Tag: lose weight

Progress Report Kelly

Progress Report Kelly

Reasons for Fasting: To break fast food addictions, lose additional weight, aid in healing, and give my digestive system a break! Intended Length of Fast: 14 days, but we'll see if I can keep up the momentum and go and bit long

Fasting Progess Reports - Carol .:.

Fasting Progess Reports - Carol User:Carol03

REASONS FOR FASTING: My goal is simply to achieve PERMANENT, significant and noticeable weight loss to improve my health, my appearance, the way my clothes fit and look on me , and to improve my self esteem and mood through the d

Fasting and Nursing?

Fasting and Nursing?

Hi, I am considering fasting for health and a little weight loss, as I've been struggling with about 20 unwanted lbs for over 10 years. I only planned on fasting 2 days at a time, every week. Is this ideal for what I want to lose?

Weight Loss Supplements

Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss supplements can be a benefit or damage your body. You can take any weight loss supplements during a fast but beware of herbal stimulants. Modern herbal extractions are powerful concentrates and can have the adrenal