said:Hi Tom, is it common to have rough evenings. The days usually seem good up until about 7 in the evening for me I get rough. Also is gas a normal symptom. Burping is usually a thing I have as well a
said:You can have restless nights, strange tension in the muscles, feel mentally irritated or feel this increadible peace and health depending on what part of the detoxification cycle you are on.
said:email quote of Nathan:
Things are going pretty well. Day 12. Parents are getting a bit concerned but I am gonna keep on trucking. Only thing I noticed was my fingernails have become very rigid. I
said:Hi Christin,
You can drink almost any juice mixture. It is hard to go wrong. Find you mix and the body does the work. The less you drink the more you detox but feel weaker. Glad to be of support and
said:Are you planning to do a fast? I am feeling a bit blah myself and fasting always helps me to get on track. I am only on day 2, so not feeling the benefits as yet, but usually by day 3 or 4 things st
said:Hi Erin,
Get excited, because juice fasting is truly an amazing and freeing experience. The gains in health will be tremedous. The battle of toxic thinking is a much longer process and can take years
said:hey there,
Thank-you for the support ineedamiricle. I don't seem to be getting positive responses at home. My mother is horrified and my room-mate looked at me like I suddenly grew an extra hea
Hair Loss during fasting can occur. From my observation (Tom Coghill) of guiding people through fasts on, hair loss is very, very rare during juice fasting. It is also rare during short water fasts under 14 days.
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