I’m doing them right, because it seems too easy. I can’t do them on the floor anymore, it’s hurts my butt way too much, so I have been doing them on the couch or bed.
Hoping for great results this week ahead.
That’s it for now, Milli~
Day 14
Going good, not much hunger, but sometimes when I do have hunger pains seems to somehow imagine that I am having my favorite foods, kinda like tricking myself to think I am having it. Then I imagine how I feel after I eat them…horrible! Anyway in previous fasts this imaging always ended up with me giving in, guess I’m more strong minded this time around, that and I really want goal! Weigh day tomorrow!
Seems pretty quiet around here………………….
Hi milli, The object of fasting is abstaining from solid foods. If you have solids, your digestive system will start again and make you hungry. And your body will not detox properly in that situation. Technicially, you are fasting in-between the days you are putting solids in your body. Starting and stopping the process will make you more irritable and hungry. So you are dieting, more than fasting. There is nothing wrong with doing it that way. But you are not getting the full benefits of fasting, nor stopping the hunger pangs. Ron
I disagree Ron.
I gave in twice and had two crackers in the past 17 days. Otherwise I have had water and juiced an apple or orange every other day. I am happy with my progress. Are you saying that I am eating all along? I certainly have not. I was just telling people how I deal with hunger when it does arise, and as a matter of fact it hasn’t the last two days. Telling people that I imagine my favorite foods as a way of tricking my mind, to continue my fast does not mean I have in any way actually ATE them!! I also enjoy cooking, and shopping for my kids, does that mean I eat that too? Noooooooo.
Hi milli, My statement was not meant to get you riled up. You manage your fast anyway that you want to. Just stating facts. Crackers, or steak will start the digestive system in your body. I don’t want others here to think that putting solids in your body during a fast is “usual”. Is is not. Water fasting is that. Juice fasting is also that: “juice” fasting.
Once again, I do not want to offend you. I’m sorry if I did. I just felt it is important to re-enforce the basics for anyone casually looking in. Thanks for your understanding. And good job on your fast! Ron
Well indeed it did get me a bit pissed. I water fast the majority of the time and juice sometimes. It is what it is, sorry it’s not one or the other I guess. And I do not ever remember saying I ate STEAK?!! LOL, I haven’t hand meat near my mouth. Possibly I said I made it for others, or bought it, but never have I eaten it. And no worries, I know what I’m doing and that’s all that matters really. If I mess up I tell, if I don’t I tell, I thought my whole point of being here was to share my story and show how/what I do…. I think everyone knows a straight water fast or juice fast is just that, but I’m human and make slip ups, and recorded them, also how I manage to get passed them or at least that’s what I was trying to do.
Day 17
Weight: 155
Happy and hanging in there. I am aiming for 140
milli, we all have our moments during fasting. I guess reading your report made me realize how hard it really is for us at times. I just want you to know that I’ve been praying for your success, and all fasters trying to better themselves. God Bless and Good Fasting! Ron
For the record..I’m on day 29 of my fast. I don’t usually tell anyone (but the Lord). But, now you know you are not alone in fasting. Ron
Good for you, I figured you were probably fasting but did wonder what day…. you’ve come far!
And no, no hard feelings, I just felt like I was being accused of eating steak and whatever, I had my struggles and for me re-reading my posts gives me motivation and maybe to others too, I dunno.. I just like doing this journal, makes me feel accountable. And this is the only place I am truthful, If I told my friends and family they’d think I’m crazy.
Anyway, I have virtually no hunger now and it’s great, day 18 don’t think I’ve made it this far before, with so few mistakes! Feels great!
And yes, in a way this fasting is a diet for me, because my purpose is to lose weight and feel great! It’s sooo working! Yay!
Happy fasting have a great day
Day 19
Still hanging in there! Green tea makes me feel sick now for some reason? Maybe cuz it’s going in on an empty stomach? Can’t believe tomorrow is half way mark! Really looking forward to the 140′s. Not sure yet if 130 might be a lil small for me as I’m a muscular gal. Shall see I guess!
Have a good one everyone
Hi milli, You can try steeping the Green tea less. Adding a little honey is another way to make it more settling. I use Marshmellow tea. Great for the tummy! Also Milk-Thistle tea is great for the organs, especially the liver while fasting. Don’t steep any teas longer than 2-3 minutes. It will lessen the strenght and irritation on the stomach.
Marshmallow tea sounds great, don’t know where I could find it around here tho, we just have basics really. I have been steeping my tea like the whole time it takes to drink it, could be the problem, although I did the same today as always and I didn’t feel sick!
Day 20
Half way,… YeeehaW!! lol, I am so glad to be have way thru, and proud and feeling great, tired tonight tho, may have a lil nappy if the kids let me, but I’m sure they will find me something else to do……
I had quite the urge last night to have a chocolate chip cookie, wow it was a strong urge, but I beat it, I just kept reminding myself how bad I would feel after I ate it, and how I came this far I didn’t want to ruin all the hard work. I was so glad when I got up this morning and remembered that I didn’t give in! Night seems to be when I get the strongest urge to eat if I do.
See ya’ll tomorrow I’m going to weigh in then! ta for now
Day 21~
Kept busy today, lots of walking and a small bike drive. No hunger but juiced apple just cuz of the exercise. Haven’t weighed lately but I’m going to weigh and post tomorrow night, goal is 150 or less. It’s coming so close to the end of the weightloss journey that I’m worried it will slow down, my body getting used to the food intake which is none obviously lol, but I love the feeling I have of being lighter and clothes fitting right, it’s nice
See ya’ll tomorrow night for weigh day!
Day 22~
Weight: 154. Nice, what am I now stuck?
I heard that fasting can give you a fatty liver, is this true?
I’m worried about my health a bit, I don’t want to be unhealthy.
I am looking forward to getting the next 18 days over with so I can go into my healthy eating lifestyle, must admit my mind is sometimes screaming at me to eat.
I was aiming for 30 days, I would be almost done if I hadn’t bumped it up! Ah well, I still can’t believe I have only lost a pound or two in 6 days what’s up with that. What am I in a plateau or something? I’m gonna get thru it though, I just hope this is not the end, I want to make goal!
Hi milli, You are doing great! Yes the body does retain water during your fast. So that would account for the weight lull. Don’t worry in a few days you will drop about 5 lbs all at once! If you could get some of that Milk Thisle tea, or supplemants, that helps with the liver pains and detox while fasting. Do you have a local herbal store, of health food market? We have Whole Foods Market here in New England. Also enemas help with liver toxins elimnation. When the body holds waste, the liver trys to clean and reabsorb some of it. That causes liver pain. Ron
Thanks Ron, it’s nice to get some feedback. I hope in a few days the scales do show that the hard work is paying off. As for the stores/market, no there are no resources like that here for me sad to say. Enema I have done, boy what a pain, literally!
Day 23~
Not much to say, still here doing my thing. Kinda depressed. Slow thoughts. Juiced tomato and apple. Not together of course lol. The tomato tasted so salty it seemed. I’m sleepy all the time, yet I can’t rest when I want b/c of the kids. It’s still not too difficult to prepare foods for them, I keep it simple and quick tho, for the time being.
Have not been doing my walks lately as the weather really sucks. Do sit ups daily sometimes two sets of 100, sometimes just one set.
I’m excited to watch biggest loser tonight
My all time fav show. I get motivation from things like this.
Well that’s it for me, I think I will weigh in again on day 25, hopefully some good progress.
Day 24,25,26
Hi milli, hate to push this…but try the enemas again. It helps me to feel better by flushing out those toxins. And forget the tomato juice! Stick with mostly water, and small amounts of carrot and apple if you have it. And mild teas. Put a little piece of fresh ginger in it too. You’re nearing the end of your fast! Hang in there! Pray and find the strength! I’ll pray too. God Bless, Ron
Hey Ron, yeah I am never doing tomato again, bleh so gross. Might do another enema if I can feel good enough to go to the store to buy it. I’m actually starting to come around a bit today, I feel bad because I haven’t been doing anything at all, no situps, walking….. absolutely nothing. But rest is good right, well I have gotten my fair share of it the last few days and am planning on a few more of it too. Thanks for the prayers I think I need them!!!
DAY 27!
Still sick-ish. My house is a disaster zone with these kids distroying while I have been sick so I’m puttering around trying to make it a bit tidier. I did weigh this morning, although I hate morning weigh-ins, they are always much less than later in the day. But it was 145 lbs. I’m happy but I’d love to be 140 at least, then healthy foods for the last 10 pounds..or will I gain from going back to eating, even if it is healthy? Can’t believe I’m 3 days away from my first goal of a 30 day fast. Although I am pretty darn sure I will stick it out for 40 days. Maybe 35. I would love to sit with my family at easter dinner. If I do I will have all raw veggies and fruit. I would love that. But if I push the 40 day fast then I can’t. We shall see. I am proud of making it this far.
