Hi Tom,
I just wanted to let you know that I have completed my 30 day juice fast. I did a 3 day water fast on the 26-29 day and juice fasted for 1 day.
Fasting has help my spiritual life a lot. I feel better. and ankle doesn’t bother me. However, one weird thing. When I broke the fast, first thing I had was a glass of milk with coffee, ground up flax seed
and a dried apricot and a few slices of banana.
I was constipated for like the day until the evening and I just thought it was weird especially with flax seed. I am wondering, what kind of bowel movements should I be getting now. Day 2 on food, tomorrow 3, and I am looking forward to being able to eat a bit more. I haven’t gone crazy with the food but have probably eaten a bit more than the
normal fast breaker. I mean, today was day 2 and for supper I had a big bowel of veggie soup. I didn’t feel
to bad at all actually. I would I know if I hurt my digestive system? I had a really work hard day today so maybe thats why I got away with eating a bit more.
I lost a fair bit of weight, didn’t have a scale but am guessing 20 lbs. All the clothes fit, with ease to boot. I want to thank you for all your support and e-mails and wisdom Tom.
I was wondering, when would be an acceptable time to fast again?
Hi Nathan,
You did exceptional. I did not expect you to make is so far as I had not heard from you. You can almost live on juices. Add a few nutrients and you have everything the body need. Wait a month, is good. I usually get in the gym and train hard. As to bowel movements, the colon is waking up after a fast and takes a few days. Eat mostly fruit and salads, as they pass through easily. If you eat bread, grains, cheese or eggs you will be constipated.
Hi Tom,
Now I have a question that doesn’t involve me. I have a friend who is a body builder, he isn’t looking to fast. However, he is concerned about his acne. He is 23 like me, eats very healthy, (eats a lot of meat too). However, I told him to get a juicer, carrot juice for
sure, more vegetables in the diet raw, and vitamin A supplements.
Perhaps a omega 3 & 6 program to balance properly. Do you have any advice. You seem to have general skill in nutrition. Thanks Tom once again. May the Lord bless you.
Hi Nathan
The best remedy of to remove refined sugar. It is the combination of sure and processed oils and fats that cause acne. Also boil the meat to remove as much fat as possible. Using a George Foreman grill will help remove more fat. Use lean cuts to start and cut off as much fat as possible and never fry. Omega oils will help thin the sticky fats and help it pass through the pores.
Hi Nathan,
You’re are doing great, problems like soft fingernails, bone loss around teeth or porous bones tend to improve with juice and water fasting. During fasting, the liver is hard at work processing toxins released from fat and other body deposits. The metabolism of various bodily systems can be disrupted during this period but will return to normal after a fast. Brittle nails is nothing to worrry about.
Yes, gas is normal especially if the juice is not fresh or strained.
During a juice fast the body will have a stool every 3 to 5 days, that is why I prefer to use the enema. Less hunger, no burping or gas. Read the section on cleansing the colon on this site.
It always amazes me how people get concerned if you fast. You can smoke 2 pack of cigarettes a day, drink 4 jumbo coffees during then drink booze till you puke at night, eat greasy food that clog your arteries and enough junk food to send the pancreas into shock, yet fast for a few days and they get worried, terrified you will die with 30,000 calories of fat hanging over the pants.