Fasting Problem – Blood in Urine and Stool

Ten days into fasting and have some questions and concerns. This is my first fast. I started for a few days on water, then to fresh fruit and Veggie juice. I recently added fresh whole fruit and yesterday did vegetable soup, with cabbage, potatoes, cauliflower and green beens. I’m trying to break free of cigarettes and very poor eating habits.

I am experiencing some pain in my intestines and there is blood in my urine and stool. Nothing I’ve read has mentioned this to be a common reaction and don’t know if I should continue the fast, go to a doctor, or what! I don’t want to lose hope that the many years of treating my body so poorly, can be turned around, I know Jesus is my healer! Thank you for your awesome webite!

The most lightly cause is beet juice.  It has scared many as it looks like blood.   If not that yes see a doctor.  This case is unheard of so get a diagnosis please.

Posted on by karenkroussel

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6 Responses to Fasting Problem – Blood in Urine and Stool

  1. wow91886 says:

    So glad to finally find this post! I am on day two of a juice fast and thought I had blood in my stool as well until I read this post. Two of the juices I made yesterday had beets in them. That makes sense. My question however; I have heard that the colors in fruits and vegetables are a result of beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Shouldn’t my body be absorbing these and using them? In other words , why is what I’m passing looking like beet juice?

  2. pinkgrenade says:

    I have been doing a juice fast for 4 days now, and today am getting some blood in my urine, none in my stool though. I am 3 pills away from my sugar cycle starting (so my period would normally start in about 6-7 days) and im pretty worried. i dont have a doctor, and am thinking about stopping juicing since i cant find a similar situation online. also, im not using any beets, hardly anything colored at all just carrots and lemons

  3. ianian says:

    I have been fasting on Water first two days then Juice & water for 4 days. This is day seven. Feel great no problem. Not really passing much stool, so had an enema, & found traces of what seem like blood mixed with the very small amount of stool. I have been drinking Dark Grape Juice, Beetroot juice mixed with Carrot & Celery. So I too was worried this morning, how ever I feel a little better after reading these posts.