Happy fasting everyone!
You’ve done great milli, no matter how you proceed with your fast!! Do what feels right! YOU RULE YOUR FAST! Be extra careful on start-up tho… Soft, mushy fruits and veggies. Put some yogurt or probiotics in you too. They’ve been depleted during your fast, and are very necessary for digestion and germ control in your intenstines!
Try to stay away from meats, dairy and nuts for the first 3-4 days. Treat your tummy like you would a baby eating solids for the first time. If you are tempted…just have a single bite!! This way you won’t feel deprived, or suffer as much if it disagrees! No matter what you do, you will experience discomfort for several days before your system gets back to digesting normally. Just go SLOW!! There is great temptation to over-eat after a fast! DON’T!!! You want to feel like you’ve accomplished something after 30+ days!
You will put 6-8 lbs back on in a week or so. Don’t fret! You will stabilize. Fiber is important to keep things moving too. After a week or two, try a maintenance fast of 2-3 days. This will give your digestive system a needed break and help take off those extra pounds! Plus, you’ll have a skate compared to the 30! And, have embraced the fasting lifestyle like many doing it regularly!
I have been planning on little amounts of yogurt and fruits n veggies. Not really interested in going back to meats and dairy for awhile tho, I’m going to stick that out as long as I can, I was a vegetarian my teenage years I don’t plan on going back to straight but certainly not daily maybe just once a week. I’m not too excited about the 6-8 pound weight gain
that really sux. What should I eat for the fiber? Maintenance was something I have been thining about, I believe fasting will be with me for life, maybe tues, wed, and thurs, or just tues and wed.
You are so right about the hunger thing, tho it took me awhile I do not have any hunger now at all. I feel like I could go forever now!
And I thankyou Ron for your advice, it really has helped me!
Magnesium supplement drink, flaxseed oil, raisins, prunes, pears. Constipation can be a problem on start up. So, keep the breads and starches to a minimum too. The weight gain is your intestines filling back up. There is no way to avoid that. Just keep it light. And exercise also!
WOW! You are doing great! Here I am, following a strict water fast and not doing nearly as well. I wish I had the discipline to juice, but I know once I start putting anything with taste into my mouth, I am doomed. At this point, anyway.
When you break your fast, you might want to blend some juicy fruits. That way it will be easy for your body to assimilate and you will have fiber.
Keep up the good work!
MMmmmmmMMM RAISONS!! I have been wishing I could have them for so very long, I love ‘em!!!!!!! Exercise is a definate. Breads & starches, uh uh no way. I understand the intestines filling back up now. gross. lol.
Thanx everyone!
DAY 29!~
Wow still can’t believe I made it this far. Before I thought my god I will be so hungry, but no not really am I! Makes it so much easier! So still don’t know what I’m doing yet, what day to finish this fast. Not tomorrow, I know that. I’m still at 145 lbs, strange, but when I was stuck at 155 lbs it did drop 5 after a few days just like Ron said it would! So I’m really hanging in there for the 140 mark. And trust me I am so not disappointed by losing FORTY POUNDS!!
in 29 days. That is amazing to me
I am so happy. Clothes that were way to small fit like a glove, my jacket that is a size small could be smaller
I have loose skin but always have. Having lots of babies really contributed to that, but I am learning to love my body! My son saw the lower part of my belly today and he’s says, mom your old (he’s 5) lol, cause of all the loose skin looking like wrinkles, gross but I don’t care, it could be all filled out with fat! And I’m glad it’s not! So I haven’t been doing much, drinking water, juiced orange once a day. Still feel sick some but I’m very slowly getting rid of it. I am pretty cranky, I fly off the handle easily. I don’t like that b/c I am a naturally happy outgoing person, but hey I haven’t eaten in 29 days, I’m no ray of sunshine lol. Well that’s my log for now, I’m going to rest (like I haven’t done enough of that all week long) and drink ma water! I’m going to weigh again tomorrow, since it’s the 30 mark! See ya’ll then! Have a great one!
Remember this feeling milli! It is a feeling of FREEDOM!!
