Fasting Progress Report - Sonya

Reasons for Fasting:To heal my ear drum Intended Length of Fast:3 days First Name:Sonya Last Name:Asamoah Site User Name:Sonya City, State and Country:Chicago il ,cook county Sex:female Age:26 Weight:280
Reasons for Fasting:To heal my ear drum Intended Length of Fast:3 days First Name:Sonya Last Name:Asamoah Site User Name:Sonya City, State and Country:Chicago il ,cook county Sex:female Age:26 Weight:280
Name: Russ Douglass Email: Comments: Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual Guidance Intended Length of Fast: I was told age plus 16 days, so I'm looking at 46 days First Name: Russ (Optional) Last Na
I feel uneasy about the inclusion of the intake of food under the term "fasting". So for example people use the term "juice fast". Bearing in mind that juice is just fruit that has been chewed by a machine instead of our teeth, th
I am getting ready to do a long flight (2 days of travel) and I will be on day 20 of a juice fast. Any ideas about how to make do in airports when we can't bring liquids? I was thinking of bringing this berry powder and veggie pow
Fasting for Tremors I am on day 4 of a juice fast. Last year, with the help of you and your site I did a 40 day fast and loved it. This year, I have wanted to but haven't due to health problems as I was taking some medication
Reasons for Fasting: Severe health issues/weight loss/cleansing Intended Length of Fast: 1 month Name: Tiana Phillips User Name: Woodrose7 City, State and Country: Lake Oswego, Or USA Sex: F Age: 60 Weight:Way
I was wondering how many times a year I can fast for 5 days or more. I did a 21-day water/tea/broth fast in January of this year at a clinic. Also daily mini-colonics every day during the fast. I fasted 4 days in April for a medic
Hi guys. I'm starting a new juice fast today. I'm trying to heal my damaged kidneys from 23 years of Type 1 diabetes and ten years of drug abuse. My diabetes is pretty well controlled now, but for about 15 years it wasn't. For
I just ended a five day water fast. 5:30pm - Went to the whole foods store and bought some broccoli and rice with a little bell pepper in it (all cooked gently) it tasted great. I ate some pita toast on the way home...and a few sw
I am constantly fighting yeast infections and would like to know if juice fasting will make it worst. I took fluconazole three days ago but I still feel the effects of yeast. Answer By Tom Juice fasting boost the immune syst
I am 41yrs young, 315-325lbs give or take,5"6 and ready to move to my next phase in life. All my life I have had eczema but it never got really bad, until 2006 out of nowhere, I just started itching nonstop like crazy so I cha
I am trying to juice fast with mainly green veggies for 30 days or more to heal my inflamed pancreas & congested liver. My digestion is very bad right and I have pancreas pain,candida,low blood pressure & no gall
Fasting cures hypertension. Dear Tom, I really am in trouble I suffer from raised blood pressure and an ever increasing tired-ness which is making it difficult for me to do a days work! I am a 55yrs old male, 25 pounds o
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that can occur in two very different forms. Acute pancreatitis is sudden while chronic pancreatitis "is characterized by recurring or persistent abdominal pain. Liver Conges
I am currently on the third day of a water/honey/lemon juice fast. I started fasting to make my weigh-ins as a flight attendant. Now I am fasting because of the health benefits. A HUGE "thank you" to Tom for this site.
I was fasting for therapeutic issues for 8 days juice fast + 1 day (today) water fasting. Tomorrow I will break the fast. Right now I look very skinny and I used to go to the gym 6 days a week, so I lost a lot of muscles in
Bad Breath is healed by juice fasting. Hi Tom, I would like to know if a 30 day juice fast would cure my bad breath. I have been living with a strong odor coming from my throat for such a long time now. I have tried everyth
"Heart conditions can be cured by juice fasting." Question I have been juicing sporadically for quite some time, with my Breville compact juicer. I am about 50 - 60 pounds overweight, with mild depression, anxiety, mild
Hello. I'm trying to get myself back in good health after surgery and Chemo (8 treatments total). I know I must detox immediately to rid my body of toxins and rebuild my immune system. From what I've read from EVERYONE i
My husband's blood pressure is 188/105. We began juice fasting today to bring it down. Any advice? Hi Fasting is very effective at lowering blood pressure. It usually lowers on the first day. Even the highest blood pressures
I suffer from gout attacks occasionally. The last one has been the worst in ball of right foot. I have juiced fasted for 3o days before but not for gout problems just general detox. With latest attack was on colcheciene but dec
Cilantro also called Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. It is also known as Chinese parsley or, particularly in the Americas, cilantro. Coriander is native to southern Europe and North Afr
Cellular Detoxification's Complexity Cellular detoxification of even a single cell within the human body is more complex than the most modern supercomputer. Cellular detoxification or the process of removing a hundred thous
Fasting Aids In Stomach Ulcer Treatment Fasting is what you need to cure an ulcer. But one or two days will not do it, you will need at least 14 days of juice fasting. The reason fasting works is that the damage lining of t