Epsom Salt Liver/Gallbladder Flush
>Do you have an opinion on the use of epsom salt drinks ?
Hi Ernie,
The gall badder flush has a lot of supporters on the web. I had my doubts on the treatment as the green ball that float on the toilet after a flush are not stones, as stone sink, but coagulated partially digested olive oil. Many swear by it and say they are cured of gall stones. People that I have met personally and that changed my mind. One woman in her 50′claimed that by doing only a single Liver/Gallbladder Flush she cleared over 10 food allergies overnight, overnight. One day, she couldn’t eat 10 different foods, and the very next day after the Flush, she could eat them – yogurt, tomatoes, nuts, etc. Sounds a bit too amazing to me but let’s see what kind of responses we get to this post.
Gallbladder Flush Benefits
- Helps cleanse stagnant waste from the liver and gallbladder
- Helps improve liver functioning and bile flow
- Helps purify the blood and lymph
- Helps rejuvenate the body
This is ernie. Thank you very much for replying to my question about SWF ebson salt. enemas. I am new to fasting and am learnig a lot reading all the comments.
how is an epsom salt flush prepared?
Hi Nikki, Forget the epsom salt. It’s irritating to the digestive system, and can dehydrate you. Stick w/ plain sea salt. Ron
Thanx Ron! Epsom salt is forgotten.
ernie says: Thanks for the reminder. I will try The SWF again. I have a good supply of Celtic salt. How much should I put in a large glass of water. A few months ago, I bought an ionizing water machine and have been drinking a lot of alkaline water. I feel great.
A big tablespoon full in about 16 ozs of water should have you running in an hour or so.