I love, and long for fasting, always. It is strange to others who don’t know. But true joy comes through self denial. It may seem daunting at first, but fasting is so very helpful in so many ways. And the Lord blesses us even more when we dedicate our “self denial” to Him! I can’t tell you…nor express how much the Lord has blessed me and my family. Please consider fasting as a “lifestyle”. You won’t be sorry. And you will never have to worry about weight gain again! Not-to-mention the Peace of mind, strength and Love the Lord will give you once you give your fast to Him!
I have a small fasting story (one of so very many!)…A good friend of mine gave us some fish 2 months ago. He is a seafood salesman. He usually gives us a few pounds of Cod once every 3-6 months. This time he gave us Haddock, which is my favorite fish. During my 30 day fast, my wife (not remembering it was my favorite) gave most of it away to others who could use it. On the last day of my fast she mentioned thet she was giving the last 2 pieces away to a woman at our local church! I said to my wife, “you didn’t even save me any”? My FAVORITE?! She said, “well you can have these last two pieces”. I said, “no give it away. It will be part of my Lenten sacrafice to God”.
Well, not even 2 days after my fast ended I went over to see my friend the salesman for a cup of coffee. It was his birthday recently. He said “I have something for you Ron”. Now, I never told him anything about my fasting or that Haddock is my favorite fish. I didn’t want him to feel pressure, or bad about anything. He came out of the freezer with 25lbs of Haddock! 25lbs!!!!!!!!
You can imagine how I felt! I had a smile from ear to ear!! The Lord sees and knows our most “seemigly” insignificant deeds in our life! And He won’t be out done in generosity!! It’s a wonderful thing to know that we WILL BE BLESSED. All we have to do is share our lives with Him! And BELIEVE. Amen
Love the story thanks for sharing! Put a big smile on my face too!
I haven’t had any signs from the Lord during my fast, but I feel positive something will happen. I’m always seeking ‘signs’ from Him, or my nan who I miss dearly and I was very, very close too.
If anything I pray for peace within my home. My children fight constantly and it just plain ruins the happy lifestyle I crave
Hey! I have nine (9) kids!! My youngest is 7 now, but I remember those days. Patience and prayers….And Faith! All things are answer in time. Just don’t give up. God Bless, Ron
DAY 30!!
Weight STILL 145!
Ordered the kids pizza for supper, I really wanted some too but I didn’t!
How long should I do post fasting before I can treat myself?
Well, it depends on your sensitivity milli. But at least 3-5 days of gradual progression to “some” cooked foods. I’ll be honest with you. There is no way your body will tolerate what you’ve done to it in the past! If you go back to your “old ways” immediately, you will suffer for it dearly.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to change your lifestyle. That means, mush for the first 2-3 days. Followed by solid fruits and green salads with olive oil and lemon as a dressing. Drink as much juice and water as you can to dilute your food and ease it thru your body. After 5 days you can introduce cooked foods and grains one at a time. Don’t mix cooked foods. At least not meats and proteins. They are complex. Your digestive system needs to sort things out slowly.
Maybe after a week you can eat normally. But chemicals, processed and artifical foods will irritate your digestive system. If you insist on going back to the “junk”. It will take several weeks for your body to recover and stabilize. Just be careful. and go SLOW whatever you decide to do. Good Luck! Ron
Hello Tom,
I have Lymphatic Stagnation which have left me with swelling in my Left Neck/Back. I have been on a juice fast for 48 days and the swelling is still there. I also have trouble sleeping because of this and have numbness and tingles in my left arm mostly at night. I also have not have a bowel movement in the last 10 to 14 days. I was thinking of coming off my fast to a raw food diet. What do you think?
Hi Robert, Have you been using enemas during your fast? This is very important for cleaning toxins from your body. Also exercise is probably a good thing too. You want to keep blood moving for elimination and detox. Raw foods would be fine at this point. Just stay away from
processed, artificial flavors and color in food. Meats and proteins, dairy and sugars should be very limited until you get your condition under control.
Massage therapy is important for your condition too. Do not wear any tight fitting clothing while suffering from lymphatic congestion! It is also wise to avoid constant pressure on the same site, such as sleeping in the same position. That may be the cause of your tingling. Hope this has helped some. Ron
Today would be day 33. The past two days I have had one fat free yogurt and one piece of fruit. So I guess it’s safe to say I’m trying to ease slowly back into healthy lifestyle with food. It was nice to taste something that is for sure. I think I will do another week water fast on Monday. Until then, raw.
OK, final decisions made. Monday April 25 I will begin another fast. Consisting of water only. I believe my goal this time will be 14 days. I really want to reach 135 and maintain at 140. I am as of today 145 still. I wouldn’t be surprised if by Monday I am 150 since I am consuming food again. And that’s ok with me. I did over 30 days last fast 14 will be a peice of cake (no pun intended lol). So I will see you all back on Monday with my stats! Happy Easter everyone
Hey, I’m starting a water fast on Monday too. I’m hoping to go to 21 days. Good luck!!!
Hi! Yep tomorrow is the big day! I took a few days off my last fast, have gained back some pound-age lol, not much but enough, I kinda over-enjoyed my easter weekend more than planned. But anywho back at ‘er tomorrow, I’m planning 26 day fast and straight to raw. I have proved to myself now finally that regular foods, even just some is not for me or my body anymore, yeck.
Once we get thru a week the days just fly. I just finished up a 31 day fast last week, lost around 30-35 pounds. Have gained back like 10 or so- already. Bad choices and laziness, but hey that happens once in awhile, I’m just going to remember this and not go back! Good luck tomorrow, we can do this!!
I BLEW IT! Woke up this morning not even thinking about returning to my fast, my hand was in the kids easter basket and to my mouth in the wink of an eye! Crap! Try and do this right tomorrow! My evening weight tonight is 155. So I’m looking for 25 pound weight loss. See ya’ll tomorrow with better first day results!
I blew day 1 too, with deviled eggs. Easter treats are just too yummy.
Can’t believe I blew it again today! Easter treats are now gone. That is that. I can’t believe I did it again!! Anyway I know better than this, and I am psyched to get back on track. I’m looking to fast right thru May! Don’t want to get too small tho, I do like some thickness, do not want to be stick thin or anything. What is your goal bikingviking?
Weight wise my goal is to get back in the ball park of 125 like I was two years ago. . . . but my main goal is to clean out all the gunk and hopefully destroy depression, kick my food addiction and get some self respect and confidence back (a really bad relationship slightly shattered my self esteem, hence why the depression and addiction have been out of control for the last year.)
Hey, how’s it going? Haven’t heard from you for awhile
WELL! I’m back finally! I had no internet
All fixed now!
So I’m not sure what day I’m on, guessing 5 or 6. I weigh 145.
Milli, I try to return-post anyone that posts in my report, so I just read through the whole thread. I’d like to post whatever input I can offer. Just my thoughts, don’t hold them against me.
As someone that has dense bones and generous muscle, I have learned to stop making weight loss my priority, since I probably will not reach the weight that I’d idealize. Doesn’t mean I can’t reach low body fat. I depend more on measurements. I measure circumference at 6 places. It is far more reliable than weighing.
To teach yourself to stop messing up, I’d suggest resetting the counter. If you want to reach 30 days, and you eat something on day 4, start at 1 again. If your desire to be successful is great enough, the behavior will stop soon enough.
Weight loss is different for everyone. People with a slower metabolism will generally lose weight slower, with or without exercise. People that are heavily overweight sometimes lose weight at incredible speeds. If your body has a lot to work through, it may take a little while before it starts working on the excess weight.
I can’t imagine doing that many situps. Yikes! Then again, I’ve stopped doing them a looong time ago. There are far better ab-exercises. Still, with such an active lifestyle, I’d recommend reading ‘Eat Stop Eat’ by Brad Pilon. It’s about intermittent fasting. He takes a very scientific and practical approach. You may find it interesting. I always immerse myself in what I’m doing, so when I’m fasting, I’m reading everything I can about fasting.
Of course, for religious goals, prolonged fasting periods do have a more profound effect.
Wow Orion, I really, really appreciate your words. You seem very smart and in tune with everything I think and feel about the whole experiance. I swear you read my mind! I know I’m so obsessed over numbers and I really shouldn’t be, it almost seems like it controls my life, I wish sometimes I could just be happy the way I am. But I sooo want to see 130′s after all this time it’s all I can think. I measure here and there, but haven’t kept track yet to notice any difference. I have read some about the eat stop eat, and it does make perfect good sense. You are right about the activity I do, sometimes in crazy amounts!! Bodies are amazing things, the way we work and how we can almost be machines at times. The sit ups I forgot to mention earlier have way slowed to a stop! It hurts my back so much and was making me miserable, I may continue them at some point but I doubt it. I have no religious goals. Just trying to find me, to love me and accept myself. Thanks Orion, you make me feel good!
