Tag: spiritual fasting

Reasons for Fasting: Weightloss!! And the secondary (at this point in time) effects: feeling of ease of movement, fresh skin, more energy with less sleep, freeing of alcohol/caffeine overconsumption, freedom of compulsive eati

I am Maya and I live in India. I have been visiting this site for a few days now trying to make up my mind on fasting - to start or not to start, what sort of fast to do - juice or water. My aim is to primarily lose weight - 172.7

I am doing a 40 day fast for spiritual reasons. I decided to break it up into 4 periods of 10 days (first 10 days a raw food diet, second 10 days juice, third 10 days water, last 10 days juice) that way, I'm always close to an e

1. I’m 22 years old
2.I’m 6′1″ & 152 lbs
3. I need advice on the best fast for my lifestyle!
4. I have done 3 day water fasts & 3 day master cleanses every now & then.
5.My reasons for wanting to fast vary:

Soul Searching is Triggered by Fasting
Soul searching can start within hours of fasting. Water fasting is a powerful spiritual trigger and the big questions rise to the surface of conscious quickly. With juice fasting, it may

The conscience is without mercy. No matter how much we want to cover up, our conscience knows the truth. It becomes the nagging voice in the back of the head. We may convince ourselves and rationalize our behavior yet, the

Spiritual emptiness plagues the souls of our modern society. Crafted veneers cover up how we really feel, because, to be honest is to admit we’re suffering inside. It is easier to ignore the cry of the heart and suppress it wi

Fasting is not a pathway to God. You do not need a path to God. He is with you now. You can’t get any closer than He is to you right now.
He knows your every thought, the number of hairs on your head and the workings of eve

Juice Fasting Testimony: 17 days
Weight Loss: 21 lbs.
Healed: acid reflux disease, skin problems
Location: Whitby, ON, Canada.
A friend of mine was tackling a 21-day fast with vegetable and fruit juices from a book she had rea

Juicing and Health Eating Testimony (Christian)
Healed: Tiredness
Lost: 12 lbs.
Location: Pickering, ON, Canada
A United Church pastor, and very skeptical about fad diets. I would not have changed my diet except I was suf

Fasting Testimony (Christian):
Water Fasting: 3 days
Location: Oshawa ON, Can
I haven't been a Christian for a year yet, but some how it seems to be much longer. I had a lot of bondage due to a traumatic past which included a

Juice Fasting Testimony (Christian) 17 days
Location: Oshawa, ON Canada.
I needed some answers from God, but a spiritual barrier stood in my way. I had tried to fast before when faced with these types of circumstances, but so

Juice Fasting Testimony (Christian): 20 days
Weight Loss: 25 lbs.
Healing: swelling in face, ankles and feet
Location: Midwest City, OK, USA
When I entered into this fast, I did so out of obedience to the Holy Spirit. It st