Charles: 3 days of Juice/Water Fasting
Charles 39 years old Male, weighing 119 kg / 261.8 lbs, 60 in /152.4 cm tall, Catholic. From Chicago, United States
Doing 3 days of Juice/Water Fasting. Starting November 9, 2010
Reasons for Fasting:
For health reasons. I have high blood pressure. To also feel better about myself. Improved self esteem as well as to have more energy.Past Fasting Experience:
Fasted for 1-2 weeks. Don't know if it was really fasting on purpose. I was going through a very stressful period and just didn't eat alot. Lost alot of weight.Present Diet:
Rice, chicken, chips, juice, water, occasional ice cream, I tend to binge eat alot. Uncontrollable desire to just stuff my mouth at night. Don't eat much in the mornings.Relevant Medical History:
Hypertension Glaucoma ObesePresent Medical Problems:
aboveState of Mind:
SLightly depressedLimitations:
Eating behaviorQuestions:
Interested in anything that can help me stop binge eating or fast better. Should I also exercise? How much?
Hi Charles,
A 3 day juice fast is a good warm up. You can cure hypertension with a juice fast over 14 days.
The cure will be permanent if your diet has 50% raw foods. Binge eating is a cycle of thought, feeling, emotion, decision, action guilt, thought……. You need to break that cycle. Read and
A juice fast is recommended over water fasting for anyone with compulsive issues.