Splenda the Unnatural SweetenerSeptember 30, 2008 | | 8,116 Views Is Splenda good during fasting? Products featuring Splenda are perceived as “natural” because even the FDA’s press release about sucralose parrots the claim that “it is made from sugar” — an assertion disputed by the Sugar Association,...
Super Angel Juice Extractor by PoxSeptember 24, 2008 | | 3,188 Views Green Juice, Foam, Spinach Butter, and Purslane Video… I’ve been meaning to post about this for months! It’s about how my juicer juices the softer greens. I posted about my great juicer and how it produces pure, clear juice, even with the most...
Discover Juice FastingSeptember 20, 2008 | | 16,205 Views After years of intense pain and useless medications, I remember the moment when I stepped out of the shower and, as I dried myself, realized my body no longer hurt. On a 30-day juice fast, my organs had healed. There is no greater detoxification program...
Recent Comments:
- Fasting Progress Reports (419)
- keith101: Boothed to add to that! if you have ever had any injury in the past,this can flare up whilst on a fast your body is now working harder to flush out toxins so you will go through this fase of soar joints or a soar back but i can assure you this is normal. regards keith.
- keith101: Hi boothed. its a joy when i see you on this site, i have recieved more than i ever expected boothed i feel blessed by everyones comments and love when i see us all on the same path. The answer to your question is one that i can give advise on I had the same problems as you have now...
- boothed: Hi Everyone, God bless each of you as you are on your fast. Hi Tom and thanks for the blog. I enjoy it because you teach about the “whole” being. God Bless! Rob, nothing is easy when you are fasting for spiritual and physical guidance, there will always be attacks from the...
- keith101: Hi all. i forgot to mention that Eliarigina posted her progress on the fast-5 waight-loss Through eating 5 hours a day! and is continuing to loose waight, her family has started on the fast-5 diet she has said that she will keep us posted on their progress. regards keith.
- keith101: Hi ed Hi robert how are you today the worst thing i found out about water fasting was time really does slow down! the last week was the hardes for me every hour felt like a whole day, i did say to lena that i was still detoxing even after week 3, i also felt as though i had cotton mouth...
- keith101: Hi sarah, thank you for your kind words.I didnt have much time to prepair but i will have to edit it to make it look more pleasing to the eye,lol I do still miss her and guess that will never go away,but at least i had some time with her and know she is safe. Well thats my water fast...
- keith101: Hi SamanthaKelli, A big welcome to the site I have just finished a 30 day water fast and now juicing,Water fasting is ideal for the pounds falling off,i have lost on average 31,lbs in 30 days, it might be more benificial for you to start a coupple of days on juice first so you can...
- Tom Coghill: Hi SamanthaKellie Fasting is easier than dieting but it can be difficult to break a fast as compulsive eating patterns return with power. Self-control is based on thought life and discipline comes with being disciplined. Fasting is a great start toward a disciplined life. Some people...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Robert, Potato broth is too starchy and will slow the detox and clog the sinuses. Beet and carrot make a better broth.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Robert Pain can increase during a fast before decreasing. And some sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon daily should have therapeutic benefit.
- SamanthaKellie: im 19, 280lbs last time i got on a scale which was 2 months ago. i’l thinking im more likw 200 now, at 5′2”. im starting a water fast today. my goal is 7 days, if i do okay with that- i’ll go longer. im so nervous. im not known for having any amount off...
- Racheal: Hi Rob, I appreciated your kind sentiment towards me. Yes, I do plan to fast while I am away. In fact, I need to separate myself from my family so that I may fast and dedicate myself 100% to the Heavenly Father, to prayer and to reflection. All the very best to you also. I plan to pray...
- sourgrapes: Hi keith, Thankyou for sharing your story, I could tell it was difficult to write. I can relate somewhat to how you felt after your baby died. It is something that a parent never really gets over. You have had a difficult time, and im thankful that your through the worst of it. Your...
- keith101: hi robert, thanks for reading!… this site has given me a new start it really has pulled me out of the woods, Tom gave me a start to rebuild over… I really havnt thanked him enough, only because i never went into to much detail…about myself.i was really scared to leave...
- Robert: Racheal, All the best to you while you are away. I assume you are continuing to fast? I pray that you get the answers and results you are looking for. God bless, Rob
- Robert: Question for Tom, Is it okay to put potato in vegetable broth or to juice it? I am not sure because of the starch. Thanks, Rob
- Robert: Hello all. Just an update on Day 7 of my fast. Today I’m feeling pain throughout my body. This is part of my physical condition but it is worse than usual.. so hopefully a sign that the fast is moving some bad toxins out of my system. Today, I needed some variety for my tastebuds so...
- Robert: Hi Keith. Thanks very much for sharing your testimony. It takes a lot of courage to share your pain and failures. I am really glad that fasting has enabled you to get off drugs and that it is helping you find direction in life. Keep seeking Jesus as he is the answer for whatever any of us...
- keith101: THANK YOU RACHEAL YOUR A STAR; Your words allways burn bright in my heart.. keep us posted bless keith.
- Racheal: Hi to everyone, I shall be going away until the 12th of next month. Prayerfully I shall be back to let you know how things went for me. I really pray that everyone has a successful fast and that health and well-being is your reward. Tom, I really appreciate this site and all the hard...
- keith101: HI ROB IV POSTED A SHORT TESTIMONY…. There is so much that i could say, maby ill prepair better for a full testimony, soon when iv compleated this fast and back onto solids..iv been trying to line my intestines with healthy bacteria ie..natural yougart…im hoping to get back...
- Robert: Hi Keith, Yes, moving to water was likely the cause of the intense headache. Last night I moved back to Juice because I was so weak I had to. I did almost 2 days of water only but it is much more difficult than juice only. I commend you for your 30 days on water only as that seems almost...
