Progress Report ID-8534 by worshipgirl

  • 45 years old female, weighing 64 kg / 140.8 lbs, 62 in /157.48 cm tall, United States US

  • Doing 40 days of Water Fasting. Starting March 27, 2011

  • Present Diet:
    Tried to begin breaking my fast but it proved to be more difficult than fasting! I'm back to juicing.

  • State of Mind:
    I kind of lost control in trying to break my fast. Everything tasted so good.

Posted on by worshipgirl

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One Response to Progress Report ID-8534 by worshipgirl

  1. Wendy says:

    I have often heard it said that how you come off your fast is more important than the actual fast. I hope things are improving for you!
