
Dry Fasting

May 7, 2008 | 6,535 views

Dry fasting is the most difficult and powerful detoxification possible. Dry fasting is not for beginner fasters. Dry fasting need a preparation of a few days on juice then water fasting at least one day to be fully effective. Dry Fasting and Dehydration During... 


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Recent Comments:

  • Fasting & Excessive Weight Loss (5)
    • Henley: Pretty nice. Right now I work in Ortigas here in Manila. I might possibly be coming up their to Sagada with some friends this December for a break..that’s POSSIBLY.lol. because I am not entitled for a vacation leave this Christmas. You said you’re not using...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Henley, How are you. The site looks good. We are no longer using baguioapartment.net so if you want to put it in the loop that would be good. It is doing nothing so and gets traffic. The pic is the staff at St. Theodore’s Hospital of Sagada, I am the Director, Integrative...
    • Henley: It is absurd that a 17 year old “fairly skinny” girl would try to fast for a lengthy period. I have read some articles about those who did hunger strikes. No food, but water to keep them living. The 7th day and after may seem to be easier. It’s because the body turns...
  • Psyllium Husk And Flaxseeds (2)
    • Tom Coghill: Yes take the beneficial bacterial in capsules for 3 days after the fast.
    • JenC: Dear Tom, I am planning to go on a 7-day juice fast with psyllium husk as instructed in your article. Is it also necessary to replace the beneficial bacteria when breaking this type of fast? If that’s necessary, when should I begin to consume the capsules (I have access to capsules...
  • Enema Instructions (3)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Jen Yea they can be hard to find. The one dose type will not work.
    • JenC: Thank you Tom! I have not been able to find an anema kit. Will those one-dosage types for constipation found over the counter or at pharmacies suffice?
    • JenC: I am planning to start a juice fast for a few days - for the first time. Should I use the anema as per your instructions here? 1st time on the night before the 1st day of fast? With ONE litre of water every time?
  • Intestinal Bacteria Replacement (3)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi JenC The enema is 100 percent sure. But you can do both. There are capsules designed to pass the stomach acid so you could just take the caps. Use on the last time the enema is used when breaking the fast.
    • JenC: You mentioned using anema to introduce to beneficial bacteria and also swallowing Bifidus and acidophilus capsules. Do you mean to do both or just one method? When should one use the anema when breaking a fast?
  • Fasting - Effects On The Immune System (13)
    • MR J: Okay, thanks a lot. I will let you know when I start the fast. Is there any ingredient I can include to kind of maintain weight? I know there will be weight loss, but I am not fasting specifically to lose weight.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi MR J I did write the fasting book that this site is based on. At the present it is being overhauled with then new research results. Info: height, starting weight Kilos, blood pressure, stomach, hip and upper thigh measure in centimeters, juice amount per day. Then every 5 days or...
    • MR J: thanks for your response. I will leave a comment when I start my fast. Is there a book or guide or something I can get? Because I still feel like I am lacking information. Specifically on the juice mix, how much per day, etc. I will probably start this in the next couple of weeks. I just...
    • Tom Coghill: MR J I am the integrative program director at the Sagada hospital. We are meeting with St Luke’s and the Philippine Medical Association. We have the the first documented cures of cancer and several chronic disease. Presently we are preparing to advance to a phase one clinical...
    • MR J: what did you mean by, “if i can reach the 42 day mark with success my treatment will be replicated in a clinical setting through out Asia?” So do I get those items, and mix to taste? there’s no certain amount of anything I need? I am not yet on medications, I am scheduled...
  • Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (47)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Deeva, Start with 3 days on juice and end with three days on juice.
    • Deeva: I will begin a 30 day fast tomorrow. October 23rd. I hope to focus on water, and occasionally juice, perhaps. Any suggestions?
  • Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (67)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Amanda, Regular tea is hard on the stomach and best avoided. One or two cups of green tea is good. I recommend juice over water. You will get better results and not look like a bone wrack. Anything past 20 of water fasting is difficult and not recommended. If you had issues in the...

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Quote From the Books

This is the information I have been searching for. So clear, so commons sense, I wonder why I missed it. When I was younger, I was an athlete, but now…. 20 years later, oh no. But, you gave me new vision and inspiration. Second day of my juice fast and my wife is loves the recipe book. I would recommend these books to anyone how needs a life overhaul. — Juan Callion

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