Fasting Research on MiceMay 12, 2008 | 122 views Study on mice shows fasting improves health as much as cutting calories. Periodic fasting and cutting calories is proven to increase health and lifespan. Research -Fasting Increases Lifespan and Insulin Sensitivity Several recent studies have reported...

Recent Comments:
- Dry Fasting (8)
- Jess: Hi MKJJD I just wanted to peek in and see how you are doing I hope things are good for you. I have been on my juice fast for 22 days now and still needing to lose more so I am continuing for 30 and see how I feel. Hope to hear from you
- Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day (143)
- Ona: Groeten Katherine, Ik ben Amerikans maar ik woon in Nederland meer dan 10 jaar. Als je wil soms een beetje makelijker spreken, kunt je een klein berichtje onderaan doen. Ik zou voor je uitkijken! Succes met alles! Ona
- Ona: Hi Tom, Thanks. Blood sugar is a thought… Perhaps I’ll pick up a blood sugar tester. But usually when my blood sugar is down I feel tired and achy - & I’m revved! I’m trying to avoid all sugars this time around - that’s why no juice. Any sugar seems to keep...
- Catharine: Tom, thank you so much. As I said in my post yesterday, I can use all the help and support I can get. I did some research but never came upon the lymph issue… I’ve been a paraplegic since 1995 and gained tooooooooo much weight. I was wondering if it would be bad or good if...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Catharine, Your situation is indeed difficult. You can fast on any juice even sugar cane juice or just herbal tea with some honey. The juices help but you can fast on water. For you, fasting would be very important as your body would not have the detoxification that comes with...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Ona, Your hunger during fasting may be blood sugar related and the fasting is increasing the effect as everything becomes more sensitive. Do you have a juice extractor? Try melon juice. You are on a excellent path to health and patience is part of the program. No write as much as...
- Ona: Hi All, This site has been a real inspiration to me (thank you Tom). It’s frustrating that Doctors know so little about fasting… I’m on my third day of a water fast (at least no juice - so definitely not a juice fast ;-)). Still having occassional bouts of hunger, but full...
- Catharine: Please!! I need all the help and support I can get. I’m a 33 year old paraplegic and as from today, I am attempting a juice fast. Anyone who has any suggestions as to what, when and how, please post a comment. I weigh about 140 kg, I don’t know how many pounds that is, in...
- Tom Coghill: Faith, Live sprouted grains made into to bread is like cake. Sooooo good. You are making me toooo hungry. Hi Aliceceila, I would just fast. Fasting is the best thing you can do for bowel problems. After that fast, take flax in the morning with some oatmeal and a salad every day....
- We are offline due to a TYPOON (3)
- Tom Coghill: I am off on a trip and I am having trouble staying connected to answer posts. Still no power or water just battery. I will try to answer your posts as soon as I can. Tom
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jess, Great to see you made it. Yea a little scary getting ready to come back down the mountain to civilization. Those old eating patterns do not die they just sleep and when you start to eat they come back with a vengeance. My site http://compulsive.ws will help you develop a...
- Jess: Hey Tom Hope things shape up for you down there. I just wanted to catch up with you..I am back from my week in the mountains on vacation and it was extremely hard not to eat with my family but I didnt. Today is day 20 of my fast and im still going strong I feel good so I am going to...
- Ask a Question (19)
- Michael: I am currently on a juice fast (day 13) and I have lost 16 pounds. My goal is to lose a total of 40 pounds (from 205 lbs to 165 lbs). First of all, is this weight lost goal unrealistic on a juice fast? Second, should I be concerned about lack of protein while juice fasting? Last of all,...
- Fasting Soul Searching (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shonda, It is so strange. We run toward the things that are bad for us and away from the things that are healthy. I will pray for you for sure.