Fasting To Change Addictive Behavior

I will be venturing on to my first 30 day juice fast next week. I am going to start Friday in hopes that the fatigue and mental fog will clear by Monday.

I have self-indulgent issues that I am hoping to change, I am a smoker, drinker, sugar eater, I am 5’5″ 184 lbs. I work from home and don;e excercise AT ALL. I do have a membership to an amazing GYM 🙂 My main issue is that I do not deny myself anything. I feel pain in my back on the sides, not bone areas. I am scared this is a really bad thing. I have felt for a while that something may be quite wrong, I have also felt that since my face breaks out alot that I may have liver problems.

I have gathered much needed info from your site, a couple of things I am still not clear about;

  1. When I take supplements, do I take pills? do I crush pills and put them in my juice or do I only take luquid supplements?
  2. I do not fear the plan of a 30-day Juice fast, I fear failing and not over-coming these issues, I need a good mental thought to keep a self-indulgent person on track.
  3. I will be adding such things as flaxseed oil, acidopholus and vitamin E to my juice, can I add Benefiber or Psyllium ir is this not needed. The reasin I ask this question is beacuse I am buying a Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer and the reviews say it leaves almost no pulp/fiber.

I am scared, this is HUGE for me. In the past when I tried to stop smoking it was a NIGHTMARE. I practically had a nervouse breakdown. I know that is pathetic but it’s true.

Looking for support and knowledge, Thanks

Answer By Tom

1. You can crush and blend supplements with juice or take them normally.  Some taste bad.

2. Anyone with compulsive issues  can cause a faster to blow a fast and break it badly. The solution is much prayer, being a peace, avoiding stress, refusing food fantasy during fast.

3. You do not need Psyllium or any fiber during a fast and the juice, even filters has fiber, but no harm in taking it.

Posted on by smmwhatamess

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