Water Fasting For Teenagers?

Quote from Ron: "I had Acid Reflux disease. The only cure is juice fasting! I suffered with reflux for almost 10 years! I was on daily meds for over 3 years. Now, as long as I watch my diet I am symptom free!" |
Lung Cancer Treatment: Tom, I could never believe this but it is truly working, she is recovering everyday, she's walking, talking, laughing, sleeping, eating(only salad and liver/pancreas mix), drinking (green karakap juice and carrot juice). Our whole family are overjoyed, thanks to you. |
Jennifer: I recently went on a four day water fast then a 30 day juice diet, to shrink my stomach, and I was cured of my sinus issues and lost approx 7 kgs. |
Steve: I lost 50.0 lb on a 30-day juice fast. |
JCheals on day 12: Today unconsciously I walked down the stairs to the basement, not remembering that I used to walk down backward with support from both sides of the wall and the stairs very carefully. My back feels so much stronger too. |
Discussions42: I love how this fasting really complements and adds that extra edge to being emotionally aware and responsible for our feelings. |
Discussions42: Day 4 juice fast. I feel clearheaded, positive, and my body is getting that sort of crackly “loosening up of stagnancy” feeling. Posture is improving. |
Orion: After 50 days, I lost 23.4kg/51.6lbs. About 9.2kg/20.3lbs fat, a 5.2% reduction. I lost 15cm/5.9″ around the waist, 11cm/4.3″ around the hips, and all my clothes are now baggy, and 2 sizes too big. |
Janet: I've lost 11 pounds since I started fasting on June 1st and 36 total since May 10th when I went on my pre-fast diet. |
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Recent Comments
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You could buy chelation supplements and take charcoal to assist detoxification. Note
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Negative Fasting Reactions
Hi Tobydawn, If it is a dull constant ache across the top of the chest, it could be deep
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Negative Fasting Reactions
I came across this site because I too am having chest pains. I am on day 43 of a 68 day ju
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Hi Jen, Your body is still growing. You need nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Yo
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Hi, I am 16 and I really want to try to fast. My family is going to start to do it one da
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Hi laniemac, Have you done any research at all on water fasting? I would suggest that you
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Fasting Teenagers
I'm 18, 5'6" and 130 lbs. i know that this weight is NOT bad, actually its around the righ
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Switch to juice fasting!
by Ron
Water Fasting Support -Day 8 -
I'd been fasting for 11 day with water only fast, last year and got a very amazing time. N
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Hi tshea, The swf should've went thru you like a freight train! You did something wrong. I
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