Fasting for HealingFebruary 14, 2008 | | 4,501 Views Our body is an amazing structure and each part has its own detailed function. The structure of tube contains millions of miles of microscopic tubes while the membrane consists of thousands of square feet of delicate membrane surfaces. The circulatory...
Carl Wineberg’s juice fasting testimony, damaged nerves, liver and kidney damage, water retentionJanuary 5, 2008 | | 3,205 Views Juice Fasting Testimony: Carl Wineberg Juice Fasting: 40 days Weight Loss: 140 lbs. Healed: water retention, damaged nerves, liver and kidney damage, self-esteem. Location: Oshawa, ON, Canada Fasting with water, juice and a complete diet of natural...
Recent Comments:
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (426)
- Brenda: My son just called and irritated me so badly I practically hung up on him. Ended with “I am not in the state of mind for this so I am hanging up now. Love you… “click” I told him about being so sick the last couple (now 3 days) and that I just want to end this well...
- Samm: Dear Tom, Thank you for website, may God bless you. I’d like to share my post; last month I embarked on a 30 day fast, I did about 18 of it. I lost about 20 lbs. I started out with a smoothie like drink (spirulina and chlorella) 32 ounces and endless glasses of water for 4 days (I...
- Brenda: Water Fast Day 22: To Nikki – I hope you made it past your crisis and I didn’t make it any worse…
I did make it past mine. I couldn’t go to sleep again and was feeling rough but passed out at 7 a.m. finally and slept for 7 hours. I now feel right with the world...
- BBdfate: Tom, i need help man im 21 the docs said i have weak kidney function when i went to the hospital, i have low sex drive, depression, numbness in my right foot. i think it might have been the result of just large amounts of eating processed carbs and stuff and i think i might have been a...
- Brenda: Nikki, I am praying for you… I understand exactly what you are going through. I have bouts of those feelings as well… they are very hard. I am OK, but tonight was really tough. I got through it but I am wondering if attempting a 60 day water fast was setting myself up. I am on...
- Nikki: i want to throw up. i want to cry. this day is a miserable one for sure! but God will get me through it. it’s almost over i sure hope tomorrow is better brenda: how ru holding up? please continue to keep us posted. everything u go through helps me to brace myself. ok i guess...
- Brenda: By the way I did spell-check that but evidently it didn’t copy or paste correctly so sorry for all the errors…
- Brenda: Congrats Nikki & Sbinstructor! It helps me so mast that you are both posting! COngrats to both of you for hanging in there and for your weight losses as well! Nikki: I have an all natural moisturizer that I use on my face & another that is a natural body cream that I use on my...
- Nikki: after all i’ve read on here about not doing a water fast for the 1st time, I’m feeling alittle discouraged. last thursday evening i ate a small bowl of chili with tortilla chips & i’ve had nothing but water since. with all i read i can’t help but wonder if i...
- SbInstructor: Went swimming today nothing major im pumped for 15 miles of rollerblading tomorrow though should be good times. Im amazed at the weight I lost today i dont even know if it is possible but I lost 2lbs in one day. I spent the entire day building a wall for my home and then did 40...
- Nikki: Thank you so much for all the great answers Tom! They are so helpful. I will continue my water fast for the rest of the week, hopefully… Then I’m going to move on to a long juice fast. Thanks again for all the help!
- Tom Coghill: Hi Nikki Blackouts can be prevented by getting down on one knee if. The sugar or coffee scrub, (do a site search) is amazing for creating youthful skin. A long juice fast is amazing for the skin. Water fasting less so.
- Tom Coghill: SbInstructor So sad, that story is replicated in millions of families throughout first world countries.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Nikki Supplements and water fast usually do not help and cause problems. Juice fasting yes, take lots. I just got back from picking up a client for our detox retreat here in Sagada so I will be fasting with her.
- Nikki: Haha, it posted before I was finished. Anyway, I was glad it was just a dream & I am still on track
I still feel great about this & I know I’m going to succeed this time! I already am. I’m on day 3! When I first started on this site, I couldn’t get past day 1....