I’m in a pickle. Last night when I finally fell aslepp (really early) I kept dreaming about food (done this alot of times and made it thru, this is just what happend) so I dreamt that I was eating this huge rice crispy square, I woke up all mad at myself b/c I ruined everything, then realized I don’t even have those in the house..!! So feeling extremely glad it was all a dream I tried and tried for 2 hours to get back to sleep and just could not, then what did I do, I binged. I hate how the mind can win, it makes me feel so gosh darn week, when I know I am not. I have been trying to go thru the past week in my head, all the physical activity I have been doing, just saturday alone I walked at a good speed for 5 hours!! Of course I weighed this morning, 150. Now come on I know I didn’t eat 5 pounds of fat in an hour during the night ha! So I’m going to call this day 1 again, starting all over, going for a 21 day fast. And hopefully let my body recover, and rest. I’m not going to do the extreme activity at the start, seems to make me so much more hungry at the end of it all. Then again I feel I have so much energy and I hate sitting around. I’m going to make myself do nothing today, and not eat of course
Wish I could just be happy the way I am!
What?! You ate? That’s it, go to your room. And no pony for you! You see that cute fluffy pony over there? Not yours!
The last time I saw my ‘six-pack’ was about 15 years ago. I’m neither happy or satisfied with the way I look. You don’t have to be either. But you should be content, and realize that no matter what you look like today, at this moment it is enough. And every day, in every way, you’re shaping a better version of yourself. You’re working towards a better you. Accept who and what you are, knowing that tomorrow you’ll be better than today. Maybe a just little bit, maybe a quantum leap. Keep moving forward. If you reject yourself beforehand, it is easy to fail, and stay stuck where you are now. Humans are good at that, it’s comfortable.
So accept where you are now, and smile knowing where you’re going to be. And next time you get off that scale, accept whatever it says, close your eyes and picture what you want it to say, or better yet, what you want yourself to look like no matter what it says. Make the picture vivid. If nothing else, it’ll make you feel good.
Like Ron says below, fasting is not dieting, it is not the next cool thing being sold on TV late at night. Traditionally, it’s always been seen as a self-sacrifice practiced in many religions. You don’t have go all spiritual if that’s not what you want. But fasting is a whole lot more than losing weight. Fasting cleanses the body, heals illnesses, clears the skin and blood and teaches you awareness and control over what’s going on in your body and your mind. At some point your mind quiets down, and you find yourself thinking about all kinds of philosophical topics.
If weight loss is your goal, that’s fine. Just keep an open mind, have a childlike curiosity about the whole thing, always wondering what happens next.
I think about food more that half the time during my fasts. Whenever I am hungry for something, I imagine it in full detail, and I write it down on a shopping list of things to get AFTER the fast. By that time, I’ll either be controlled enough to do it in moderation, or it will have lost its appeal.
Talking about moderation, keep busy, but don’t go overboard. Take stairs instead of elevators, walk instead of run, play with kids. I usually start cleaning the house.
Now get your act together or I’m keeping the pony all to myself!
NO pony for me!! Aw now I’m really mad! Orion seriously you are freakin hillarious and I thankyou for putting a smile on my face, and your advice really does help me. I didn’t just read it once. I did your idea my last fast about writing everything down that I wanted to eat now, and boy did it ever help!!! It’s like there its on paper out of mind, have it later if I still desire. Too true. I hate when the hunger over comes. It makes me feel like a failure. It’s so hard to be happy in a house with children that always seem hungry and fighting. I try most days to find activities for us to do and keep busy, today, pretty much laziness. Which I think I need once in awhile. Your right to stop focusing so much on the numbers on the scale, I’m obsessed, and I know that once I reach the 130′s oh so happy I will be to have reached a goal I have longed for since I was 20 years old. But the flab will be there. I somewhat accept that. I need to start remembering how I was at 200+ pounds, a year ago. I did this thru fasting. I wish I knew what I was at my heaviest I just don’t. One of my problems is I still feel like I am that heavy. So maybe that is why I focus on the scale so much, in my head I am still that big girl.
Thankyou Orion xxXxx
Do you think it’s possible your body is just saying it’s too hungry since this is your second extended water fast? I am on a 30 day water fast (day 3 now) and I can’t imagine breaking it and starting a 20 day water fast a couple weeks later!
