The Niagara Falls Cleanser with Watermelon and Grapes

The Niagara Falls Cleanser

1 wedge watermelon
1/2 lb. red grapes

Watermelon rind has chlorophyll, vitamin A, protein, potassium, zinc, iodine, nucleic acids and enzymes that aid digestion. Ninety-five percent of the nutritional content in watermelon is in the rind. The seeds may be a little noisy but are harmless to the juicer.

You may be curious about the name. When you put a sloppy wet piece of watermelon in the juicer it comes out like Niagara Falls. Because watermelon is a great diuretic, your kidneys and bladder will experience a honeymoon of youthful health.

If you are short on money, watermelon juice is the ticket. You can add just about anything to watermelon juice, so again, we encourage you to have some fun.


There are between 40 and 50 different varieties of grapes that come in a rainbow of greens, whites, reds and purples. Grapes fill the mouth with an explosion of delicious flavors. Grapes are an excellent source of potassium, which encourage an alkaline blood balance and also stimulate the kidneys and regulate heartbeat. The restorative power of grapes is phenomenal, cleansing the liver and removing the uric acid from the body. In France, many people go on a grape fast during harvest time. Studies have shown a lower incidence of cancer in the areas of France where this grape fast is practiced yearly.

Pre-Juicing Instructions

Grapes are the most over-sprayed of all the fruits; therefore, wash thoroughly. Always look for a faint, powdery appearance, indicating blooming. A grape bunch should have a few grapes either falling off or mushy. The stems should not be shriveled, but green looking. Grapes keep for a week in the refrigerator. Raisins are also a wonderful, healthy candy and a good source of iron.

For information about watermelons, click here

By Tom Coghill of
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Posted on by Tom Coghill

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2 Responses to The Niagara Falls Cleanser with Watermelon and Grapes

  1. Pingback: Greens, Juice, Foam, and Other Juicer Stuff… « BeStrixed

  2. madeline342 says:

    Keith I work out about 4 to 5 times a week normally for about 1 & 1/2 hours. Im 23yrs, 5″2 120 lb Id like to my target is to be around 107 – 110 lbs, my diet right now is somewhat good, I eat alot of fruit, chicken,steak i pretty much eat whatever & chocolate is my down fall! Before I had my son i was 110 & ive just had a hard time getting back to that weight.
