When life wanes into the hollow darkness of death, it will not be the victories, trophies or empires we built that will fill our thoughts but the memories of the ones we love. Your soul will cry out for last moment to share.

To change your life in a powerful way you need to master the art of fasting. In this fast-paced, money-centered culture, fasting is the reset button that takes you back to who you really are. It gives you time to be at peace a

For 40 years, cruel desert winds reminded the Israelite of their cowardice in turning back because they saw giant warriors. To Joshua they were midgets before the power of God. With his leadership in five years of war, the bat

The conscience is without mercy. No matter how much we want to cover up, our conscience knows the truth. It becomes the nagging voice in the back of the head. We may convince ourselves and rationalize our behavior yet, the

The process of victory always starts with one small decision to change then building on the momentum. For example, a man cuts down on his smoking three cigarettes per day. Because he feels good, he decides to go to the gym. In

Process of Sin
Sin is a tough subject to talk about because it is about the things we are doing wrong. Yet, to God sin is about, not missing the mark, and hitting the target, becoming the amazing person God intended you to be.

The apostle Paul was a free man. Even with 100 lb chains, he was free. He could have taught safely in some small town that received his teaching with eagerness but not for Paul. He strived for the greatest ministry impact,

Whether your addiction be sugar, salt or TV, fasting cuts at the spiritual roots of addiction: fear, insignificance, laziness, self-centeredness, guilt, negative thinking, resentment and spiritual emptiness. Fasting, being stil