Migdalia: 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting
Migdalia Medina, 45 years old Female, weighing 76 kg / 167.2 lbs, 48 in /121.92 cm tall, Christian. From Kissimmee, United States
Doing 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting. Starting October 23, 2010
Reasons for Fasting:
My mom has cancer & her doctor said that her cancer spread all over her body. My family & I believe if we cleanse our body, we release all the negative/evil out of our body. Reason being to help our love ones from suffering & cure any sickness they have. Its a sacrifice! No one has to agree to my belief. That's my belief! Any suggestions? Thank you!Past Fasting Experience:
Never did onePresent Diet:
I'm going to begin tomorrow.Relevant Medical History:
noPresent Medical Problems:
noState of Mind:
I feel great. Thanks to the LORD.Questions:
How should I begin? I know when, but don't know, HOW! I'm new at this & I want to do it, I'm just scared. Any suggestions, please?
Hi Migdalia,
I wasn’t sure if you are juice fasting or water fasting. Im going to assume both. There is no reason to be scared. It’s not going to be easy, but the longer you go the easier it gets. Hunger pangs will come but they usually go away after a short period of time. I don’t know what to tell you as far as how to start your fast, but I can tell you how I started mine and maybe that will help you. Just to let you know today oct 22, 2010 is the first day of my fast. Yesterday, I ate light some oatmeal in the morning and a tossed veggie salad with some ranch at night. I also had a small piece of banana bread with some whip cream for dessert. I plan on water fasting for about a week and I will break it with juice. I have a breville Juicer and it works like a charm. It was expensive (around $200) but I know it will outlast me. My aunt bought a less expensive Jack Lalane juicer about 5 years ago and it still works well for her. I prefer to juice fast because you get vitamins and nutrients while cleansing. For your first fast, I think most people would recommend that you juice. The best way is to let your body tell you. Im pretty sure that if you want to switch to water after juice it will be a easier transition because your body has already started to detox. I hope this helps you. I’m usually on this site daily when I fast so send me a message anytime.
HI Migdalia!
I am CERTAIN that the Lord works absolute MIRACLES through prayer and fasting.. I will be praying and believing WITH you..I am actually beginning my fast this coming week as well for a healing miracle as well! Looking forward to this journey and watching the Lord work in our lives!
Peace & God Bless