Sangeetha Karanam, 26 years old female, weighing 51 kg / 112.2 lbs, 63 in /160.02 cm tall, Indian - Hindu. From Hyderabad, India IN
Doing 40 days of Juice Fasting. Starting July 15, 2011
Reasons for Fasting:
Colon, Kidney, Liver and body detoxPast Fasting Experience:
Few unsuccessful one day water fasts. 3 day juice fast last month and a 4 day juice fast this month.Present Diet:
All kinds of vegetarian food. Mostly Fried and cooked. A little amount of fruits.State of Mind:
Stressed out and confusing all the time
Progress Report ID-8971 by Sangeetha
5 Responses to Progress Report ID-8971 by Sangeetha
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Day 1 :
Pretty normal. Drank one and half liter of water in the morning. Had mango juice for lunch.
Grape juice as evening snack. No hunger pangs till now
Anyone interested in joining me to fast along?
Hi Sangeetha, I just finished a fast…but who knows, I may be on another before your 40 days are up! If you can get so Milk Thisle tea. It will help detox your liver and other organs. Welcome and happy fasting! Ron
Hi Ron,
Thanks a lot for the info. Will definitely take milk Thisle tea based upon its availability.
Terrible hunger pangs. I went for a walk and drank a glass of water melon juice to calm the mind. Now i am feeling good
I did a four day fast before and everyone at work started asking me about the new cosmetic products i was using. But i actually used none. Then i realized it is the miraculous juice fasting that is doing its job on my body. So, now i am here to detox my toxin clogged body. Though looking good is not my motto right now, If you are healthy, obviously you will look good too
After about a week the hunger will subside. Enemas help to rid the toxins faster. And help to rid you of hunger too!
Just remind yourself that the food will be there long after your fast. And the 40 days is an eye blink compared to the time we’ve eaten, and will eat in our lives!
You are doing yourself a world of good in such a short amount of time. There is no other way to do this much good that fast! God Bless your fast! Ron
Thanks a ton Ron!
Got enema done today! started day with water and after an hour a big glass of grape juice and packed the same for lunch
great going till now.
little hunger and little nauseous as well at certain times