Fasting Progress Report – Eric

Reasons for Fasting: Health, de-tox, weight-loss

Name: Eric Maxson
Site User Name: moose***22
City, State and Country: Lake Forest, Orange County, California, USA

Sex: Male
Weight: 275
Height: 5’11”

Proposed Fasting Method: Liquid, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Past Fasting Experience: One day, limited strict fruit and vegetable diets
Present Diet: Jenny Craig system -for weight loss

Relevant Medical History: Periods of regular fresh vegetable juice -20 years ago, always trying different kinds of fiber – prunes, cereals, etc.
Present Medical Problems: Diabetic, overweight, recovering from shoulder surgery.

State of Mind: Generally good, diagnosis of depression, on medication for depression.
Medication for Heart condition, high blood pressure, prostate issues.

Posted on by Tom Coghill

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