Progress Report of user “latoyale” (Shiree)
Reasons for Fasting: Need to lose weight, get healthy, break food addictions, gain normal eating and sleeping patterns
Intended Length of Fast: 30 days
First Name: Shiree
Site User Name: latoyale
City, State and Country: New York, NY
Sex: F
Age: 32
Weight: 229
Height: 54
Proposed Fasting Method: Water for 10 days, Juice for 10 days, 10 days of raw fruits and vegetables
Past Fasting Experience: 30 day juice fast, 7 day water fast
Present Diet: Junk food, a lot of rich foods, love to eat salt and sugar…
Relevant Medical History: Good history, no high bp, diabetes, etc…
Present Medical Problems: Only issue I have is I have bad allergies and constant sinus issues.
State of Mind: Tired and feeling like I am in a mental fog most of the time. CONSTANTLY hungry, never full enough and hungry within 20 minutes after eating.
If I start to get sick from the detox, I am allowing myself some whole juice.
Hi Shiree
Great to have you with us. Your 10 days sections of water juice and fruit are great. The allergies and sinus issues are usually diet related. You symptoms clearly indicate toxicity. Please support others as you are a fasting veteran in this world of first time fasters.
Hello Shiree
The first week of just water is tough but then the hunger really goes away and you get into the quiet parts of the desert. So feel free to email and welcome to a really good and healthy thing you are doing for yourself. God Bless Richard
I like the idea Proposed Fasting Method: Water for 10 days, Juice for 10 days, 10 days of raw fruits and vegetables —The detox is tough. I am also starting out this week so feel free to email me and some other to share the misery
I will be joining in starting Sunday. Only 9 days though – 4 days clear broth and coconut oil followed by 5 days of water. Then slowly add foods back in along with more broth.