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Do not expect to heal your body drinking only bottled juices. They lack in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Bottle juice is fine if you are only trying to lose weight and you can fast on it, but that is so much less than the incredible boost in he..
Height: 66 in Proposed Fasting Method: Water Past Fasting Expe..
A few weeks ago while fasting on the weekend I read the short 150 page..
Reasons for Fasting: I am looking for physical, emotional and spiritua..
Solanum nigrum (karakap) has many uses and is well documented. Its wid..
I had just read about how, Soursop also name Guanabana, fruit can assi..
Comments: Reasons for Fasting: Health reason, addiction to sugar and w..
Jelly Bush Discovers Therapeutic Capacity in Manuka Honeys Shona Blai..
I'm a 32 year old 5'6" 155 lbs male thinking of starting a water fast,..
The tongue becomes white or yellow during fasting. This occurrence ..
The concept of juice fasting is to supply the body with everything it ..
Keratoconus Overview Keratoconus is a degenerative disorder of th..