- Nikki: I’m on day 3 water only. My eyes were really red & bloodshot & my skin was kinda dry & peely the last couple of days. My eyes are looking better & my skin’s not so peely today but it’s getting rougher. I haven’t been using any lotion or skin products...
- SbInstructor: Day 9 Weight: 225lbs Drinks: no V8, mixed water and tea blend Other: cod liver oil, Omega3
- OffRoadFan: Hey what to you think of Intermittent Fasting? Just eat every other day and on feeding days only eat plant based diet. No processed or manufactured foods. No meat/Dairy. Just 100% RAW Greens,Veggies,and Fruit with occasional no-salt seeds. This is my diet anyway, just wanted to try...
- SbInstructor: Glad to hear everyone is doing good thanks brenda for the kind words and nikki sounds great nice to see you coming along. Funny story time. Okay so my mom and my cousin are on diets ill give a brief rundown of everyone. Cousin: Ericka Weight: 180lbs Attribute: Hardworker, Clumsy,...
- SbInstructor: Day 8 Weight: 226lbs Drinks: no V8, lots of Water, some Tea Other: cod liver oil, Omega3
- Brenda: Thank you Nikki! Your reply really blessed me!
Water Fast Day #19: It is 6:00 p.m. of day 19 and I have to tell you that I feel pretty darn great!!! How awesome is that. Very easy going day. Very little pain of any kind! (I was riddled with pain daily before the fast for quite some...
- Nikki: Hello everyone, I’m back! Today is day 1 of my water fast. This time I don’t have a disapproving boyfriend breathing down my neck to eat (he’s away on vacation). I’m very excited & I feel really good about it this time
I would like to continue my water fast...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda, Revelation of inner pain and the roots are all part of the healing that leads to transformation. Clarity gives release.
- Brenda: To Sbinstructor; Glad you made it bck safe & sound! SOunds like you are doing great! All the Best, brenda
- Brenda: Wow it is moments like this that help keep me motivated! It is 9 p.m. of day 18 water fast. (I had that super long heavy post earlier today.) Just weighed myself… I am at 385 which means I have lost 50 lbs in 18 days!!! Woohoo! 3 hours from day 19 now… moving right along!
- SbInstructor: hey everyone super tired been driving for 4 hrs went up to duluth 2 days ago and then just today drove up to brainerd i live in st paul but yesterday my day 6 entry slipped my mind so i will fill in for today and yesterday. time seems to be flyin. Day 6-7 Weight: 227lbs Drinks: no...
- Brenda: Thanks Tom!
Water Fast Day 18: It is 12:30 here and I am doing well. Feel great and at peace. Still at 47 lbs lost, which is common for me. I seem to lose nothing to a lb for a day or two then drop 5 to 8 lbs (once 10 lbs!) the second or third day. I guess it is just how my system...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda, This is all so encouraging. I believe that your life will be completely transformed. Our God is giver of new beginnings.
- Brenda: Ware Fast Day 17 @ 6:00 a.m. Thanks Tom, much appreciated. Your books have literally been a huge help in getting me through this and keeping my mind right. Understanding more abou the whole process has been huge for me. So I thank you so much for writing them! I was browsing for juice...
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (475)
- wannabehealthy: update 10 lbs loss so far!!! btw i chew sugar free gum and i know that it may not be acceptable but i can’t have bad breath. Also I drink a fruit smootihie from smoothie king /that has no sugar in it but it has protein. is that allowed? is there a certain day in the fast...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Wannabehealthy Fasting can cause strange boils pimples or cankers. I had a huge pimple on the end of my nose once, and I had to be on TV. A rare event that I will always remember. When the camera man asked me if I had a good side I said “not today.” Consider yourself...
- wannabehealthy: Thanks for the friendly welcome! Weight yesterday 266.4, weight today 260.2!!! I woke up earlier today. I feel lighter. The only thing is that I think something bit me inside of my nostril because it is sore and leaking liquid. I wonder if it is related to the fast? Yesterday I...
- Tom Coghill: Hi wannabehealthy, Welcome. Glad to have you with us. You have to find what works for you. Fasting helps as it resets the homeostasis and establishes a clearer connection with your body.
