Progress Report ID-8177 by Katie
Katie 19 years old female, weighing 60 kg / 132 lbs, 67 in /170.18 cm tall, Chrisitan. United Kingdom GB
Doing 40 days of Juice/Water Fasting. Starting January 24, 2011
Reasons for Fasting:
*Get over food addiction and sinful habits of overeating *Discipline and self-control *Closer relationship with God (prayer and reflection) *Detoxify my body *To recieve power and strength by over coming temptationPast Fasting Experience:
First time fasting!Present Diet:
*Try to eat lots of fruits and veggies *Partial vegetarian- do not eat red meat *Whole grains, cheerios *Low fat dairey products *NutsSupplements:
Womens multi-vitaminPresent Medication or Drug Usage:
Contraception pillsQuestions:
How do you know when you are in "starvation mode" ?? Can you still do strength training classes while on a fast? Can I drink lipton Green Tea? (it has caffeine in it) How do you make juices? (what kind of fruits and veggies can you use)
4 Responses to Progress Report ID-8177 by Katie