Stomach Ulcers Remdies-FastingDecember 26, 2008 | | 4,541 Views Stomach ulcers can be healed by fasting as the stomach is not digesting and the lining is not irritated by caustic digestive juices. Juice fasting for 30 days is very effective using cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, sugar beets and cabbage to make juice. Stomach...
Grace Lang lost 21 lbs. and healed stomach reflex disease and a skin problem.January 5, 2008 | | 1,420 Views Juice Fasting Testimony: 17 days Weight Loss: 21 lbs. Healed: stomach reflex disease, skin problems Location: Whitby, ON, Canada. A friend of mine was tackling a 21-day fast with vegetable and fruit juices from a book she had read. I wanted to see the...
Recent Comments:
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (318)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Audra, Try the cayenne pepper, I just finished a page on it. I will increase your metabolism. Did you use the enema? Clearly you have a slow metabolism so walking will help. It will also help maintain discipline when you break the fast. http://www.fasting.w s/juice-fasting/f...
- Audra: Hi Tom, Another question…how do you hit a plateau, when I’m consuming NO calories?..It seems mathematically impossible.
- Alexandra: Question: Hi Tom, I have a new Omega 1000 juicer. I am concerned about the foam and the pulpish residue that comes up with the juice. I don’t want to engage the digestive system. What do I do, is it something to be concerned about? PS: Still hungry but I will try to find that...
- Alexandra: Continuing the diary: Day 3: I only had 2 small glasses of freshly squeezed vegetable juice all day, dry brushed my skin, had steam bath at my gym but I did no exercise (which is not good) I only lost 0.8 lbs. I am down to 145.8 lbs. Today I intend to walk the same 2 hour+ distance to...
- Audra: OK..Im on day 14 of a WATER ONLY fast!!..& i think i hit a plateau..I have lost 18 lbs so far, but have been stuck for like 4 days @ the same weight! I do feel a little weak, but i think I’m going to have to start walking.I am trying to make it to 30 full days of nothing but...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jen , I just did a post on it. Do a site search for cayenne.
- Jen: Hi Tom, I want to do the Master Cleanse. I’m just curious, what exactly does cayenne pepper do? Does it have anything to do with your metabolism? Thanks
- Tom Coghill: Alexandra, Do a site search for enema. It is posted. For cellulite drink lots of grapefruit juice. The sugar and coffee scrub will help reduce stretch marks. The will never go away completely. A skin brush may be easier, found in health stores.
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (295)
- Tom Coghill: Hi S.makeda cider vinegar is great, mix it with some cayanne pepper and is dash of garlic. Great hot of cold.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Ivana As candida loves fruit sugar, and even the sugars in vegetables increase Candida, water fasting is better. I would add cayenne pepper (do site search), and essential oils (health store) also clove tea.
- Ivana: Hi, I´m suffering candida. Have tried coconut oil fast before for 10 days. Would like to do it again, starting tomorrow. Do you think it´s proper fast even I´m on oil and lemon water? Thank you… would like to do it really properly.
- Karen: hi all , It’s unbelievable how quickly time goes by in 2001 I was a size 6 , not really athletic but in fair condition.I quit smoking that year which was a big deal for me, I drank coffee and smoked all day like there was no tomorrow. I started gaining a little weight and was not too...
- Shane: hey all. i m 19 from hong kong. i m on my 40 day water fast. its already the 9th day. i felt awful on the 1st 6 days but now the feeling is much more bearable. i had fasted 27 days in november last year. i need some buddies! my email is shanw0ngh0n@gmail.co m. contact me please.
- s.makeda: You are 100% correct Tom, Prior to my detox my daily diet consisted of: 2 whole baked chickens, 64 ounces of wine, 64 ounces of “store bought” fruit juice Plus the occasional “all u can” eat buffet That’s about 5,000 calories a day if not more. I have...
- Healing the Brain With Fasting (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Blurverve, I have found juice fasting more therapeutic than water fasting for most conditions. Ginko does improve memory. You need a juicer. Try starting on juice then alternating days of water fasting. The more mental demand I have here at the hospital the more in need fresh...
- blurverve: Hi Tom, I have a question about the brain article; Dr. Ehret said for a fast to awaken the higher mind functions, it had to be longer than 21 days. Is he talking about water fasting? Also, I was a heavy weed smoker for many years and been suffering from anxiety and other mental issues...
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (318)
- Ron: Hi Shaun, I have had mood swings. Not very emotional, but surprisingly, very cold and apathetic(if thqat makes sense to anyone)LOL! On the other hand I’ve had tremendous spiritual feelings, and revelations. Also, besides the detox effects, my body hasn’t been this fit in ions....
- Shaun: Hi Ron and Tom, What I meant by a “deeper detox” is that it felt like parts of my body that have been out of sync for years were detoxing- that plus old emotions/issues seemed to be arising. I had almost a pink tongue, then it turned yellow and brown. Tom, do you suggest liver...