24 years old female, weighing 69 kg / 151.8 lbs, 65 in /165.1 cm tall, United States US
Doing 21 days of Water Fasting. Starting April 28, 2011
Reasons for Fasting:
To heal. I've struggled with depression and food addictions for the last five years. I've gotten a lot of advice and feel that fasting is one of the best ways to heal. To cleanse. I grew up eating tv dinners and ramen. There was very little unprocessed food that I ate. I've cleaned up how I ate, but I still feel that all of those chemicals I ate before are still in me and are slowing me down.Past Fasting Experience:
A few week long juice diets and a 7 day water fast. Ironically, it's not the hunger that sabatoges me, it's social events where food is present and everyone is eating. Although 21 days is my current goal, I'm going to listen to my body for when it's time to eat again.Present Diet:
Fish, eggs, fruits and veggies, dairy (besides milk) and hot grain cereals. I don't like red meat or pork and I've gradually reduced fried and fast foods where I don't want them anymore. My one weakness I still have is sweet pastry breads and custards. . . . so good. . . .Supplements:
liquid vitaminState of Mind:
I really don't have any questions right now. I just need support because I know I won't be getting any from my family.
Progress Report ID-8606 by bikingviking
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Well it’s day 1 now, I did fine up until I got home from work and saw deviled eggs. . .
Day 1 again. Today was a fabulous day. I had a fantastic voice lesson and I’m debating whether I should quit my job or not. Pizza was just brought home for dinner and I’m going to go take a hot bath and ignore the cheezy deliciousness. The weather is suppose to be warm tommorrow and I’m thinking of biking into work. It’s a really nice bike ride. I always notice the scenery much more when I’m out in the open instead of trapped in a car.
Well, I’m bored and I want to eat. . . . not really hungry, I just want to eat.