Cancer Tag: Antifungal

Artemisia Annua - Possible Cancer Cure

Terpenoids and flavonoids derived from Artemisia annua have cytotoxic activities in several human tumor cell lines. Two of the components, artemisinin and artesunate, have been studied as anticancer treatments.
Terpenoids and flavonoids derived from Artemisia annua have cytotoxic activities in several human tumor cell lines. Two of the components, artemisinin and artesunate, have been studied as anticancer treatments.

Selenium Cancer Prevention

Selenium, with vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, blocks chemical reactions that create free radicals in the body. Selenium also helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing. Selenium has also been shown to aid in slowing cancer's progression in cancer patients.
Selenium, with vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, blocks chemical reactions that create free radicals in the body. Selenium also helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing. Selenium has also been shown to aid in slowi

Purple Lapacho Anti-Cancer

Lapacho has been extensively investigated for potential anti-cancer activity. Lapacho have been found to suppress tumor formation and reduce tumor viability.
Lapacho has been extensively investigated for potential anti-cancer activity. Lapacho have been found to suppress tumor formation and reduce tumor viability.

Holy Basil Cancer Cure

In a 1999 research, extracts from holy basil reduced solid tumor volume and increase lifespan. Recent research, found that holy basil can be a potent anti-metastatic candidate.
In a 1999 research, extracts from holy basil reduced solid tumor volume and increase lifespan. Recent research, found that holy basil can be a potent anti-metastatic candidate.

Oregano Help Fight Cancer

Oregano contains quercetin, which has strong antioxidant properties and may be especially protective against breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers.
Oregano contains quercetin, which has strong antioxidant properties and may be especially protective against breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers.

Aloe Vera Anti-Cancer

Acemannan, an active substance in aloe vera which stimulates the body to produce new healthy cells and increase the immune system.
Acemannan, an active substance in aloe vera which stimulates the body to produce new healthy cells and increase the immune system.

Chrysanthemum Cancer

Chinese scientists have found that an extract of Chrysanthemum indicum flower  could be a powerful cancer treatment.
Chinese scientists have found that an extract of Chrysanthemum indicum flower could be a powerful cancer treatment.

Lemongrass Cancer Cure

Researchers found that citral, lemongrass extract, causes apoptosis (cell death) on cancer cells. A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt cancer cells to “commit suicide” in the test tube.
Researchers found that citral, lemongrass extract, causes apoptosis (cell death) on cancer cells. A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt cancer cells to “commit suicide” in the test