30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
Ria Coco
68 kg / 149.6 lbs
64 in /162.56 cm
United States
Knee, hips and lower pelvis/back problems. These pains are all on my right side where my knee caps are not line correctly and my quadracep muscle is over develope. my problem stems from over exercising for 10 years.
I went on a water fast for 3 days when i was twenty simple because ...I don't know I just did it. I 've tried master cleanse for 7 days 2 years ago but the flushing out of my sytems with the tea and SWF left my arms numb throughout the night.
I've just completed 2 months of 90% raw diet. The non-raw things included drinking hemp milk with chi tea and sugar everyday. Somedays I would eat whole wheat organic toast with a slice of cheese. I took a 2 day break each month and had chicken or salmon. I would like to be 100% raw for a bit.
I think that I have a deficiency of Vit-D and B-12
Clear. I Just want to heal so that I can hike and rollerblade again.
mentally weak when it comes to sweets sometimes
Can severe mucsle and tendons pains possibly inflammation be healed with juice fasting? In 30 days? I would really like to add smoothies to the mix, blended bananas and berries with Hemp protein that sort of stuff as well as greens is this a bad idea .
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Juniper44 .:. In the morning when I wake, I feel completely and utterly euphoric for a few seconds. Wow! Why can't it last longer than that?
on Ria: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
Juniper44 .:. Felix I hope that things get better. Hang in there.
on Félix: 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting
Tom Coghill .:. Hi Happygril,
Sure you can have only fruit juices but the veggies have some higher values in different nutrients.
A 30 juice fa
on Happygirl: 30 days of Juice Fasting
felixbv .:. Day 10 finished. Just water. Not hungry at all. Stone passes with some damage. Some pain in the back and leg again
Day 11 starts.
on Félix: 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting
felixbv .:. Day 9 finished: Lettuce, lemons, pear, plum, peach. Some of the last two days combinations dont go too well, lol.
Day 10 starts:
on Félix: 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting
measwel .:. Day 8 of the fast. I had some miso soup lately with a little bit of green onion and tofu. My neck pain increased a bit - it could
on Meas: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
Juniper44 .:. Thanks for the tips Felix. I wished that I have read this before I slipped and ate two small plums today. i could have juiced then
on Ria: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
felixbv .:. Hi Juniper
Best luck to you.
I am reading Tom books to not lost focus.
If you are really hungry, try to meditate, works wor
on Ria: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
felixbv .:. Thank you very much Juniper. Fasting works very well
Day 8 finished. Lettuce, mandarin, plum, pear, onion, peach, lemons
Day 9 S
on Félix: 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting
skmadl .:. It's almost noon and I'm ready to eat my hand, but I think I'm good to go on just water. I am pretty disciplined - we'll see how
on K: 3 days of Water Fasting
Happygirl: 30 days of Juice Fasting
.:. 1 Comment | since Oct 07 2010
K: 3 days of Water Fasting
.:. 2 Comments | since Oct 05 2010
Winter: 28 days of Water Fasting
since Oct 04 2010
Meas: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
.:. 3 Comments | since Oct 04 2010
Ria: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
.:. 7 Comments | since Oct 03 2010
Tomika: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
.:. 3 Comments | since Sep 30 2010
Félix: 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting
.:. 21 Comments | since Sep 26 2010
AB: 40 days of Water Fasting
.:. 2 Comments | since Sep 25 2010
Bianca: 40 days of Water Fasting
.:. 3 Comments | since Sep 23 2010
candice: 12 days of Water Fasting
.:. 2 Comments | since Sep 19 2010
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HI Ria,
A 30 day juice fast should heal you tendons. You will see a reduction in pain in a few days. Hemp protein is perfect. You cannot lose by taking D and B12 during the juice fast. I would not do smoothies as the fiber will increase hunger and slow the cleansing.
Thanks town for getting back to me. I did ground up vitiamin D and a B-12 today and drank it. It’s my third day of juicing and I was afraid of what the night might hold for me if I continue not to take these vitamins.
Today, I had two 13 oz servings of Juiced apples, ginger and beets. A glass of fresh squeezed lemon and the rest of the day at least 144 oz of water.
Oops we need an edit button. I’d meant to type Tom, not town.
Day 4
Today hungry pains weren’t so bad . I broke down and had a smoothie. It was to keep me sane more that anything else. I also don’t think that I can afford to juice for a whole month and I also feel guilty composting the pulp. This has been a hard 4 days, my fiancée cooked food and the smells drives me nuts. I just want to sip the broth but it tomato base and I’m trying my hardess to stay away from nightshade foods for a bit.
B-alfalfa sprouts blended with water.
L-boysenberries, raspberries and blueberries blended with Raw vanilla Hemp powder
D- juiced 3 apples, 3 pieces of ginger and ½ beet
Snack- lemon water maybe hemp protein
Hi Juniper
Best luck to you.
I am reading Tom books to not lost focus.
If you are really hungry, try to meditate, works worderful
Or you can zip any juice you do, but dont swallow. Wait some seconds in your mouth while your saliva do their work and then swallow. The hunger will go away after 3 or four zips. Well, lol, for me works. Hope for you too!
Thanks for the tips Felix. I wished that I have read this before I slipped and ate two small plums today. i could have juiced then but….I reacted before I had time to think. I didn’t eat thing else though. So that’s good.
In the morning when I wake, I feel completely and utterly euphoric for a few seconds. Wow! Why can’t it last longer than that?
I’m no longer juicing completly I’m drinking smoothies. I’m still 100% raw but I’m having chest pains when I don’t get enough calories. I’m going to make sure I get enough calories even though I don’t I’m not feeling too hungry.