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Mouth Cankers Remedies
January 19, 2008
Mouth cankers are common during fasting as the body is detoxifying through the skin, tongue, and lungs. This waste is a feeding ground for bacteria and viruses resulting in painful mouth cankers, sores on the gums inner lining of the cheeks.
Canker sores are painful, small ulcers in the mouth or on the inner lips caused by an assortment of viruses and bacteria.
The condition is called aphthous stomatitis. Normally, canker sores clear up in a week, but they often recur, sometimes in the form of multiple sores. Salt and acid increase the pain when eating.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 1- Sugar.
In the Philippines the normal process is rubbing sugar on the canker.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 2 – Salt.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 3 – Hydrogen peroxide & sodium bicarbonate rinse.
Rinse your mouth four times a day with a combination of 2 oz hydrogen peroxide, 2 oz water, and 1 tsp each of salt and baking soda. Do not swallow. Or use only the baking soda. (Sodium bicarbonate powder
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 4 – Milk of magnesia rinse.
Rinse your mouth with milk of magnesia to coat sores.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 5 – Vitamin C.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 6 – Tannin.
Cover the ulcer with a wet tea bag; the tannin will help dry up the sore.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 7 - Antacids
Antacids can soothe canker sores by reducing the acidity in your mouth that can irritate them.
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 8 - Kaopectate, Milk of Magnesia, Benylin or Benadryl.
Combine equal parts of the liquid form of Kaopectate or Milk of Magnesia (both antacids) with Benylin or Benadryl (both mild anesthetics). Apply the mixture to the canker sore with a cotton swab. You’ll cut down on painful acidity in your mouth and numb the sore, too
Mouth Canker Home Remedy 9 - Medication over-the-counter treatments.
Medications with xylocaine numb the area temporarily. Ointments like Orabase and benzocaine coat the sore, protecting it from being irritated by food and from becoming infected. Some doctors prescribe mouthwashes that contain tetracycline, an antibiotic, for canker sores. Dab the sore with the medicated end of a styptic pencil (available in drugstores), just as you would to stem bleeding from a shaving nick. This will numb inflamed nerve endings. Use a new pencil to avoid infecting the sore with bacteria. This is an old remedy, but it still works.
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