During Your Fasting

Get Time Alone Taking care of a church, business or family can make constant demands on your time. Time alone can become a rare privilege but the busier you are the more you need solitude. Your ministry, company or family wil
Get Time Alone Taking care of a church, business or family can make constant demands on your time. Time alone can become a rare privilege but the busier you are the more you need solitude. Your ministry, company or family wil
Garlic Breath Delight 2 tomatoes 2 apples 1 clove of garlic sprig of parsley This bacteria buster means business. Garlic reduces blood pressure, helps with the problem of blood clotting, and lowers the LDL that increases b
Apple-Berry Better Bladder 2 apples 1 1/4 cups of cranberries Cranberries Cranberry juice is a powerful healing tonic filled with quinine, which changes to hippuric acid in the liver. Hippuric acid is able to assist in the
The Niagara Falls Cleanser 1 wedge watermelon 1/2 lb. red grapes Watermelon rind has chlorophyll, vitamin A, protein, potassium, zinc, iodine, nucleic acids and enzymes that aid digestion. Ninety-five percent of the nutritio
The Brain Stimulator 1 orange 1 hard pear 1 yam 1 grapefruit 1 apple Scientists have determined that we use only 10 percent of the brain. Living on coffee and doughnuts reduces that to 2 percent. Here is a juice to stimu
The Pain Remover 1 lemon 1 orange 3 hard pears 3 apples Bruises, aches and sprains can be irritated by a toxic bloodstream and a high-protein diet. But a low-protein, natural diet lessens irritation and reduces inflammatio
Red Ice 1 beet 1 sweet potato 2 apples 1 lemon 1 tomato thin slice of Spanish onion 1 garlic clove 1/2 can of frozen apple concentrate Crush ice or blend with water till slushy. Add juice and get ready to chill out. C
Race Runner 1 lemon 2 radishes 1 beet 1 slice Spanish onion 2 sweet potatoes 1 celery stock 2 Tbs. cider vinegar So you decide to have a short walk while on your fast. Then here is the juice for you. Take your walk with
Pineapple Piper 1 pineapple 1 sweet potato 4 oranges This juice is like music to your cells. Let this amazing juice parade down to your belly, to the applause of 9,000 taste buds! Pineapple Take a cold, fresh glass of r
The Hyper House Cleaner 2 yams 1 beet 1 slice Spanish onion 2 lemons 1 celery stock slice of ginger So you're ready to clean house. To scale the Mount Everest of dust and garbage. To enter the black hole of the baseme
Citrus Slurp 1 grapefruit 1 orange Citrus juice made from a hand citrus juicer and a centrifugal force juice extractor can be quite different. The electric juice extractor produces a thick, frothy juice, which is more tart
Fantastic Fertility 3 hard pears 1 cantaloupe 1 sweet potato A delightful surprise to husbands and their wives is the increased vitality of sexuality. Sex is to be enjoyed, giving fulfillment to the sacred bond of marriage
Athletes Super Fuel 1/2 watermelon 1 lemon 5 oranges 1 can frozen pineapple concentrate So you've just entered the iron man contest. No more couch babysitting for you. Heading for the threshold of endurance. Developing
A Taste of Heaven 2 carrots 1 sweet potato 2 apples thin slice of Spanish onion pinch of dulse powder Dulse Dulse is a red seaweed that is found all over the North Atlantic. Commonly used as a food and medicinal plant, du
Flying Grapefruit Juice 2 pears 3 pink grapefruit 1 sweet potato A delicious, alcohol-free party pleaser that will blow both socks off. Ask the host if you can take your juicer to the party. Enjoy an enzyme high without a
Joggers’ Paradise Juice 5 oranges 3 hard pears 1 small yam Here is a muscle-blasting, power-pushing juice for joggers. Juice fasters often experience periods of phenomenal strength and endurance. Clean blood, clean mu
The average person is able to assimilate between 1% to 35% of the nutrients in vegetables. All nutrients of vegetables are locked within the fibers. Your digestive system acts like a juice extractor. Through chewing, the action
A good juice extractor is an essential tool. All the essential nutrients in fruit and vegetables are locked within the fibers. A juice extractor frees these essential nutrients so that they can be absorbed directly through the s
Bad Breath Waste passes through the lungs, which are an eliminative organ. Brushing the tongue with a toothbrush, using dental floss and rinsing with mouthwash will reduce bad breath. I do not recommend chewing gum for a fast
If you want to suffer pain after a 5 day water fast, eat a big greasy hamburger. It will land in your stomach like a brick and take 2 days to digest during which you will suffer intense pain. Fasting increases your body’s a
For six days, gradually increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. To break a fast and gorge on meat, bread or junk food will be a disaster. Jarring the system this intensely, when the digestive system is re-
Breaking an extended fast can be difficult. You will quickly discover that breaking the fast is harder than fasting. A slumbering digestive system is sensitive, and although you might want to try every food on the planet, you
This juice is great for veggies. The opening is huge enough for an apple so it cuts down the preparation time. It is not a good extractor for fruit especially melons. The pulp container is sloppy wet. But for veggies, it is fa