- keith101: THANKS TOM… I didnt realize that you added me to admin!..lol.. That sounds great for the planed advancement of your program! All the best on the completion of the hospital.. Maby you can post some more new pics on the renivations?.. warmest regards keith.
- keith101: HI SARAH… GO TO HEALTH CENTRAL.COM For free advice on the lump you have in your abdominal area, but it would be best if your doctor checked you over? i have had check ups whilst on my fast! although the doctor hasnt got a clue why iv been fasting.. lol… iv looked up health...
- keith101: HI INDIGOWONDERS.. Glad to see your still with us, and holding up well… today is the last day of my water fast i will be starting juicing at about 12 noon…this should be fun..lol.. i will be starting with juicing every 2-3 hours to slowly wake up and start to prepair my...
- keith101: HI ROBERT, sounds like your blood sugar levels are fluctuating?.. you said that you were water fasting at the weekends? this can be the reason you have a soar head to!… moving from juice to water! best regards keith.
- keith101: HI LENA… My toung has cleared up quite a lot in the last 5 days, but even on week 3 of water fasting it did become worse, the colour of a banana..lol.it felt like i had cotton mouth, no matter how much water i took i couldnt get rid of the horrible gunjie taste in my mouth.. FOR...
- Robert: Hi Tom and Lena, I went back to juicing tonight. I was just feeling too weak. You’re right there is no shame or hurry. I may try water only again next weekend and see if it goes better. Thanks for the advice. I feel somewhat better now. Rob
- sourgrapes: Oh and did anyone have any ideas on that lump I can feel in my stomach?
- sourgrapes: Hello all, I tried some vege and fruit juice today for the first time ,so far have only had fruit juices. Was actually quite drinkable. Anyway thought I would tell you what it was incase any of you wanted to try it. Apple, orange, carrot, pineapple, rockmelon (I think most of you call...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Robert That honey looks really good. http://www.manukahon ey.co.uk/
- Tom Coghill: Juice requires no digestion so food combining cannot increase digestion.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Robert, If you have been eating toxic for years what is the hurry to get the body cleansed. Juicing is slower and safer for your first fast. Kidney or liver pain is an indication of toxin overload so yes go to juice for a few days. 2 to 3 liters per day is good to slow the detox.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Lena, The amount of juice you take on a juice fast is variable. If you are working construction for 12 hours a day, 4 liters of juice is good, for cancer it needs to be under 1/2 liter a day. You can mix fruits and veggies as there is no digestion required. Food combining only...
- Lena: Hi Rob, Thank you and your wife for the advice! I’m going to start looking for that honey right now. As for the zinc, I’ll try that after my fast (don’t want to take any supplements right now). Hopefully the apples work for you. I know that they had the same effect on...
- keith101: lena i have found this problem with exersice, you think you have gained 2lbs?….not true your body levels out?,,, i got really bloated after the gym?…next day i was fine?… your body works 24-7 moving food through the digestive system..and you feel bloated…this is...
- Robert: Thanks Sarah. Right now I’m drinking a blueberry herbal tea. Not quite like juice, but I thought I’d try a compromise betwen the juice and water. Hopefully the herbal tea will keep the detox process moving faster than juice but not quite as fast as water. I am really anxious...
- sourgrapes: Hi Rob, When I did my first day on water only, I was really ill the next day. Think the toxins your body is getting rid of during the fast can make for some pretty bad days. Juice fasting is alot easier on you body, specially to start with. So I would do as you said and go back to...
- Robert: Congratulations Sarah. Glad that you are getting results. All the best. Rob
- sourgrapes: Hello all, Made it through day four on water only, was not ill like last time so will be doing it again. tomorrow is the last day of this fast but I will be fasting again in a couple of days. So far in the last 2-3 weeks have fasted for 16 days so am pretty happy with that and the...
- Robert: Hello All, I am beginning day 6 today. I am very nauseous and have a very very bad headache. Yesterday the hunger was incredibly intense. I tried to focus on a number of things to help get my mind off of it but my stomach just kept sreaming out for attention. I didn’t give in and...
- Robert: Indigowonders – Thanks for the welcome. I have been feeling nauseous as well yesterday and even worse today. It’s all a good sign as it proves the body is detoxifying.
- Robert: Hi Ed – Thanks for the advice about Juicing. I have increased the fruit content in my juice to help. I use apples and grapes. Tom – One fasting website said that you should not mix fruit and vegetables with juicing but didn’t say why. Have you heard this? Do you know why...
- Robert: Hi Tom, Thanks for the informative site about reverse osmosis water. I do added trace minerals to the water to make it alkaline, however I wasn’t aware that chlorine etc still remained in the RO water. I will look into drinking distilled water during the fast Thanks, Rob
- Robert: Hi Lena, Thanks for sharing. I really hope the fast helps you with this problem. I think it will – just stick with it. My wife is very much into health care and mentioned that you should definitely take a zinc supplement because this mineral can clear up even very bad cases of acne...
- Fast-5 Weight-loss Through Eating for 5 Hours a Day (3)
- eliaregina: Hi Keith, I’ll keep you posted for sure. I’ll not hide for more than a week or two, ok? lol best regards Elia Regina
- keith101: HI ELIAREGINA… Thank you for keeping us posted on your fast-5 progress!.. this will be verry inspiring for others on the site… i wondered where you were hiding!..lol… Thats great the family are joining in with you, please keep us posted on further progress?..nice...
- eliaregina: Hi Tom, Keith and everybody in this site. i’ve been struggling with the this problem for a long time. since 1988, after my first pregnncy I gainned a LOT OF WEIGHT. Before that I used to weight 53 kilos and ended up at 86kg. I’ve been using fasting as a weight loss for...