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Can I drink bottled juice during a fast?
January 31, 2008
Yes, drink bottled juice during a fast. Buy unsweetened natural juice. Bottled juice is great when you do not have fresh juice available. Also frozen concentrates are good. When I make watermelon juice, I add a can of frozen pineapple juice and the taste is amazing and it also sustains me for many hours of hard physical labor.
Fresh juice is better for you as it has a revitalizing effect due to enzymes and all the nutritional mysteries that science is just beginning to understand that are killed by heat, air, and light. So drink as much fresh juice as you can and when you can’t drink sweetened herbal teas, bottled juice and frozen concentrates.
Bottled Juice Problems During a Fast: Too much acidic juice, such as apple or grapefruit take too quickly can cause stomach pains.
Heated tomato juice with some Worcestershire sauce and a sprinkle of garlic powder when you are chill from fasting is delicious and heart warming. Too much tomato juice slows the detoxification.
Freeze fresh cantaloupe juice into Popsicles and you feel like you are cheating because they taste so good. Enjoy as they are permitted during a juice fast.
Bottled juice is pasteurized and has lost its enzymes but has natural sugars, vitamins and mineral. Do not drink powdered juice mixtures or flavored fruit drinks.
My favorite bottle juices are beet, mango and pear. What is yours??????
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