Gray Hodge lost 26.5 lbs., healed arthritis, continual colds, bowel problems, poor health.January 5, 2008 | 260 views Gray Hodge Fasting Testimony (Christian) Juice Fast: 30 days. Weight Loss: 26.5 lbs. Healed: arthritis, continual colds, bowel problems, poor health. Location: Tasmania At the age of 21, I was a strict vegetarian and very involved in healthy diet and...

Recent Comments:
- Dry Fasting (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi MKJJD, Using an enema then dry fasting for 2 days can drop, 8 lbs. from the colon, 5 lbs. in water and 2 lbs. in body fat. The detoxification is powerful and you can feel health surging through your body as soon as you go back to juicing but the weight loss is really only 2lbs. I...
- MKJJD: Hey Tom Which fast out of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting has longest weight loss results. I know that dry fasting has the most weight loss in short period of time but you said that it doesn’t last long. I don’t want drop 20 pounds then gain it right back if I...
- Gray Hodge lost 26.5 lbs., healed arthritis, continual colds, bowel problems, poor health. (32)
- Jess: Hi Lisa Im sorry I totally missed your comment. No this is my first time fasting and it is going well for me. I feel great! But I cannot lie the first 3 days are brutal! Then its gets easier and food isnt do appealing anymore. How are you doing with your fast.
- Tom Coghill: Hi MKJJD, Dry fasting has the most intense weight loss but much of it is not permanent as the body rehydrates quicky, usually in one day. Dry fasting is the most powerful procedure possible and also the most difficult.Dehydration after a point causes damage to the body. But if it is...
- MKJJD: Hey Tom I was just about to ask you how long you recommend a dry fast. Today is day 3 of my dry fast and I plan on sticking to it until Saturday. Do you think that I should go past 6 days or do do not go past three. I have lost five pounds since Sunday and I like the results, that’s...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Lisa, Using bottle juices during fasting commonly causes heartburn. They use lots of citric acid as a preservative.Using a juicer is another world. Tom
- Ask a Question (16)
- lucas: Hi Tom, Thanks for all your work and advice and running this web site. I just started a 40 day fast and was going to alternate between juice and water. Any suggestions on how many days at a time on each? Also how soon should you start to see weight loss begin? I am on day 4 and have been...
- Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day (105)
- carolyn: Hi Tom, I’m 128lbs standing at 5′0 feet. That is pretty overweight for my height, I would like to lose about 28lbs in 20 days on a water fast, do you think it is possible? Also, I don’t have a very high metabolism. Would exercising while on the fast help speed up my...
- Tom Coghill: Hi boobjob, Yes you can easily lose that much weight. The weigh loss depends on your metabolism. Some lose 3 lb a day other 1/2 lb. If you were not concerned with excess fat that would be immature. Did you have breast implants? LOL Tom
- boobjob: Hello Tom, I am 168 lbs and want to loose 20 lbs in 7 days doing a water fast. In 10 minutes it will be May 8th……by May 14th at 8 p.m. I want to 148 lbs!! I am determined to fast for seven days. Is it possible to loose this much weight? I am very athletic looking to be this...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Anna, During juice fasting there are days when ADD and Dyslexia gets really bad but only on the detoxification cycles usually on days 2 to 5, after that my mind is usually very clear. On water there are many day were any mental effort is hard and other days where my body is weak...
- Fasting Support for Christin L. (33)
- Jess: I never thought of heating it..I may try that. Drinking the veggie juice with pickle juice reminds me of a BEER…lol..I wasnt sure if pickle juice would slow detoxification.
- Tom Coghill: What about pickle juice, that would work but cider vinegar is better. Occasionally I heat it and add Worcestershire and hot sauce. MMMM good.
- Exercise During Fasting? (5)
- Tom Coghill: Sure Ken you can use egg or whey protein supplements during juice fasting. The detox is slower but you can keep working out, increase muscle mass and get leaner but I find I get really hungry especially after a workout and that is the draw back it is very hard to endure the hunger...