Tag: fasting

My War With Food Addiction
My war with food addiction lasted 10 long years. I had been healed from years of drug abuse, but my battle with addictive behavior was not over. I desperately wanted control over what I ate, not for wei

Cleansing Your Thought Life
Our imagination can create a work of art or a horror movie. When our thought life is negative, we live the horror movie. Philippians 4:4 states, …whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever i

Types of Body Detoxification
Methods of body detoxification with juice fasting and raw food
Poor living, including not getting enough sleep and exercise, worry, and poor diet all inhibit the body's ability to divest itself of

Intermittent Fasting Diet
Intermittent fasting is gaining popularity,to reduce body fat while protecting muscle mass. Short periods of calorie reduction though intermittent fasting can extend life, protect against disease thr

Transfer Factor: The Immune Connection
“Transfer factors are small proteins that "transfer" the ability to express cell-mediated immunity from immune donors to non-immune recipients.” Molecular Medicine, April 6, 2000.

Reasons for Fasting: Food addiction, weight loss and longevity
Intended Length of Fast: 20-30 days
First Name: Lisa
(Optional) Last Name:
Site User Name: lisadi
City, State and Country: Mount Laurel, NJ. USA

Fasting FAQ
If you are getting ready for your first fast you need the simplified version of how to fast. Fasting basics to get you started.
This fasting FAQ was written at St. Theordore’s Hospital of Sagada. The results of t

Reasons for Fasting: I want to lose a lot of weight and fasting has so many benefits. I think it would make me so proud of myself when I finally complete a fast.
Intended Length of Fast: 20 days of water fasting. Before it I in

Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual upliftment; Better health; Back pain and joint pains from excessive sport (knees); weight loss will be nice. Weigh 87kg and would like to be under 80kg. Sorry I don't understand pounds.
Intended L

Reasons for Fasting: Break binge eating and cravings. Weightloss and Control of my mind and body I also have a lot of dry patches of skin on my face I would like to see gone.
Intended Length of Fast: 30 days
First Name: Michel

Reasons for Fasting: Health, de-tox, weight-loss
Name: Eric Maxson
Site User Name: moose***22
City, State and Country: Lake Forest, Orange County, California, USA
Sex: Male
Weight: 275
Height: 5’11”

Reasons for Fasting: Lifestyle change and weight loss for starters
Intended Length of Fast: 30 to 40 days
First Name: Jesse
City, State and Country: Portland, OR United States
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Weight: 217

Hoogland is a Health Hydro situated on a private game reserve in South Africa.
Whether you need to experience complete rest and relaxation, improve fitness, focus on weight management, and/or just need some decadent pampering,

Original Weight: 141
Original BMI: 21.4
Height: 5′8″
Planned fasting time: 14 days
Fasting type: Fresh Juice and Water on different days
Reasons: Mind body and spirit to be healthy and whole
Health Issues: Not overweig

Reasons for Fasting: Healing of neuropathy, fatigue, and heart problems.
Intended Length of Fast: 30 days or how ever long it takes.
First Name: Tiffany
Site User Name:tiffany3016
City, State and Country: Wichita, KS USA

Starting August 3, 2010
Reasons for Fasting: To break my food addiction and to help me overcome depression
Intended Length of Fast: 30 days
First Name: Normary
Site User Name: normary182
City, State and Country: San Juan,

Hi there my mum with ovarian cancer had hysterectomy and had partially removed the peritoneum.
She has been advised to start Chemo but we are very skeptical about it, especially because she reacts quite badly to medicines in ge

Cancer patient, water fast, seeking advice on what tests should be done at perhaps weekly intervals throughout the fast.

FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can boost the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous system disorders.
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About 2 months back I got poison into my system. It affected the nerves and led to:
- impaired vision with the right eye. Somewhat hazy and washed-out colours
- speech impediment. I started mumbling and I feel numbness in

DCA is an odourless, colourless, inexpensive, relatively non-toxic, small molecule. And researchers at the University of Alberta believe it may soon be used as an effective treatment for many forms of cancer.
Dr. Evangelos Mich

Reasons for Fasting: to lose weight, remove toxins, end depression, break sweet tooth addiction and binge eating. I began July 27, 2010 and am on my second day. I want to get to 195lbs and will add excercise and weights as my 30 d

Reasons for Fasting: To die to the flesh and become alive in my spirit, To loose weight, detox my body reset my body back to the way God intends it to be.
Intended Length of Fast: Really desperately need a 30 day water fast in

Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual/Prayer/Physical Healing
Intended Length of Fast: 40 days
First Name: Wendy
(Optional) Last Name: Mitchell
Site User Name:Wendy Mitchell
City, State and Country: Salem, Oregon USA

I would like to start my fast tomorrow July 7-23-2010
Reasons for Fasting: Weight loss and detox (recovering alcoholic)
Intended Length of Fast: 21 days
First Name: Danielle
Site User Name: Danie Kay
City, State and Country: