Progress Report ID-17317 by LLD
lld 49 years old female, weighing 83 kg / 182.6 lbs, 66 in /167.64 cm tall, United Kingdom GB
Doing 40 days of Water Fasting. Starting September 1, 2012
Reasons for Fasting:
Detox, clarity, internal questions I need to ask and answer.Past Fasting Experience:
3 day, 7 day,14 day, 21 day. I fast 2-4 times a year.Present Diet:
Water only fastSupplements:
noneRelevant Medical History:
no health concernsPresent Medication or Drug Usage:
noneState of Mind:
need to get clearLimitations:
Today is day 9 of my water fast. All the usual stuff for the first nine days one would expect. Nothing out of the ordinary so far.
Day 10 of my 40 day water fast. Woke up at 6:15 am today. This is one of the wonderful benefits I receive from fasting and really love, waking up early every day, without an alarm clock. A moral dilemma has been creeping into my mind the last 2 weeks, and last night I woke up in the middle of the night with the answer. It made me feel together like a finished puzzle, and calm, so I know it is the correct path to follow. So the dry mouth is a result of the human body not producing saliva, good to know. unfortunately, I won’t be posting the difference in weight from beginning to end, because this isn’t about weight loss for me, it’s about healing and finding answers within.