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Colonic Hydrotherapy reduces parasites in the colon. Parasites in the blood, come mostly from the colon. During my study at the Richter Medical & Alternative Clinic, I saw worms being expelled from the colon and a few days afterword the patient s..
Reasons for Fasting: I am 130 lbs over weight. I am very upset with my..
I am on day 4 of a juice fast. Last year, with the help of you and yo..
I'm on 72 hours now of a complete water fast and so far I have not had..
I read a lot about adrenal issues, adrenal fatigue in particular, and..
I was told when I was pregnent with my second child that I have HPV( ..
Intended Length of Fast: 40 Days--beginning June 1st First Name: Jan..
Hi Tom, Would Brown Rice Miso (unpasteurized) interrupt my water fast?..
I am Maya and I live in India. I have been visiting this site for a fe..
I have been water fasting for just 8 days now but the last few days I ..
I was wondering how many times a year I can fast for 5 days or more. I..
I am doing an overall cleanse "fast", by eating just organic brown ric..