I hope that today is a new day for you and that you reach your goals! keep posting to keep us all updated (:
You’ve accomplished so much during your 30 day fast! Next time you have vivid dreams that make you want to eat, imagine your body at 130lbs and how you would feel/what you would be doing etc and then imagine how remorseful you would feel after you gave in and ate food.
Helps me a lot when I am hungry (:
HI! You could be right, cuz I sure am hungry right now!! After my last fast I did not consume normal meals, I still really controlled what I ate, most of the time. Good for you on day 3! Your over the hump!! Today I have made it thru, it’s tonight I am worried about since my craziness last night. And I do constantly imagine myself standing on the scale and finally seeing the 130′s. I remember when 170 was a goal, got to that it wasn’t good enough, then 160, 150, 145, never seems good enough, I’m sure the 130′s will give me that ‘whole’ feeling I desire. It better! I don’t want to be skin and bones that’s for sure!
Hi milli, To really be successful at fasting, we need to embrace it for the sake of fasting. And “all” it’s benefits. If weight loss is your goal, then that is “why” you are fasting, and the reason you are not being as succesful as you want to be. You need to approach fasting in a more spiritual way. Or, if you are not a spiritual person, then in a mental way. Otherwise you are dieting. There is nothing wrong with dieting using fasting as your tool. But you will always base fasting as a means of losing weight. There are many, many more reason and benefits to fasting. And it helps spread the wealth in your mind and spirit!
I hope this has made some sence to you. Speaking as a veteran now of fasting, I’ve been through pretty much every emotion and scenario associated with the success’ and failures. I am by no means a perfect faster. I still have my faults and bad food habits. But I “try” to stay focused on the MANY BENEFITS while fasting. Then it becomes more than just a way to lose weight. Even if that is one of my major goals. Which was true in my earlier years. Fasting is now a lifestyle for me. I’m never far from my next fast…and I always look forward to them. And if something comes up, like and event or special occasion… or even feeling not 100% ready…. I don’t feel bad about breaking it. My next “best” fast is right around the corner!
BTW..I once woke up from a dream that I was eating in, only to have a bloody, sore tongue!!! I was chewing on what I thought was a steak!! LOL…it tasted good in my dream! Ron
Hi Ron
Your right I shouldn’t just be focusing on just weight loss, as there is much more to fasting to embrace. I finally now understand that yes I’m using fasting as my primary diet tool, so therefor it IS a diet. I get it. I feel better knowing I am not the only one who has gone thru this. I also feel more like you know, this is my life, my fast, my diet, my planning and sometimes we just aren’t 100% percent ready so we adjust things. I thankyou so much Ron things actually feel more at peace for me now. And your poor tongue, OUCHIE!!!!!! Be careful what you go to sleep thinking about lol!
Day 1
147 lbs.
Heck of a day. Cranky. Tired. Lazy. Kids bad behaviour all day long. Preparing food for them was hell to say the least. But it’s 8 pm and I’m ready for bed. Hope its a ‘safe night’. Was extremely hungry earlier had a green tea, and boy that helps for a bit. I think I will have one before bed as well. I have to go easy on them, I only have 11 left and no pay for awhile to get more. I’m sure by day 5 or 6 or so when they are gone I will be past that horrible hunger stage. I wish now I had continued past my 30 day fast, made goal, just for the happy reasons, and it was easier then, the days flew by! Oh well Im on my ‘weigh’ again lol. It’s not just weight either, I want to do the full 21 days to see more benefits of my fast. What I mean is say I reach the 130 whatever at day 15 I’m not going to stop until 21 is finished. Goals!
and until tomorrow, WE CAN DO THIS!
Hi milli, Thanks for the compliment! We are all brothers and sisters through the Lord and fasting. So it is a kindred spirit that makes us familiar and care. I’m glad to be of assistance. And pray for you and the others always!
