Progress Report Lily

Fasting 14 days for health , mental benefits , want to lose some muscle mass.
Site User Name:lily


City, State and Country:uk


Weight:mm not sure


Proposed Fasting Method: water

Past Fasting Experience:none

Present Diet: healthy but erratic Relevant Medical History:none

State of Mind: tired of food being a central issue in my life want to get control

Limitations: busy schedule but have a 2 wk window in end of may when i would like to fast

Posted on by Tom Coghill

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8 Responses to Progress Report Lily

  1. Tom Coghill says:

    Hi Lily,
    Both Kieth and I are Brits so welcome to a fellow Brit. I see you have choose 14 days on water as a first fast but I never recommend that.
    Years of toxins are going to be dumped into your blood at the maximum rate and the effect can be like going to hell. Can you buy a juicer and do 3 days of juice fasting first. You should also end with juicing for 2 or 3 days. If you follow this advise you will have an amazing safe experience. Just post your updates here as comment. Encourage others on there progress reports. You can even juice fast with a busy schedule but not with water.

  2. lily says:

    great thankyou for the advice tom- i will do a few days juice prior to the water fast as you recommend. i dont really have any time at the moment to get organised to juice fast- i am not home until 9-10pm most evenings. i will have a look at the juice fast site to see whether there are any compenents i could introduce now to preempt the water fast as well. also i would like to lose some muscle mass is this likely to happen.

    • Tom Coghill says:

      Hi Jily,
      Juice will keep for 24 hours if cooled or kept in a thermos.
      An easy juice to make is cantaloupe.
      I did a fast and worked 14 hours a day.
      I prepared the veggies for juicing the night before and set them in water.
      After making the juice I put the juice top in the refrigerator so it would not dry out and washed it at night.
      Where there is a will there is a way.

  3. Tom Coghill says:

    Why do you want to “lose” muscle mass Lily? Water fasting for a first fast can be a horrible experience. I vomited on the toilet for 2 days with dry heaves on my first water fast. On the second attempt to water fast, I got the same reaction. If you start to feel bad, have some herbal tea and honey to slow the detox.

  4. lily says:

    hi tom, i used to cycle a lot and have overdeveloped muscles on my legs- i am a runner and losing some of the bulk would help my running. i am going to take your advice and start a few days juicing before the water fast. I hopefully wont experience too bad side effects but its my only window so im going to have to put up with it if it happens- hopefully it will get easier- how long do you think i would have to fast before the muscles would be affected .

    • Tom Coghill says:

      Hi Lily
      Fasting will thin out the muscles for a period but muscles have memory. People that have been weight trained are more muscular even if they stop training for years. Fasting brings out muscle cuts as it thins the fat in the skin. For that reason fasting is used before body building competitions. They can only look like that for a few days. Fasting is an amazing journey and corrects may lifestyle problems, but it will not reduce your muscle mass permanently.

  5. keith101 says:

    Hi lily
    30-40 days on water depending on your hight, weight, and body fat?
    my last water fast was for 32 days, there was some muscle loss.
    The body will hold onto muscle and use more body fat.
    This is why i need to know your body fat percentage?
    regards Keith.

  6. lily says:

    hi keith thanks for your post im planning to start fast tomorrow. i am not sure my % fat but im more muscle than fat really. im keen to get started and reap all the benefits more mentally than physically really but wouldnt mind leaner muscles. will keep you posted i start tomorrow ! any support from any one else fasting would be great