- Tom Coghill: Currently, the recommended reference range for TSH is from approximately 0.3 to 3.0. So that is just above the low end. It should go up after you break the fast for a week.
- wannabehealthy: I am 6′1 266.4lb female 25. I started my fast today and its kind of a juice/water fast. I am attempting 30 days. i want to lose 10lbss more than my goal, as a cushion for inevitable weight gain once the fast ends. I will not go back to eating processed foods. I did Aitkens...
- shan: Hi Tom, How r u? my thyroid level after 5 days (after 38 days water fasting).of re feeding 0.31.is it normal?
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (551)
- BBdfate: Tom, i need help man im 21 the docs said i have weak kidney function when i went to the hospital, i have low sex drive, depression, numbness in my right foot. i think it might have been the result of just large amounts of eating processed carbs and stuff and i think i might have been a...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Shiv Master juice fasting first. You get more energy and build up nutritional reserves for water fasting. Get a juicer. It gets you over the hard part of detoxification. It is also the best way to end a water fast and the best thing to do if you see adverse reactions to water...
- shiv: Hi Tom, I have a question. Guess its very right when people say too much knowledge can be harmful! The thing is that since i have been researching a lot on water fast and have come across both the good and bad, i am a bit confused now. For someone like me who has been inactive due to injury...
- shiv: Hi, I am 25 and so early on in life, i am already at a stage where i cant sleep, cant concentrate, am constantly depressed and extremely stressed out. And i do have other health issues. I recovered from an ankle suregery a while back, as i had smashed my ankle bone. I want my ankle to be...
- Intestinal Bacteria Replacement After Fasting (13)
- BBdfate: Tom, i need help man im 21 the docs said i have weak kidney function when i went to the hospital, i have low sex drive, depression, numbness in my right foot. i think it might have been the result of just large amounts of eating processed carbs and stuff and i think i might have been a...
- Fasting Progress Reports (112)
- claire t: SOS!!! Tom, I’m in trouble. I completed a very short water fast, but I can’t do more than a few days. My 11 year old daughter is having a real crisis with her weight, – she’s going back to school in 2 weeks and her new school clothes do not fit at all (the next...
- alastair1000: Hey Tom, hey all, I would like to do a 3 week water fast with only full water, i am doing it as i wanna lose weight, i did try a 4 day water fast and i felt great, i had so much energy it was mad. As i said i am doing this to lose weight, but i have read that when you break it you...
- Water Fasting Tips (11)
- TheRisingStar456: Tom, I can’t thank you enough for the offer to help… the problem is purely TERRORIFYING, and it’s gotten worse, exponentially. I’ve sought out help from everyone – from conventional (Western) medicine to some of the top alternative health specialists. In...
- Tom Coghill: Hi TheRisingStar456 Unless you address the root cause of your overeating fasting will be a time of freedom followed by binging. Why are you eating so much? To change feeling, bordom, habit. You have to see what feeling are causing you to trigger eating. You can address these during...
- TheRisingStar456: Hi Tom, This is an awesome site, and I appreciate your committment to helping others! I was wondering how often would be considered too often to fast (I realize this depends on many factors, such as length of fast); but this is my situation: I struggle from one of the most...
- Fasting Downs and Highs (1)
- Nikki: Thank you so much for posting this! I’m so glad I got to read it! I will likely refer back to this very helpful article throughout my fast if I become discouraged.
- Fasting Support (27)
- Tom Coghill: Hi offroadman Rob, yes fasting every other day is great but hard to do for most people due to the hunger. It take a few days to get into the fasting state where you body is comfortable fasting. But it will work for sure. Let is know how it goes.
- OffRoadFan: Hey what to you think of Intermittent Fasting? Just eat every other day and on feeding days only eat plant based diet. No processed or manufactured foods. No meat/Dairy. Just 100% RAW Greens,Veggies,and Fruit with occasional no-salt seeds. This is my diet anyway, just wanted to try...
- Starting & Persevering on a Fast (2)
- TheRisingStar456: Good advice! Another key thing I’ve found is to learn from the failed attempts and combine this with visualization [like, visualize the entire fast, right up until you failed, but when visualizing, see yourself overcoming the obstacle instead]. I nearly doubled my longest...