My “cheap” wife uses tea bags twice! I would tell her to use a fresh one for me…and she will sneek a used one on me. To tell you the truth I never notice! LOL
OMG. Got thru the night fine, but guess what?!!! Woke up this morning and half of my freaking tooth is GONE. MIA. Disappeared. Guess I swollowed it. What the heck is going on???? At least it’s not in front, but it’s gone, and it’s half the tooth. I was freaking out!!! What am I malnuorished? Freaking out here!!! I ate, I was like convinced it was from fasting, or not treating myself properly, omg!!! NOW, I am at this point, tomorrow is the last day I can start to do my 21 day fast as my goal is to be done June 1, 21 days from now. I dunno what to do, if I do this as I was thinking this morning am I going to lose another tooth… ugh I’m so confused, I want my teeth, but I want goal too!!! Maybe it has nothing to do with fasting and would have happend anyway, not what I was thinking this morning thats for sure.
Wait, now you’re eating your own teeth?! You’re really taking this to extremes, aren’t ya? You made your point, you can have the pony.
Seriously, I have no idea. I don’t believe a fast could do that though, certainly not this early in the fast. Your body has a lot of reserves to maintain the organs and body while you fast. Maybe after 90 days on water, with weakened gums or possibly severe calcium deficiency. But in your case, I can’t imagine it has anything to do with the fast.
How do I picture it? Split in the middle vertically? A corner?
Let’s ask the expert advice. Ron? Elusive Tom? Can fasting actually do this?
Thankyou for the pony, it’s helping me feel a lil better.
I don’t really think now it has anything to do with fasting either, but I did this morning. I was like that’s it! Eat as much as possible or I won’t have anything left to chew with!
It’s third from the last, top right, outer half, like the side by my cheek. Very sharp now, eeek!!!
Hi milli, I’m guessing you are grinding your teeth in your sleep. And you most likely broke it that way. Grinding teeth is usually from stress. That would make sense at this point.
There is a cheap plastic protector (looks like a sports style protector) you can get from the drug store. Or call your dentist and get a free one. A few of my daugthers had the same problem. One we eventually sent for bio rythmn treatments which worked nicely! At the time they were stressed from school.
Oh…you can sand it down with an emery board until you get to the dentsit. I broke a tooth in a football game as a kid, and that’s how they took care of my “still” jaggered tooth!
I don’t know if I grind my teeth when I sleep, no one has ever told me so, so I don’t think. But you bring up a good point because while fasting I realize that I am always clinching my teeth/jaws. My mouth gets sore from it! Maybe that is why. I can’t help it unless I start noticing more when I do it and stop. And I will try. Also since tomorrow is last call for my 21 day’er, I’m given’r again. My last shot at having it done by June 1st. Can’t believe how the time has gone so fast. There can not be one thing in my way, I WILL NOT LET ANYTHING BE IN MY WAY. NOT HUNGER. NOT TEETH. NOT KIDS. I WANT THIS FOR ME, AND I MUST COME FIRST!! Cheers!!
Mil, you still with us?
I am now!! My computer had to be fixed, darn thing, need a new one. Yesterday I was trying to come to this site but it wouldn’t let me, glad to be back. I’ve finally made it past a starting day! yay! I’m on a full day 4 just water.
Day 8
My computer is pretty much stupid and doesn’t work when I want it too, but I’m still going!
My weight is 140. It always goes so slow. I’m not sure how many days I’m going for. I don’t know if it will be 21 as my birthday is counting on an 18 day fast. Not that I’m going to splurge b/c of that but my mother is bringing a cake and I will sample it, so that she doesn’t think I am killing myself which is what she will think and has b4. I’m not breaking my fast with a sample of cake either, so I’m a lil stressed about this, I want to go raw for a few days first, but I don’t feel like quitting fasting either. Maybe then I will feel different about that. I really want to make goal. It’s slowly coming.
ORION: I read up on your postings, great work! You really have a strong will to keep going
WAIT a minute! I guess I am not on day 8… I really don’t know but I am figuring day..13? Geez maybe I will make the 21 days.. I really lost count as I haven’t been keeping track but it says in my last post day 4 so..I started the 14th.. holy. Only 5 pounds in 13 days. hmm..
Hey, you’re still with us! I’m beginning to get the impression that your fasting experience is a very long series of very short fasts.
Keep it up, you’ll get there.
As for me, maybe it’s laziness instead of willpower. I do water fasts because I don’t want to have to go through the trouble of mixing juices every time I’m thirsty (and have to clean the juicer all the time). I extend my fasts because it keeps me from having to go shopping (or, again, spend time on preparing food). On top of that, it saves me money. My dry fasts are the result of me simply not getting out of bed to get a drink. If I could get away with it, I’d probably be a breatharian.
Nah, I like taste too much.