Cancer Tag: Diuretic
Rhubarb Root most abundant anthraquinone is emodin, which is capable of inhibiting cellular proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and prevention of metastasis.
The compounds found in St. John's wort enhance the immune system and are currently being studied for their benefits for sufferers of AIDS and cancer.
According to researchers, Buckthorn has an anti-tumor effect. Buckthorn contains anthraquinone derivates including rhamnocarthrin and vitamin C.
Burdock consists of carbohydrates, volatile oils, plant sterols, tannins, and fatty oils. Burdock have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,and antibacterial effects.
Theobromine is a diuretic, and it also acts as a stimulant. In addition to causing the heart to beat more rapidly, theobromine also widens the blood vessels, reducing blood pressure. Unlike caffeine, theobromine does not act as e
Cleavers is considered the best lymphatic tonic in the western herbal pharmacopoeia, and is both alterative and diuretic. Cleavers has a long tradition of use for tumor reduction and lymphatic drainage, especially indicated when c
Researches confirms that red clover extract contains four anti-tumor compounds. Also contains the powerful antioxidant tocopherol, which is a form of Vitamin E.
In a 1999 research, extracts from holy basil reduced solid tumor volume and increase lifespan. Recent research, found that holy basil can be a potent anti-metastatic candidate.
Preliminary animal studies also show that celery seed may help prevent the formation of cancerous tumors in mice. In humans, researchers have found that people who eat a diet rich in lutein (from celery, spinach, broccoli, lettuce
Cinnamon inhibits the expression of regulators of tumor progression in melanoma cells. The same study found that cinnamon enhanced the anti-tumor activities of a type of T cell whose functions include destroying tumor cells.
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Hello, I was given Dr. Bruess' book shortly after being diagnosed with rectal cancer. N
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Hi Tom, my name is Simone. I am from Ontario and I am very interested in the Breuss treat
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Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure
Hi valerieanne, If you can make her a veggie juice mix of sugar beet, carrot, apple, cucum
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Hi there, My mother was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago with Stage IV colon cancer that has m
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I would go also use the pancreatic enzymes from tumorx and do a 4 day juice fast with lots
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My mother is suffering form lung cancer. advanced stage. Doctors said she may survive max
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