Fasting Progress Report - Lisadi

Reasons for Fasting: Food addiction, weight loss and longevity Intended Length of Fast: 20-30 days First Name: Lisa (Optional) Last Name: Site User Name: lisadi City, State and Country: Mount Laurel, NJ. USA Sex:
Reasons for Fasting: Food addiction, weight loss and longevity Intended Length of Fast: 20-30 days First Name: Lisa (Optional) Last Name: Site User Name: lisadi City, State and Country: Mount Laurel, NJ. USA Sex:
Reasons for Fasting: I want to lose a lot of weight and fasting has so many benefits. I think it would make me so proud of myself when I finally complete a fast. Intended Length of Fast: 20 days of water fasting. Before it I in
Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual upliftment; Better health; Back pain and joint pains from excessive sport (knees); weight loss will be nice. Weigh 87kg and would like to be under 80kg. Sorry I don't understand pounds. Intended L
Reasons for Fasting: Break binge eating and cravings. Weightloss and Control of my mind and body I also have a lot of dry patches of skin on my face I would like to see gone. Intended Length of Fast: 30 days First Name: Michel
Reasons for Fasting: Health, de-tox, weight-loss Name: Eric Maxson Site User Name: moose***22 City, State and Country: Lake Forest, Orange County, California, USA Sex: Male Age:57 Weight: 275 Height: 5’11” Propos
Reasons for Fasting: Lifestyle change and weight loss for starters Intended Length of Fast: 30 to 40 days First Name: Jesse City, State and Country: Portland, OR United States Sex: Male Age: 34 Weight: 217 Hei
Original Weight: 141 Original BMI: 21.4 Height: 5′8″ Planned fasting time: 14 days Fasting type: Fresh Juice and Water on different days Reasons: Mind body and spirit to be healthy and whole Health Issues: Not overweig
Reasons for Fasting: Healing of neuropathy, fatigue, and heart problems. Intended Length of Fast: 30 days or how ever long it takes. First Name: Tiffany Site User Name:tiffany3016 City, State and Country: Wichita, KS USA
Reasons for Fasting:To heal my ear drum Intended Length of Fast:3 days First Name:Sonya Last Name:Asamoah Site User Name:Sonya City, State and Country:Chicago il ,cook county Sex:female Age:26 Weight:280
Starting August 3, 2010 Reasons for Fasting: To break my food addiction and to help me overcome depression Intended Length of Fast: 30 days First Name: Normary Site User Name: normary182 City, State and Country: San Juan,
Reasons for Fasting: To break fast food addictions, lose additional weight, aid in healing, and give my digestive system a break! Intended Length of Fast: 14 days, but we'll see if I can keep up the momentum and go and bit long
Comments: Reasons for Fasting: To overcome my food addiction Intended Length of Fast: 15 days: 3rd to 17th september First Name: Isabelle Site User Name: Isabelle City, State and Country: Quebec, Qc, Cda Sex: F A
REASONS FOR FASTING: My goal is simply to achieve PERMANENT, significant and noticeable weight loss to improve my health, my appearance, the way my clothes fit and look on me , and to improve my self esteem and mood through the d
Reasons for Fasting: To achieve mental clarity, overcome food addiction, heal and reconnect with life again Intended Length of Fast: 21 days First Name: Val Site User Name: justdoit City, State and Country: Sydney, NSW, Austra
Name: Russ Douglass Email: Comments: Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual Guidance Intended Length of Fast: I was told age plus 16 days, so I'm looking at 46 days First Name: Russ (Optional) Last Na
Reasons for Fasting: to lose weight, remove toxins, end depression, break sweet tooth addiction and binge eating. I began July 27, 2010 and am on my second day. I want to get to 195lbs and will add excercise and weights as my 30 d
Reasons for Fasting: To die to the flesh and become alive in my spirit, To loose weight, detox my body reset my body back to the way God intends it to be. Intended Length of Fast: Really desperately need a 30 day water fast in
Today is my "PRE" day for a (hopefully) 14 day juice/water fast. I am a little nervous because in Febuary I did a 9 day juice/water fast and it was pretty difficult. Also I am 5'8" and weigh 141 lbs at the moment. I would personal
Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual/Prayer/Physical Healing Intended Length of Fast: 40 days First Name: Wendy (Optional) Last Name: Mitchell Site User Name:Wendy Mitchell City, State and Country: Salem, Oregon USA Se
I would like to start my fast tomorrow July 7-23-2010 Reasons for Fasting: Weight loss and detox (recovering alcoholic) Intended Length of Fast: 21 days First Name: Danielle Site User Name: Danie Kay City, State and Country:
Reasons for Fasting: I started as an emotional response to a really unflattering picture posted on Facebook, after a couple of days I really put some research into fasting and decided to go full bore. I’m fasting to lose weight,
Reasons for Fasting: Weight loss/ break food adiction / spiritual reasons Intended Length of Fast: 21 days First Name: Luiza (Optional) Last Name: Site User Name: luizarios City, State and Country: Wigan, England Sex: F
Height: 66 in Proposed Fasting Method: Water Past Fasting Experience: Some Present Diet: Good Relevant Medical History: N/A Present Medical Problems: N/A State of Mind: Well Limitations: N/A
Reasons for Fasting: I am looking for physical, emotional and spiritual balance and health. (Also see ‘Current Medical Problems’) Intended Length of Fast: 30-40 days First Name: Rose Site User Name: HealthyHappyRose
Reasons for Fasting: Health reason, addiction to sugar and weight loss. Intended Length of Fast: 30 days First Name: Debby City, State and Country: chicago, IL Sex: Female Age: 46 Weight: 156 Height: 5’7 1/2 Proposed F