Water Fasting with No Energy

I was trying for 30 day water fast. I already have done 12 hour, 3 days water fast. I was on my normal schedule for this fast, like office & walk after office. But then on 4th day of my water fast I just feel like sleepy all the time as no energy left.

Is it necessary to be in bed all the time for 30 day water fast? As I cant take off from office for a month, what other can I do on water fast only. along with weight loss I want inches loss also. Please suggest, a quick solution to inch loss.

From Tom,

Yes that is normal for water fasting.  Go to juice fasting. You will have more energy and still lose the weight.

After about 10 days of juicing try a day of water.  Water fasting gets easier the longer you juice fast.

Posted on by meena

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8 Responses to Water Fasting with No Energy

  1. meena says:

    Currently I am on 13th day of complete water fasting.Today I have no energy to walk or talk.Along with this I am having lots of vomiting after drinking a single glass of water.I dont have energy to do it any more and wants to quit.
    So for doing this, I am taking a glass of lemon+suger mix water but immediately after 10-25 minutes it vomites.
    My condition is very poor.Please tell me that this vomiting is normal in water fasting or its due to some internal infection.

    Please suggest me how to go back to normal diet and avoid vomiting, urgently.

  2. keith101 says:

    Hi meena
    This can happen to about 15-20% of fasters.
    It can be a sign of deep detox and will settle down within 7 days, if not you can break your fast with watered down organic fruit/veg every 2 hrs, only take in small amounts, then take small pieces of raw fruit/veg after 2 days, but you should add natural live yoghurt the day you break your fast, it takes 3 days for your intestines to reline itself with healthy bacteria again.

    I broke my 32 day water fast with 4 days of natural yoghart, 100 grams 4 times a day before moving onto juice/veg.
    If you still have probs then let me know, i will give you more advise.
    The more you panic the worse you will get, relax, you will be fine.
    Blessngs Keith.
    Ps I have seen guys vomit after 30 days and they were fine.

  3. bkcarlton says:

    I too find that I am horribly exhausted on just water. My dilemma is that I can’t drink juice because of the sugar content since I have pretty bad fungal and bacterial overgrowth – actually my reason for fasting. Any suggestions on overcoming that fatigue? I am not working right now and could potentially just sit around all day, but it gets so incredibly boring. I plan on fasting June 17 through 21.

    • Tom Coghill says:
      Tom Coghill

      Hi Bkcarlton
      Try shots of green juice. Ginger and lemon can help make the juice more palatable. Juice celery, parsley, cucumber and spice it up with ginger and lemon. If you can get some fresh oregano that can help kill bacteria. If this is in the vagina you can flush it with probiotics. You should try the salt flush.

  4. bkcarlton says:

    Thanks Tom – when you talk about the salt flush, do you mean for vaginal yeast overgrowth? If so, that’s actually not an issue for me. The yeast/bacterial overgrowth I have is in my colon.

    Thanks again!!

    A different question – how do you post a new question? I went to the Dashboard and posted one there but it’s still pending.


    • Tom Coghill says:
      Tom Coghill

      Hi Bkcarlton,
      Post is tricky as approving a post is to publish it on the web. I also have to find a category that is fits. I have to change the title that matches the post. Then fix the spelling and add graphics. Sometimes I just answer the question on the post and do not publish as the question has been answered before. I just did the posts so check your dashboard. I do think the salt flush could have a great value for colon infections.

  5. ClydeBe says:

    Be Careful. What’s your % body fat? What’s your urine specific gravity?
    Have you been getting enough salt? If you drink water with no minerals in it, you will deplete your electrolytes in your body – and eventually die.
    It is possible to fast too extreme.
    Have you done your homework and preparation?

    Clyde Be
