Daily Archives: January 10, 2008



Fasting and intercession has the ability to touch the heart of God and change the future. The wind-swept summit held no treasures or mysteries to be discovered, just another mountain to climb. Within 300 feet of the top, eve

Fasting & Dietary Fiber

Fasting & Dietary Fiber

There are two types of Dietary fiber soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. In the blood, soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol by binding with low-density lipoproteins. Water-soluble fiber can be fo

Fasting Bible Scriptures

Fasting Bible Scriptures

Here are all the Bible scriptures that mention fasting 1Ki 21:9 In those letters she wrote: "Proclaim a day of fasting and seat Naboth in a prominent place among the people. Ne 9:1 On the twenty-fourth day of the same mont

Beneficial Intestinal Bacteria

Beneficial Intestinal Bacteria

Inside a healthy lower intestine are billions of beneficial intestinal bacteria or microflora. These bacteria are of the bifidus and acidophilus strains and were transferred by breast-feeding into our intestines as newborn inf

Colon Cleansing Formulas

Colon Cleansing Formulas

These are mixtures of several dietary fibers, both soluble and insoluble. They may include various herbs that have a cleansing effect on the colon. These are superior to psyllium husk, but are more expensive and range in price

Psyllium Husk And Flaxseeds

Psyllium Husk And Flaxseeds

For those who are uncomfortable with using the enema kit, psyllium husk or flaxseeds are an alternative. You can safely juice fast for extended periods using psyllium husk. The substance is a bulking agent (mucilage). It swell

Enema Instructions

Enema Instructions

Using The Enema Kit Enemas are far from being a spiritual experience, yet they can have a beneficial role to play in fasting. The thought of inserting a liter of water into the intestine to flush out waste may seem beyond

Nicotine Cigarette Tobacco Addi .:.

Nicotine Cigarette Tobacco Addiction

Nicotine Addiction can be cured by fasting. The body craves because of the metabolic imbalance that fasting will reset if given enough time. Curing nicotine addiction needs a prolonged juice fast over 20 days. The cleansing

Alternating Juice and Water Fas .:.

Alternating Juice and Water Fasts

The more skilled I became at fasting, the more I changed between juice and water fasting. I found the cleansing to be deep and during the water there was no hunger. I only craved juice. Alternate between water and juice fasti

Prolonged Fasting

A prolonged fast is anything over 20 days on juice and about 7 on water. While 30 days on juice is somewhat difficult 14 days on water is a and very difficult and demanding much discipline. I find that long fasts are preferable

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses contains the iron and essential B vitamins necessary for red cell production. It make an excellent tea that is fine to take during a juice fast. Use one to two tablespoons mixed in a glass of hot water. Sul